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Bangladesh protest against women's rights left one dead

But you have to give credit to the indians for turning against their religion and putting a stop to burning widows with their dead husbands. Or was it the British who civilized them? Hmmm....

It was due to the efforts of Reformers like Raja Ram Mohun Roy who created mass awarness among public and brought the Hindu society to modernity.
Islam still advocates stoning of woman to death, Rape victim should be killed etc

Regarding the topic, A woman in burkha can stand next to a nude woman on a Goa beach. Can a Bangladeshi or Pakistani even dream of that?:D

That's equality and freedom for you.
yes in terms of education, Bangladeshi women have done very well and I'm proud of them

the micro-finance scheme by World Bank and other development/financial institutions in the country would not have been a success story had it not been for the women

I'm happy to see that civil society and NGOs are doing great things there. As a Muslim country, I wish them success and progress in economic and (as importantly) social field.
Fully agreed....a lot of Pakistanis are investing in Bangladeshi economy too...The BeaconHouse school is operating one or two branches there, Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB) has branches in bangladesh, suadi arabia, sri lanka, yup so Bangladesh is on the right track !!!!


What amazes me is how these people manage to face their mothers and sisters once they get home. Conversation at the dinner table would be like, "Mother: So how was your day son", "Son: Oh great mum just went to protest against equal rights for women", "Mother: Oh cool son, here have some more Haleem" . Pathetic, I would shoot each one of them if it was up to me.

@ Roy-gourav shahib, I was the student of Law, and I studied Hindu Law of Inheritance side by side with Muslim Law of Inheritance. In Muslim Law of Inheritance atleast we give 50% property to women in comparison with son. But see in Hindu Law of Inheritance a women gets nothing ! That is why at the time of marriage a Hindu women gets many valueable things from the father's side. Due to this system the Dowery System has emerged in our Bengal society.

@ "Bara aiya electure dene". Now, the question is why the present govt is changing this Muslim Law of Inheritance ? We has seen many regimes starting from "Khiljee" right upto British system no body dared to change this law. No where in the Islamic countries this law has been changed except Socialist/Communist countries. In all the Western countries this Muslim Law of Inheritance is followed, even it is being followed in India without any alteration. What forced La-Hasina to change this law ? This law is well established through out the ages. Again, she is telling lie everyday and giving examples from the Quran. What a funny ?
^That was hilarious! :/

Pictures I meant.
media in Pakistan has become EXTREMELY powerful.

the reason some rapes go unreported is, unfortunately, because the women in those cases are too ashamed to even approach the police because they feel they have lost their dignity and honour --even though the crime was no fault of their own.

but when they do go reported, action is always taken. We do not tolerate violence/sexual crimes against women in the country

you are implying that the tribal areas are taleban areas; therefore your argument automatically lost its validity. A mere sweeping generalization.

if you look at actual statistics, more rapes (per capita and in terms of raw numbers) take place in Punjab than in FATA or KP. And the number in Punjab (or all Pakistan) PALES in comparison to the number of rapes against women in your country

therefore, i would suggest that you address the social issues like this existing in your own country before commenting on those of others. Would be more in your interests to do so.


I did not say all tribal area. I specifically said tirbal Taliban area. never mind.

Your country follows the islamic law in which a woman needs 4 eye witnesses for rape or else the rape victim can be tried for adultry. Isn't that reason enough to intimidate women against reporting rape?
HILARIOUS! I especially like the first pic. so dramatic!
@ Roy-gourav shahib, I was the student of Law, and I studied Hindu Law of Inheritance side by side with Muslim Law of Inheritance. In Muslim Law of Inheritance atleast we give 50% property to women in comparison with son. But see in Hindu Law of Inheritance a women gets nothing ! That is why at the time of marriage a Hindu women gets many valueable things from the father's side. Due to this system the Dowery System has emerged in our Bengal society.

You are wrong.

Hindu Succession Act, 1956 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is hailed for its consolidation of Hindu laws on succession into one Act. The Hindu woman's limited estate is abolished by the Act. Any property, possessed by a Hindu female, is to be held by her absolute property and she is given full power to deal with it and dispose it of by will as she likes. The Act was amended in 2005 by Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005

The Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005 amended Section 6 of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956, allowing daughters of the deceased equal rights as sons. In the case of coparcenary property, or a case in which two people inherent property equally between them, the daughter and son are subject to the same liabilities and disabilities. The amendment essentially furthers equal right between males and females in the legal system.
Anyway thanks Hasina for showing us the way, I hope the mullah appeasing govt of ours will pay heed to Bangladesh!
@ Roy-gourav shahib, I was the student of Law, and I studied Hindu Law of Inheritance side by side with Muslim Law of Inheritance. In Muslim Law of Inheritance atleast we give 50% property to women in comparison with son. But see in Hindu Law of Inheritance a women gets nothing ! That is why at the time of marriage a Hindu women gets many valueable things from the father's side. Due to this system the Dowery System has emerged in our Bengal society.

Md Akmal shahab, I was talking about anyone who protests against equal rights for women. There is no point of Hindu-Muslim in this. And I believe Abir has replied to the rest of your post about Hindu Law of Inheritance. :cheers:
@ Roy-gourav shahib, I was the student of Law, and I studied Hindu Law of Inheritance side by side with Muslim Law of Inheritance. In Muslim Law of Inheritance atleast we give 50% property to women in comparison with son. But see in Hindu Law of Inheritance a women gets nothing ! That is why at the time of marriage a Hindu women gets many valueable things from the father's side. Due to this system the Dowery System has emerged in our Bengal society.

@ "Bara aiya electure dene". Now, the question is why the present govt is changing this Muslim Law of Inheritance ? We has seen many regimes starting from "Khiljee" right upto British system no body dared to change this law. No where in the Islamic countries this law has been changed except Socialist/Communist countries. In all the Western countries this Muslim Law of Inheritance is followed, even it is being followed in India without any alteration. What forced La-Hasina to change this law ? This law is well established through out the ages. Again, she is telling lie everyday and giving examples from the Quran. What a funny ?

When there is a Will available what takes precedence ? I was of the opinion Will takes precedence.
Kudos to India and Pakistan for making it to this section of the rankings:

Countries with women's literacy rate less than 70 per cent of men's:

India 65 per cent
Morocco 60 per cent
Pakistan 55 per cent

Which basically means: india has 6.5 literate women for every 10 literate men and pakistan has 5.5 literate women for every 10 literate men. You guys deserve such top honor! :D

what is your point? In 2004 BD male literacy was 50% and female literacy was 31%.
what is your point? In 2004 BD male literacy was 50% and female literacy was 31%.

According to 2011 Indian census, Women literacy rate is 80% that of men's anyways. So don't worry about these outdated stats. We are improving thats what should matter to us.:cheers:
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