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Bangladesh Navy

What will those corvettes do with sonar, if they dont have any torpedoes in the first place :toast_sign:

:pissed: Will At least have a fighting chance of escape at full throttle if any Subs are detected at the vicinity...The Morons at BN who got the bright Idea to omit the Sonar & Torpedo tubes of Type-56 should be flogged in the front yard of Reddisson :pissed:
well said.... once she has mentioned something, its as good as done.....

we need some more patrol boats..... bigger of course..... may be missile-armed and with a few radars here are there..... and some helicopters..... and sonars..... and guns of course..... sea patrol can be risky now-a-days.... you never know what to expect.... so, better to be prepared, you know..... :coffee:

What I think would be a good option is to improve the air-arm of the navy instead of getting too many petrol crafts. If needed, get a helicopter carrier to accommodate them. We can also form a small carrier group around it if required. Such a carrier would harbor ASW, Close combat support and surveillance choppers. However, not too sure if it fits our doctrine.

Coming to shipbuilding, I reckon our focus should shift to frigates and corvettes mainly. A decent surface fleet, in conjunction with subs and an big air-arm, would be quite an outfit. Not to forget, navy will gets maritime strike aircraft stationed in the Rabnabad military area.
What I think would be a good option is to improve the air-arm of the navy instead of getting too many petrol crafts. If needed, get a helicopter carrier to accommodate them. We can also form a small carrier group around it if required. Such a carrier would harbor ASW, Close combat support and surveillance choppers. However, not too sure if it fits our doctrine.

Coming to shipbuilding, I reckon our focus should shift to frigates and corvettes mainly. A decent surface fleet, in conjunction with subs and an big air-arm, would be quite an outfit. Not to forget, navy will gets maritime strike aircraft stationed in the Rabnabad military area.
I guess we are getting patrol crafts because of the near shore trouble that fishermen goes through which would otherwise would be impractical to thwart off with frigates and corvettes
I guess we are getting patrol crafts because of the near shore trouble that fishermen goes through which would otherwise would be impractical to thwart off with frigates and corvettes

For that, we should use the Coast Guards. Navy's work is to petrol on a generic basis but not to protect every fisherman or catch every pirate. The CG should get more smaller, light-weight petrol crafts for this purpose and in good numbers too. The Minervas are just a start, even thought I would have preferred to see it go to the navy.

And if we can get helicopters for even police, RAB, SWAT etc, then why not for Coast Guard? In that case, a heli-carrier would serve a two-pronged purpose.
For that, we should use the Coast Guards. Navy's work is to petrol on a generic basis but not to protect every fisherman or catch every pirate. The CG should get more smaller, light-weight petrol crafts for this purpose and in good numbers too. The Minervas are just a start, even thought I would have preferred to see it go to the navy.

And if we can get helicopters for even police, RAB, SWAT etc, then why not for Coast Guard? In that case, a heli-carrier would serve a two-pronged purpose.
Oh yes! I am confused... why aren't these OPVs transferred to coast guards instead of navy!
And if we can get helicopters for even police, RAB, SWAT etc, then why not for Coast Guard? In that case, a heli-carrier would serve a two-pronged purpose.

I think you're not aware that BCG is already on the way to getting its own air wing..... its official....

Oh yes! I am confused... why aren't these OPVs transferred to coast guards instead of navy!

when the Castle-class was converted to corvettes, most didn't notice.... but when the Minerva-class was given to the BCG, everyone noticed.... this was deliberate.... this is a message that BN knows the grammar of defining ships.... Durjoy-class broke all grammar.... it doesn't fall under any current definition (defined by Western thinkers).... especially when Indian corvettes are armed with 16 AShMs (for God knows why), Durjoy-class simply confused the big powers operating in the Indian Ocean.... BN is not following others' grammar.... its creating its own.... and others would have to react to it.... interestingly, they don't know how....

I guess we are getting patrol crafts because of the near shore trouble that fishermen goes through which would otherwise would be impractical to thwart off with frigates and corvettes

the term "patrol craft" didn't exist before WWII.... same for "OPV".... gunboats/ASW whalers/motor launches were renamed as patrol boats after WWII.... corvettes were renamed as OPVs.... frigates were defined during WWII following the definitions of "sloop", "corvette" and "destroyer escort".... and again, destroyers got redefined after WWII and even more during and after the Cold War.... up to a few years back, only the Western thinkers wrote definitions, and others followed.... its changing now...

rather than sticking with definitions, focus needs to be put on the purpose of ships.... BN is not following others' orders now.... so, its more likely that they won't follow others' definitions as well....
I think you're not aware that BCG is already on the way to getting its own air wing..... its official....

