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Bangladesh Navy

Guys BN does use a US Engine at this time. The Hamilton class cutters use the GE LM2500 series Gas Turbines as part of CODOG propulsion as far as I know. Unless this has changed recently.
Exactly , Turkish weapons are pretty good ngl but I still don't know why BN doesn't have a partner for the next gen frigate program ?

BN may end up with 14-16 next-gen frigates by 2040 as speculated by @Michael Corleone. Best to go with a country that can be 100% relied on and no strings attached when it comes to use of the weapons supplied.

Going Turkish would be best for both BD and Turkey. Such a large order from a friendly Muslim country would pump billions of US dollars into the Turkish defence industry and allow it to catch up even quicker with the military powers in Europe like France.
@The Ronin

Dude why the laughs at my posts?

Most posters think it is a good idea apart from you.

You seem to be totally outnumbered here. I have already explained to you the logic and so if you do not agree at least stop acting like a petulant child who is not getting his own way here. You are just looking like a spoilt brat.
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BN doesn't use US engine, it uses French/German ones AFAIK. I don't think a scale down 6000 tons version of TF-2000 within $700 million is possible for us. Too much wet dream. In that case something based on Iver Huitfeldt can be considered. Turkey still can't produce all of it's naval weapons and not all of them are proven yet. Instead of being sentimental we should think logically. I don't why but i feel like we will still award major projects to the Chinese. At least all these developments indicates that way.

Same thing every year, eh? Only exception was probably firing AShM from C-13B corvette i think.
Closed door hanger eh, for MRCA?
BN may end up with 14-16 next-gen frigates by 2040 as speculated by @Michael Corleone. Best to go with a country that can be 100% relied on and no strings attached when it comes to use of the weapons supplied.

Going Turkish would be best for both BD and Turkey. Such a large order from a friendly Muslim country would pump billions of US dollars into the Turkish defence industry and allow it to catch up even quicker with the military powers in Europe like France.
@The Ronin

Dude why the laughs at my posts?

Most posters think it is a good idea apart from you.

You seem to be totally outnumbered here. I have already explained to you the logic and so if you do not agree at least stop acting like a petulant child who is not getting his own way here. You are just looking like a spoilt brat.

We need Bangladesh to gain enough experience to build it's own weapons or defense systems.

Lets start with own design small arms like rifles,shotguns or hanguns , if the Singaporeans or Israelis can do it so can we.

Next lets move on to naval weapons or armored vehicles etc
If BN was to go for a cut-down 6000 tonne frigate then expect the price to come down to 6-700 million dollars each and that seems to be affordable for BN if the ships are delivered from 2025-2029.

As to problems with the weapons system, remember that nearly all will be replaced with indigenous Turkish ones from 2025 onwards. Only thing that BN will really have to wait for is the long-range Hisar-U, most of the rest should be available with the first delivered vessel.
@The Ronin

Dude why the laughs at my posts?

Most posters think it is a good idea apart from you.

You seem to be totally outnumbered here. I have already explained to you the logic and so if you do not agree at least stop acting like a petulant child who is not getting his own way here. You are just looking like a spoilt brat.
Rest of what BN needs can be made in Turkey.
As for Turkish weapons, they will all be available by the mid-2020s apart from the long range SAM. BN can afford to wait for the long range SAM as long as it gets the short-medium range ones with the first ships into service by 2025/2026.

😂😂😂 So sensitive. Looks like i got on your nerves. Feeling STONK because you outnumber me in PDF?! :rofl::rofl::rofl: I have nothing against Turkish weapons, they "can" be "good" "reliable" alternative IF BN's technical evaluation and budget allows them to be. The question is whether BN will buy them or not.

Just because Turkey can be reliable source of weapons doesn't really mean BN have to stick to it cause if other options are better in technical and economical terms then sticking to Turkish source is a dumb idea.

What logic did you actually give? Mid-2020? ATMACA's test surely showed it's great performance but it still didn't complete final test to enter mass production. Once it enters mass production it will first fulfill Turkish demand. If Turkey can manage to supply ATMACA to us besides fulfilling local demand then that's a different thing.

Turkey just launched project to develop lightweight torpedo at the end of 2020. The MDAS is in developmental stage which will be available in 2023 and G-40 is in conceptual stage. There's no actual timeline specified for it's trial yet. The recently launched I-class frigate is getting local Hisar SAM, VLS and CIWS only because they aren't getting the American counterparts due to CAATSA. That indicates how much Turkey still trust American system over it's indigenous ones as they are not matured yet like the American ones.

The first I-class frigate might take one year to be commissioned. Hisar O+ is still in developmental stage so let's assume Hisar-O will be fitted in this frigate. Naval Hisar is still not tested yet. Looks like it will be tested first in I-class. So if MDAS is available in 2023 all the testings, FOC will take at least 2024 to complete. This timeline might extend as we are yet to see the naval variant of Hisar. Note that it took five-six years to develop and make operational the naval variant of CAMM. Then how do you say that all Turkish weapons except LR-SAM will be available in mid 2020 or 2025?

Also unlike CAMM or LY-80N there's not much data available about Turkish Hisar O. So we don't know about it's performance against sea-skimming supersonic and ballistics missile yet. And it's not quad-packed like CAMM which has bigger range than officially stated and already operational and chosen in six navies. G-40 is the only similar missile like CAMM.

