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Bangladesh Navy's Anti-Submarine Warfare Capability At A Glance

I am very puzzled as to why you think the type-035 is better than the Kilo. Beside the Mings were also built in the 80s not only that the Chinese were nowhere near good at building submarines as the Russian. The design alone is enough to see that. The Mings has a WW2 era design. I am not saying this because I'm Burmese it simply can not be compared to a Kilo even if the kilo is a Project 877. The kilo is simply just better. If the Ming is so good then why did the Chinese buy the kilo to replace the Mings?
The Kilo you got from India is one of the last few they got rid of. There is a reason that IN got rid of them, is that they kept blowing up, blame faulty Russian engg. or Indian Navy inability to understand maintenance of these subs.

Our Navy paid China heavily to refurbish these Mings, almost all powertrain and sensor eqpmt. (digital sensors) has been extensively changed to almost new standards concurrent with other later make Chinese subs. Of late they have altered the torpedo tubes to launch longer range heavyweight torpedos (30 km range) as well.


So arguing that a Kilo is better than a Ming - well....

I suggest you read up on these subjects, you need to know more.

But yeah - at the end of the day the Mings are really not offensive subs, they are for training. but they can serve well in a pinch.

I doubt this 'official' figure is even close to being correct. If you aren't a Tatmadaw functionary, how would you know? And even if you are, you think the Generals would swear to be transparent about this?

Trading economics isn't even close to being a COMPLETE source for the statistics. Tatmadaw gets much more funding from undisclosed funding sources such as Myanmarese private and Tatmadaw owned companies which fund the military.


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The one received by BD are build in the late 90s and early 2000. The one sold to BD are further modernised on BD need and they do fit noise reduction tiles same like those use on Kilo sub. They are capable of during anti-ship missile like CK802 with Max range up to 180km.

The one handed to BD is rumour to fitted with AIP system. Earlier a Type035G is modified into a test sub fitted with AIP for future AIP system testing.
thanks for explanation, brother....before going for more deadly yuan i think these modernized mings will keep our neighbours at their bay..:D:D
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The Kilo you got from India is one of the last few they got rid of. There is a reason that IN got rid of them, is that they kept blowing up, blame faulty Russian engg. or Indian Navy inability to understand maintenance of these subs.

Lol.... what a nonsense logic.... by that logic same can be said about your Mings.....

@MINN bro.... India operates 10 Kilos.... 1 lost to accidental blast and 1 was sold to Myanmar.... so even today we operate strong fleet of 8 Kilos....

Now reason we agreed to sell this to Myanmar is we are in the process of inducting 6 scorpeans....

First two scorpeans KALAWARI and KHANDERI already joined Indian navy and two other scorpeans KARANJ and VELA are under sea trials and expected to join this year.... other 2 scorpeans VAGHIR and VAGHSHIR under construction and expected to go sea trials early next year.....

Apart from this India is constructing its homemade Nuclear submarines with ARIHANT and ARIDAMAN already in service with 3 under construction..... already operating 1 Akula nuclear submarine from Russia.....

I won't even talk about Project 75I for new 6 submarines as it's yet to finalize......

So given above procurements where do you think we will have trained and experienced submarine crew / technicians for newer platforms???

We will obviously have to divert some experienced crew towards training on newer platforms.....

You can easily procure platforms but getting people with skills and know how is not easy.....

This is how transfers happen in second hand weapons..... countries going for new procurements need experienced manpower for newer platforms as well as if previous platform is bringing money then why not???

India too is buying second hand Migs and Sukhois from Russia.... we even in past tried to procure second hand Malaysian Fulcrums and Qatar Mirages..... isn't our nuclear submarine Akula second hand on lease????

Are all countries fool to spend millions of dollars so other country can get rid of it????

Ignore such rants of BD fanboys.....
Range shown is only less than 42 km. Also it tells that technology maybe received from Pakistan
That is just telling the capabilities. The Chinese has more advance YJ-18 Sub version. So I am not surprised Chinese start export the JY--83A with enhance version that can target enemies ship 180km away. Since PN is buying Chinese sub. Will not be surprised such capabilities are included.
I am very puzzled as to why you think the type-035 is better than the Kilo. Beside the Mings were also built in the 80s not only that the Chinese were nowhere near good at building submarines as the Russian. The design alone is enough to see that. The Mings has a WW2 era design. I am not saying this because I'm Burmese it simply can not be compared to a Kilo even if the kilo is a Project 877. The kilo is simply just better. If the Ming is so good then why did the Chinese buy the kilo to replace the Mings?