when the Castle-class was converted to corvettes, most didn't notice.... but when the Minerva-class was given to the BCG, everyone noticed.... this was deliberate.... this is a message that BN knows the grammar of defining ships.... Durjoy-class broke all grammar.... it doesn't fall under any current definition (defined by Western thinkers).... especially when Indian corvettes are armed with 16 AShMs (for God knows why), Durjoy-class simply confused the big powers operating in the Indian Ocean.... BN is not following others' grammar.... its creating its own.... and others would have to react to it.... interestingly, they don't know how....

the term "patrol craft" didn't exist before WWII.... same for "OPV".... gunboats/ASW whalers/motor launches were renamed as patrol boats after WWII.... corvettes were renamed as OPVs.... frigates were defined during WWII following the definitions of "sloop", "corvette" and "destroyer escort".... and again, destroyers got redefined after WWII and even more during and after the Cold War.... up to a few years back, only the Western thinkers wrote definitions, and others followed.... its changing now...

rather than sticking with definitions, focus needs to be put on the purpose of ships.... BN is not following others' orders now.... so, its more likely that they won't follow others' definitions as well....
i feel like we are following the soviet strategy pre cold war..
instead of building one super giant strong, technologically unmatched milestone.... build many of small with large amounts of fire power to negate the advantage the giant strong thing might have!
I think you're not aware that BCG is already on the way to getting its own air wing..... its official....

If so, then good. It was long expected. CG should take on more of the patrol roles whereas navy can focus on larger warships and better training.

Oh yes! I am confused... why aren't these OPVs transferred to coast guards instead of navy!

They wont be transferred. BCG will get new ones and the navy will conduct whatever patrol duties they do with the existing OPVs. But I would like to see the patrol responsibilities shift to BCG more, so the navy can focus more of its resources to the frigate program. Its a very important step for us. If we successfully launch our own, it would lead to much lesser hunky dory in the BoB.
They wont be transferred. BCG will get new ones and the navy will conduct whatever patrol duties they do with the existing OPVs. But I would like to see the patrol responsibilities shift to BCG more, so the navy can focus more of its resources to the frigate program. Its a very important step for us. If we successfully launch our own, it would lead to much lesser hunky dory in the BoB.

Coast Guard or not-Coast Guard is a political decision.... China has been using their Coast Guard ships in the South China sea to interdict other countries' boats.... the Chinese Coast Guard is supported by the Maritime Militia, which is another layer of non-Coast Guard + non-Navy ships....... where applicable, China would send PLAN.... if not PLAN, then Coast Guard.... and if not that, its the Maritime Militia.... remember that Chinese fishing trawlers almost collided with USN destroyers!

white hulls supposedly give you another political option.... and thats important.... actually there is no real difference between different types of hulls.... all of them can be used for the same purpose, only in different circumstances.... the US Coast Guard deploys their ships all over the world.... during the Vietnam War, the USCG deployed their cutters to blockade Vietnam... currently USCG boats operate in the Persian Gulf....

Bangladesh has cut through those crappy definitions made for "Third World Navies".... thats a message of a powerful state in the making....
JUST for the sake to share, certainly Not Verified but sounds okay as the future is in that direction. Anyway copied from bdmilitary (a rumor):
The Bangladesh Navy has teamed up with a Chinese shipbuilding giant to build a new shipyard on the premises of the Chittagong Dry Dock Ltd (CDDL). The Chittagong based shipyard was transferred to the Bangladesh Navy in late 2015. Since then the Navy authorities decided to expand the capabilities of the site and turn it in to a full-fledged naval shipyard for building warships such as frigates. The new shipyard will take at least two years to be completed meanwhile the Bangladesh Navy and a Chinese shipbuilder are working together to design and build a new guided missile frigates based on stealthy characteristics. The new guided missile frigates would be capable of performing anti-ship, anti-air and anti-submarine warfare missions equipped with an advanced array of Chinese and European weapons and sensors. Displacing at around 4,000 ton the frigate is being designed.
Minerva-class corvettes/offshore patrol vessels (OPVs).
Meanwhile work continues on the second pair, CGS Mansoor Ali (ex-Uraina) and CGS Kamruzzaman (ex-Danaide)


Photo lobito1971 naviearmatori
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JUST for the sake to share, certainly Not Verified but sounds okay as the future is in that direction. Anyway copied from bdmilitary (a rumor):
The Bangladesh Navy has teamed up with a Chinese shipbuilding giant to build a new shipyard on the premises of the Chittagong Dry Dock Ltd (CDDL). The Chittagong based shipyard was transferred to the Bangladesh Navy in late 2015. Since then the Navy authorities decided to expand the capabilities of the site and turn it in to a full-fledged naval shipyard for building warships such as frigates. The new shipyard will take at least two years to be completed meanwhile the Bangladesh Navy and a Chinese shipbuilder are working together to design and build a new guided missile frigates based on stealthy characteristics. The new guided missile frigates would be capable of performing anti-ship, anti-air and anti-submarine warfare missions equipped with an advanced array of Chinese and European weapons and sensors. Displacing at around 4,000 ton the frigate is being designed.
4000 tons are big.
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