Now like you said in your post, it's unlikely that BN will choose everything except engine from Turkey as most of them are new. Radar, sonar, sensors and CMS are likely to be sourced from EU mainly from Thales and Leonardo. IMO only Turkish AShM, CIWS and RWS have high chance to be selected in our future frigate as they are already available. Even CIWS might not come cause Oerlikon Millennium is better than it and army is already using similar system. For 12.7 gun BN is likely to select CIS 50MG as it's already in service. So that leaves only Turkish AShM and 30mm RWS which will face competition from MBDA, Korea and China.

You are expecting that all the Turkish weapons except LR-SAM will be available in 2025 right? As lightweight torpedo might come from Italy lets suppose only thing left to be available in 2025 is the Hisar/G-40. If they are available in 2025 then it will take minimum one year for BN to evaluate/inspect the systems. Another year or more to approve them for final design. It's not like they are gonna choose the Turkish systems after starting to build frigate.

According to FG-2030 CDDL is already three years behind the schedule to deliver first two frigates. BD already evaluated Sea Ceptor and put Turkish/EU/Korean AShM in new LPC's tender. So, to achieve FG-2030 somehow if BN wants four frigates delivered and the last two ordered within 2030 then final design for frigate with all the necessary systems should be approved long before 2025 because original plan was to build two frigates by 2022, two more by 2025, and rest within 2030 starting from 2018, as per the master plan of the naval force. So first two frigates will be built in foreign shipyards probably as CDDL is not ready. Another reason why your expectation probably won't come true.

If BN ignores FG-2030, becomes slow like BAF and decides to wait for all Turkish systems to be available then it's different thing which is unlikely after seeing the current development. But if that really happens then it would be a STUPID SUICIDAL idea cause other future projects will also delay because of this. We can select Turkish system for next type of vessels if we want, there's no rush. I think i said some of these to you before.

Does it still look possible for BN to choose a frigate with all Turkish weapon? Is it still a good idea to wait for Turkish systems? I don't know based on what you did the math and where do you see $600-700 million allocated for per frigate. Scaled down TF-2000 is impossible cause Turkey will get their first ship in 2027. It's unlikely that BN will wait that long to build a scaled down version of a destroyer. It will cost more to re-design a ship instead of choosing a existing design already available in that range. Considering all procurement in the past, BN never chose a ship that hasn't enter it's own country's navy yet.

I laughed at your post and moved on cause it's pointless and futile to discuss about something sometimes cause we are fixated on certain opinion/idea including ME. Also i have to be busy with other things in my life, so i feel too lazy to respond.

I find it irrational when some of you fanboys dream about Turkish system and Gripen. Again, not that i am against them. I just think it's not possible at the moment and i already explained in two threads including this one why i think that way. You call Turkey a reliable partner but this is the same country that wasn't cozy with us during war criminal trial not so long ago. If we take actions against Rohingya, Bihari or Islamist extremist for any reason is there any guarantee that Turkey won't get furious again? That's why Ershad said there's no friend for us in international arena.

So you can quit throwing tantrums at me like a sassy little girl just because i disagreed and laughed at your post. 😂 😂 It doesn't matter how many of you disagree with me in forum and social media and outnumber me. Whether we disagree with each other or not, at the end of the day it's all up to BN's top brass to decide. They are the ones who have full picture on the situation.

Anyway weren't you wrong about dropping precision munition at stand-off/outside Hisar O's range and everything going back to normal by September, 2020 during corona? 😏 Let's wait and see what happens to your expectation/prediction this time. 😏😄

Guys BN does use a US Engine at this time. The Hamilton class cutters use the GE LM2500 series Gas Turbines as part of CODOG propulsion as far as I know. Unless this has changed recently.

2 Fairbanks-Morse 38TD8-1/8-12 12-cylinder diesel engines and 2 Pratt & Whittney FT4A-6 gas turbines. Not talking about a 50 years old cutter but the new ones like BNS BB, C-13B and Durjoy class where BN had scope to choose from the start.
Dude, you just need to grow up.

You seem young and immature and totally devoid of strategic thinking from your posts.

PS - Why did you spend time writing a whole essay as no-one is likely to read even 10% of it!:what:

Well, you asked me why i was laughing at your post and personally attacked me. TWICE now. So i tried to answer you with all timeline, logic and facts i had. Not my fault if you can't read them. I didn't added too many BS in that reply i think. So kindly don't reply me with banter and ask me why do i laugh at your post again. I tried my best to explain why i disagree. Won't deny if you say my reply is a bit messy.

Topic is about six frigate right? So we can't only consider the strategic part here as we are behind the planned schedule.
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Dude, you just need to grow up.

You seem young and immature and totally devoid of strategic thinking from your posts.

PS - Why did you spend time writing a whole essay as no-one is likely to read even 10% of it!:what:
I read his whole essay and it seems logical...BN will never ever choose Turkish sensors and radars over thales and leonardo..I can bet on it.
Btw what's BN's budget for six frigates ?
Guys I am not a fan of entertainment programs like "Ittadi", but he did a program on BN a few days ago. Watch around 34 minute mark to 40 minute mark for some Navy footage that I haven't seen before, ignore the song/dance/skits (not my cup of tea).

Footage shown is of BNS Prottoy, which is a C13B class Corvette, and some interior footage inside our subs.

Guys I am not a fan of entertainment programs like "Ittadi", but he did a program on BN a few days ago. Watch around 34 minute mark to 40 minute mark for some Navy footage that I haven't seen before, ignore the song/dance/skits (not my cup of tea).

Footage shown is of BNS Prottoy, which is a C13B class Corvette, and some interior footage inside our subs.

Ittadi is a vintage 80s show that survived because of this guy
I’m not a fan either but good footage.

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