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Bangladesh Navy indigenous Frigate development program.

bro check this at 5:40 min, i am not sure what is it.
Yes I understand the obvious difference of a complete ASW suit between them. I should have said 'Alvandv vis a vis it's successor Mowj'. I was considering the surface denial philosophy working behind them. Like after the enemy entered the radar/missile range, they lock the target and fire one/multiple missiles & use all the engines to make a dash out of the area. Like a bigger version of a FAC, just in this case much bigger.

You can read on this old Sinodefence thread on Mowj Class Visa a vis Alvand Class.That if you haven't already.


Mowj: 2x3 TR ASW. Like Alvand.

It's very puzzling that the bow mounted sonar wasn't installed. In my book Surface Area Denial & ASW suit aren't mutually exclusive. Then again AFAIK they still has a haul mounted sonar. And there is the ASW rockets. How do they use them if they don't have any sonar? Really Puzzling.
I don't see any ASW rocket launchers mounted on the BN C13 corvettes


A random 056.

The regular 056 has only bow sonar (056A also towed array/vds) and no under-keel sonar

For example the Soviet era Grisha II corvette had an underkeel sonar


And Petya class before it. Likewise Koni class and Parchim class.


Doubtfull there is a hull/keel mounted sonar here.

bro check this at 5:40 min, i am not sure what is it.
Those are decoy/chaff/flare launchers. They are situated on the flanks, next to the stack, just in front of where the 30mm cannon are. You can just make them out in the pick below. Note the stairs going down from the 30mm cannon, those tubes are right next to those stairs.


Right in front of the red box with the white F on it, next to the stack.

Your original video at 5:40 shows the stairs and the red box with the F on it next to the tubes
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Those are decoy/chaff/flare launchers. They are situated on the flanks, next to the stack, just in front of where the 30mm cannon are. You can just make them out in the pick below. Note the stairs going down from the 30mm cannon, those tubes are right next to those stairs.


Right in front of the red box with the white F on it, next to the stack.
C-803 isn't for export so far and only used for PLA. that's C-802 or little chance of C-802A.
according to SIPRI database, BD procuring for type 056 was C-802 AshM. not C-803. that's why may be bro penguin take them as C-802.
A prospective "C-803" was erroneously promulgated as the export version of the YJ-83 by enthusiasts in the late-1990s. As yet, no such missile exists.
I ask @Nilgiri to throw light on this issue.

Actually which plan was announced which says 4,000 tonne frigate ?

Lol what's the point. They are in for a pretty nasty shock I'll say that. There are some nice early signs already I was only expecting to start from after 2020. Can watch the rest of this year and the next to see what I mean.

They think pure loan-driven raw capacity increase will get them to X level down the road....with absolutely no idea what it takes to actually diversify production in an economy to shore it up organically. It all suits their politicians and bureaucrats just fine too (single source industry always best for dynasty preservation)....in return they can produce a few BBS numbers here and there for "health" and whatever else can be manipulated easily. In the end all sides lie to each other and will be left with squat in the end....Harvard study hinting at this big time, WEF already hinted at it before....but these dummies wont even believe IMF and World Bank when they come around. Another 1971 level moment needs to arrive for these deluded POS's to realise what was going on in reality. They have absolutely no idea what the limits of GCF driven growth is (when that GCF is not diverse neither private credit driven enough)

The inconvenient truth of BD lies in the high quality foreign investment into broad based economic sectors. Its close to 0 for a very long time, even worse BD unable to invest outside its borders to gain access to any sunrise sector either. Their banking and liquidity going to fail them big time in the long run, because they are run so badly and there is 0 reform and renewal taking place. This is why you will see threads about Walton accomplishing this and that in just 2 years time, but when the 2 years comes, suddenly its all further projections and diversions, instead of the cold hard numbers to compare reality. This will only get worse with time as BD gets further under the grip of just one political party which then has little motivation to genuinely reform anything and has hosts of political allied people to give bureaucratic seats for x y z reason other than merit.

I am completely leaving state of BD human capital out of it too....purely what can be done with what they have/inherited being terribad....because of the same BD attitude we see among members here amplifying and refining among their elite, bureaucrats and overall govt.
Lol what's the point. They are in for a pretty nasty shock I'll say that. There are some nice early signs already I was only expecting to start from after 2020. Can watch the rest of this year and the next to see what I mean.