As @Beast has said it was modernised by China with the latest electronics/sonar and noise cancelling tiles before being sold to BD. It may even have AIP but we cannot be sure.

This is a 1990/2000s Chinese build sub with Chinese 2010s technology.

BD also brought the heavy ET-40 torpedos with range of up to 30km and so it is well capable of fighting against the 1980s era Kilo.

I am not saying that the BN's Type-035Gs are much superior to the Kilos you are getting but it is definitely a slightly better sub and BD has 2 while you have one.
Other assets like the frigate Bangabandhu and the two ASW-variant Durjoy class can be brought in as well if required.

These two subs just like the Kilo Myanmar is getting are only really for training purposes but of course can be used in war if required. BN is building a 1 billion US dollar submarine base and that will house maybe 6 modern diesel subs.

Myanmar should stop trying to compare itself to BD as it has an economy 5 times smaller and the acquisitions that BN will make just this decade alone will totally overwhelm Myanmar unless it goes back to it's old ways of spending half or more of it's budget on defence.

The one received by BD are build in the late 90s and early 2000. The one sold to BD are further modernised on BD need and they do fit noise reduction tiles same like those use on Kilo sub. They are capable of during anti-ship missile like CK802 with Max range up to 180km.

The one handed to BD is rumour to fitted with AIP system. Earlier a Type035G is modified into a test sub fitted with AIP for future AIP system testing.
I heard the same. Didn’t get to see the photo though

thanks for explanation, brother....before going for more deadly yuan i think these modernized mings will keep our neighbours at their bay..:D:D
Don’t think yuan will come. They been discussing with Germany, South Korea and turkey, China for next gen subs and not like before
Don’t think yuan will come. They been discussing with Germany, South Korea and turkey, China for next gen subs and not like before

Think it will be a while till new diesel-electric subs come to BD as the new sub base being built by BD is not due for completion till 2027-2028.
Yeah and I agree that Yuan will be too dated to be in the consideration - my money is on Chinese subs as BN will want to pivot against India mainly and they will offer the best performance/price ratio.
BNS Joyjatra (pennant number 357) is launch in 1990s and BNS Nabajatra ( pennant number 357) is launch in 1989 not early 2000.

What does it matter as the sensors/sonars and hulls have been upgraded with 2010s Chinese tech.
In the Chinese inventory, equivalent of Kilo class is Type 039 Yuan not Ming class.

If you are referring to Type 39A Yuan then your old Project 877 Kilo nowhere close to it. Yuan is closer to Project 636 Improved Kilo in performance.

Facebook accounts got hacked including mine. We went low profile after that, defseca is made to be an alternative to this forum.
BD government is very aggressive online these days. Specifically, on Bengali language accounts.

I don't think it happened because of BD government. We reported an Indian defense page run by some idiots from Kolkata for their shitty propaganda about BD. Facebook shut it down and i think they also reported against DefSeca's page, group, admin and mod in retaliation.

But yes, it's obviously annoying that Defseca creates multiple group and i think this is the third time they opened the forum. Hope it will last this time even if there are few members. Number of new member will grow gradually.

Ming is being refitted again (although details are not clear) its last refit from China said to have include missile launch capability from torpedo tubes.

But DefSeca said it's not gonna launch missile.

If you say you were with DGFI on the same page, that raises a very big red flag. What's more , now DGFI wants to inject one of their guy as a moderator in to a site which they blocked in BD.

LOL he is not with the DGFI and they don't care much about PDF. It's BTRC which blocked PDF.

They are capable of during anti-ship missile like CK802 with Max range up to 180km.

The one handed to BD is rumour to fitted with AIP system. Earlier a Type035G is modified into a test sub fitted with AIP for future AIP system testing.

No, they are not. That AIP test in Type-35G wasn't successful and all crew died during test.

Think it will be a while till new diesel-electric subs come to BD as the new sub base being built by BD is not due for completion till 2027-2028.

BNS Sher-E-Bangla with submarine berthing facility will be completed by 2021. So no problem getting new submarine.

BNS Joyjatra (pennant number 357) is launch in 1990s and BNS Nabajatra ( pennant number 357) is launch in 1989 not early 2000.

It's what Wiki says about the first type. Not exactly indicates which ones BN got as there is no info available about every Type 35G.
What about Hangor Class?

Looks good and I would be happy if BD was to purchase this sub in numbers. It may take a while before any contract is signed as BN is fully invested in the 6 vessel next-gen frigate programme.

It would be cheaper than Western submarines(where unrestricted use against India would be uncertain) and be fully available for conflict with India if the need ever arose.
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