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Bangladesh Navy

low payload, low endurance, narrow body where not comfortable for long missions etc, in the end find another platform

Bigger planes do give more comfortable and longer endurance, but we are talking about Bangladesh where their only MPA is only 4 Dornier planes. Latest CN 235 is CN 235 NextG using winglet that will make the engine more efficient and has 11 hours endurance. 11 hours endurance is already using MPA configuration, I think that is enough for BD needs


Indonesia Navy keep ordering CN 235 MPA and one will be delivered soon

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Bangladesh Navy should have NC 212 to deploy sea mines

Not happening, that's already covered by Dornier 228. BN wants long range MPA. So other platforms will get more priority. But NC-212i might get standardized as the new light utility aircraft of army aviation to replace the Cessna 208. Looks like the only aircraft that fulfill all specifications. Do you think any other aircraft fulfill those specifications?

Why not drones instead of MPA?

Two are different things. Both needed. Though BN currently has no plans for UAV.
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Not happening, that's already covered by Dornier 228. BN wants long range MPA. So other platforms will get more priority. But NC-212i might get standardized as the new light utility aircraft of army aviation to replace the Cessna 208. Looks like the only aircraft that fulfill all specifications. Do you think any other aircraft fulfill those specifications?

Two are different things. Both needed. Though BN currently has no plans for UAV.

Dorner 228 doesnt have ramp door by the way while NC 212 has ramp door which is needed for military operation.

We also have N 219 which has wider space than NC 212, this is that has same class with Dornier 228. Indonesian Navy has asked Indonesia Aerospace to make MPA version of it.

Just to see the use of ramp door beside for paratroopers and cargo ease



How come you are going to release this big mine using Dorner 228 ? They dont have ramp door like NC 212


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How come you are going to release this big mine using Dorner 228 ? They dont have ramp door like NC 212

That can be done with LR-MPA/ship/sub and those depend on BN's requirement. None of them are absolutely necessary for today's MPA.
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That can be done with LR-MPA/ship/sub and those depend on BN's requirement. None of them are absolutely necessary for today's MPA.

LOL, this is for quick measures, when a submarine is detected by ASW plane, it will usually be bombarded by planes releasing mines or torpedo, it will be too late if you use ships or submarines.

That NC 212 that release a mine is not an MPA, MPA doesnt release or store any mine, the plane should be in coordination with MPA

You said previously that this function is already covered with your Dornier which is illogical since Dornier 228 doesnt have ramp door, I dont say that MPA should have a ramp door, that is a different issue
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LOL, this is for quick measures, when a submarine is detected by ASW plane, it will usually be bombarded by planes releasing mines or torpedo, it will be too late if you use ships or submarines.

That NC 212 that release a mine is not an MPA, MPA doesnt release or store any mine, the plane should be in coordination with MPA

You said previously that this function is already covered with your Dornier which is illogical since Dornier 228 doesnt have ramp door, I dont say that MPA should have a ramp door, that is a different issue

Whilst BN has increased surface assets greatly in the last few years our anti submarines capacity is rudimentary. This needs to be addressed with priority.
I am a strong proponent of streamlining of equipment procurement and maintenance across the three services wherever possible.
Since the army is already operating the C-295, which is based off C-235, the army, navy and air force can consider variants of C-235/295 for tactical transport, gunship, AEW&C and armed maritime patrol/ASW and ariel refueling.
If ordered for three forces, we should be able to get some ToT.
C-235/295 could also be operated by other govt agencies for disaster management, transporting food and medical supplies to remote communities, forestation, border control, surveying, etc.
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Whilst BN has increased surface assets greatly in the last few years our anti submarines capacity is rudimentary. This needs to be addressed with priority.
I am a strong proponent of streamlining of equipment procurement and maintenance across the three services wherever possible.
Since the army is already operating the C-295, which is based off C-235, the army, navy and air force can consider variants of C-235/295 for gunship, AEW&C and armed maritime patrol/ASW respectively.
If ordered for three forces, we should be able to get some ToT.

As I see Myanmar has difficult situation and projected to get minus 8 % economic growth this year, I still believe BD should look on long term perspective in term of its modernization program. Threat level is low even until 2030, but you guys need to see if Myanmar is able to fix their internal issues and become one of foreign investment darlings of East Asian countries. They have been able to post good economic growth during Su Kyi leadership.

Information technology is getting more important nowadays and you guys need to have defense equipment that can talk and send information to each other while headquarter can also get the data.

There is of course Turkish and China option, but I want to share Indonesia option here.

We are developing Len Link and command system. Not easy to ask European or USA to use other communication system in their fighters or planes. This is why you see the link shows only KF21/IFX and CN 235/C 295 that can communicate to each other. There is also LEN IFF. Look like they think it is difficult to install it in our F 16 and Su 27/30

That NC 212 that release a mine is not an MPA, MPA doesnt release or store any mine, the plane should be in coordination with MPA

You said previously that this function is already covered with your Dornier which is illogical since Dornier 228 doesnt have ramp door

Well, i find on the internet that P-8, P-1 and Il-38 can deploy mines. P-3 can deploy MK65 Quickstrike, Stonefish mine. Also there are MK56 and other Quickstrike series.

Sorry, there's a misunderstanding. When I said "that's already covered by Dornier 228", i was talking about the overall performance not the ramp and mine.

It makes no sense to buy an aircraft inferior to Dornier 228 just because it can launch a single 1 ton mine through a ramp door and that even needs coordination with a MPA.

There is of course Turkish and China option, but I want to share Indonesia option here.

We are developing Len Link and command system. Not easy to ask European or USA to use other communication system in their fighters or planes. This is why you see the link shows only KF21/IFX and CN 235/C 295 that can communicate to each other. There is also LEN IFF. Look like they think it is difficult to install it in our F 16 and Su 27/30

We already have our own TDL and IFF.
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British Duke class Frigate HMS Kent paid a visit to Chittagong. She is getting a bit long in the tooth and has been overhauled several times.

By the way, cringe as the Bangladesh Navy band plays, they sound a lot worse than any village UP dholwala marriage band. Shame! Very sad skills.

British Duke class Frigate HMS Kent paid a visit to Chittagong. She is getting a bit long in the tooth and has been overhauled several times.

By the way, cringe as the Bangladesh Navy band plays, they sound a lot worse than any village UP dholwala marriage band. Shame! Very sad skills.

Eh this one takes the cake!

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