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Bangladesh protests Pakistan Parliament resolutions

I could not understand what you wanted to say?:what:
What I mean to say is that you mentioned indians troll in Pakistani threads. I just replied that pakistanis usually start trolling in Indian threads. so why complain ?
What I mean to say is that you mentioned indians troll in Pakistani threads. I just replied that pakistanis usually start trolling in Indian threads. so why complain ?

I never said Pakistanis don't do that if u read my posts, what I said is the number of members who post and the way they behave is much more than what Pakistanis do in their threads.
I never said Pakistanis don't do that if u read my posts, what I said is the number of members who post and the way they behave is much more than what Pakistanis do in their threads.
And that is only your opinion. I can say that the way Pakistanis behave ( Calling derogatory terms to Indian martyrs , soldiers ) are much more than what Indians do. And I can say that you have started this. here you means Pakistanis.
No, no, no, no...

This would never have happened if our people just keep their mouths shut and carry on.

That would be giving these idiots more ammo and reason to whine and cry.
What goes on there is of no concern to us, in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if AL and followers are trying to provoke
If parliamentarians were smart they should have passed the resolution against India for sponsoring the hanging. That way you would have showed your displeasure and also got brownie points from Bangladeshis.:lol:

us with stuff like this.

classic Chanakya Brain
PLEASE BACK ON TOPIC. THIS IS NOT AN INDIAN vs PAKISTAN THREAD. If both of you cannot contribute then please just stop bickering or take it outside this thread to P.M.
On a side-note protesting against pakistan is one thing...burning the effigy of Quaid is another. If they hate Quaid, they should show that in action and not in words, and undo what the Quaid did...merge with India. They should undo their independence..before burning Quaid's effigies.

Precisely . If there was no Pakistan , there would have been no Bangladesh , they might as well learn to live with that fact , whether they like it or not @Armstrong .
Jinnah got freedom? The guy who the british never sent to jail even one day, who was in secret contact with Churchill all through? Jinnah was the one who kept the imperialists in, as Pakistan firmly sided with imperialists and within years of independence CIA flights were taking off from Peshawar.

Coming rich from the national of a country called India who have Mount Batton & British Generals in it's initial years ruling them even after 15th August 1947.:woot:

@WebMaster @Aeronaut I really appreciate your hardworking to curb trolls & rules violators but i don't understand even after i report posts the posts are still not taken care of. Just look at this post & what it has to do with the thread? I don't understand why some insecure Indians would jump into a thread that is not related to their country. Initially i was thinking to add a line in my OP that "Even Indians would not burn Sir Jinnah's (R.A) effigy" but i didn't add so that it won't provide any reason to Indians to poke their nose inn but still alot of trolls have drag India & all kind of other off topics. I really appreciate if Mods will please take care & clean the thread up. thanks
They are not fake, whole bunch of them on bdnews24 website.
BDNEWS24 !! :rofl: Are You Talking about the greatest league funded media of our country . Nobody like this portal because of it's all time " Love AL " policy . It's like Geo Of Pakistan.:rofl:
Why do Pakistani historians refer conquest of Sindh as first Muslim conquest of India if Sindh wasn't called India. :sarcastic::sarcastic:

Because at that time Sind was already merged.

Next off topic derailing attempt will be reported.

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. He did this by saying " Hindus and Muslims can not stay together."

Can't help those who are brainwashed by RAW & Indian Army propaganda. Research on Mr Jinnah(R.A) and then come back instead of posting f@rts.
I agree with you. Pakistan did a huge mistake by poking their nose in Kader Molla case as if he was innocent. Only raped and killed people for his love for Pakistan. So ek resolution toh banta hai boss for the patriot Pakistani.

Pakistan as a nation is immensely hated in BD. Pakistan may want to forget the past but for Bangladesh forgetting the genocide happened in 71 is not possible. Bangalis will die first before forgetting 1971.

Jinnah is not immensely hated but many people don't like that person for one single reason. He proposed Urdu as national / sole state language, not Bangla for East Pakistan which led to violent protest in 1952 which is a core part of Bengal history. Even West Bengal people also observe that day of 1952.

I thank Jinnah for his historic provocative speech. "ONLY and ONLY Urdu will be Pakistan's state language" whereas more than half population during that time used to speak in Bangla.

dude Bangladesh can hate Pakistan till the end of this world,we Pakistanis can care less, get this straight read: Bangladesh is insignificant for Pakistan & vice versa. & whether you guys like or dislike our Quaid-i-Azam Md. Ali Jinnah is of no significance to us or our country or to him either, because he was our father of the nation. & we Pakistanis love him & that's what matters ,not what bd thinks of him & lastly no Bangladesh is not what Jinnah wanted Pakistan to be like, he wanted Pakistan to be a progressive country like Turkey & Malaysia & need less to say Bangladesh is far from it. & as for sabag or whatever that is' thanks but no thanks, we are not interested to have an organised mob justice, just in case you dint know Pakistan has a very independent judiciary where politicians, prime ministers & even military leaders are not spared ! but that is through a proper judicial procedures & NOT through the whims & emotions of cheering mob justice, Pakistanis with all their problem are an open minded people. our media & intelligentsia even debates about the views of Maulana abul kalam azad & Maula maududi who had opposed our independence, we also talk about a sensitive matter like cabinet mission plan with non other then the ex-foreign minister of India mr jaswant singh & we also criticise our politicians & military for the wrongs done to Bangladesh in 1971, neither do we get insecure if some one questions the partition, but rather we debate the subject as students of history. yes we have our problems & big ones @ that & we are trying to solve them, but that does not take away the fact that we as a people are open to constructive criticism , & take pride in this trait, after all sir', we are a multicultural,multi ethnic & multi linguistic society, we are not hammed in a land & surrounded by a big neighbour from 3 sides ,instead Alhamdulillah we have a country spanning almost 8 lakhs
75 thousand sq km, encompassing great cultures & societies from the mountains of Azad Kashmir & gilgit-baltistan to the plains of Punjab to the terrains of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa & F.A.T.A to the deserts of Sindh all the way to the coasts of Baluchistan & from the borders of China to the borders of Iran all the way to the waters of Oman ! we have our own region to take care of, instead of wasting time on what anybody sitting 3000 km away thinks about us
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Because at that time Sind was already merged.

Next off topic derailing attempt will be reported.

It was partition after power sharing deal between Congress and Muslim League failed. Now, don't make stories and blaming me for being off-topic. :wacko:
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