They think pure loan-driven raw capacity increase will get them to X level down the road....with absolutely no idea what it takes to actually diversify production in an economy to shore it up organically. It all suits their politicians and bureaucrats just fine too (single source industry always best for dynasty preservation)....in return they can produce a few BBS numbers here and there for "health" and whatever else can be manipulated easily. In the end all sides lie to each other and will be left with squat in the end....Harvard study hinting at this big time, WEF already hinted at it before....but these dummies wont even believe IMF and World Bank when they come around. Another 1971 level moment needs to arrive for these deluded POS's to realise what was going on in reality. They have absolutely no idea what the limits of GCF driven growth is (when that GCF is not diverse neither private credit driven enough)

The inconvenient truth of BD lies in the high quality foreign investment into broad based economic sectors. Its close to 0 for a very long time, even worse BD unable to invest outside its borders to gain access to any sunrise sector either. Their banking and liquidity going to fail them big time in the long run, because they are run so badly and there is 0 reform and renewal taking place. This is why you will see threads about Walton accomplishing this and that in just 2 years time, but when the 2 years comes, suddenly its all further projections and diversions, instead of the cold hard numbers to compare reality. This will only get worse with time as BD gets further under the grip of just one political party which then has little motivation to genuinely reform anything and has hosts of political allied people to give bureaucratic seats for x y z reason other than merit.

I am completely leaving state of BD human capital out of it too....purely what can be done with what they have/inherited being terribad....because of the same BD attitude we see among members here amplifying and refining among their elite, bureaucrats and overall govt.
such big post! !! such wow! ! ! :P
such big post! !! such wow! ! ! :P


He is just pissed we don't hire some expert from Madras to improve our human development goals.

Well - ain't happening.

Because in most Indian states they have accepted it as fact that their poor will never improve, so they don't even try....

For all his B*llsh*t theorizing and spewing model economic policies, have you ever seen a BRAC or Grameen Foundation in India? Micro-credit? I am not surprised....they don't give a hoot about improving the health or education level of their population. It's all theory :blah:and no Goddamn action, yeh hai mera India.....

Bangladesh is building 100 SEZ's of five hundred plus acres. Mirsharai will be 10,000 acres. In fact we are even giving one to Indians near Mongla too - which will probably use our GSP facilities by re-assembling their goods.

In three Southern states combined (TN, Karantaka and Andhra), their SEZ's barely exceed 100 and they are mostly IT/backoffice related except automotive.

So what happens when Bangladesh catches next IT wave? In fact things are ramping up very nicely in that area....:lol:
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Bangladesh has problems. But guess what, so do the other nations that comprise South Asia.

What bothers me is the disrespect shown to Bengalis and the insinuation that Bengalis are somehow inferior in one respect or another. Whether said in jest or not.

From my observation, Bengalis have a tendency to be very intelligent, mature, resourceful, artistic and incredibly innovative individuals. What is needed however, is education to cultivate these tendencies amongst the people.

With increased education, improved healthcare, better infrastructure development, a responsible foreign policy, and most importantly GOOD GOVERNANCE, I am confident about the future of Bangladesh.
He is just pissed we don't hire some expert from Madras to improve our human development goals. Well - ain't happening. Because

It's the 'goals'. It was always about 'goals'. @Nilgiri

Because in most Indian states they have accepted it as fact that their poor will never improve, so they don't even try....

Sure, we don't even try. That's why our HDI is already higher & is improving at a much faster rate than Bangladesh.

hey don't give a hoot about improving the health or education level of their population. It's all theory :blah:and no Goddamn action, yeh hai mera India

More lies from a pathological liar...

Capture (3).JPG

Bangladesh is building 100 SEZ's of five hundred plus acres. Mirsharai will be 10,000 acres.

Meh...more '2030 plans'. Tag us when you have actually completed that. BTW we are building large industrial corridors here in India.

This report by at Center for International Development at Harvard university is enough to give any sensible Bangladeshi a reality check, but you definitely aren't one.

The projections divide global countries into three basic categories: those countries with too few productive capabilities to easily diversify into related products, including Bangladesh, Ecuador, and Guinea; those countries which have enough capabilities that make diversification and growth easier, which include India, Indonesia, and Turkey;

In three Southern states combined (TN, Karantaka and Andhra), their SEZ's barely exceed 100 and they are mostly IT/backoffice related except automotive.

'Except automotive'.... :rofl: as if automotive is a small industry like the great Bangladeshi shipbuilding industry. Or 15,000 motorcycles per year 'walton' for that matter. :-)

First build a SEZ comparable in operations to Sri City in Andhra Pradesh, then talk.

So what happens when Bangladesh catches next IT wave?

Nothing, given your piss poor quality of education & labour.
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First build a SEZ comparable in operations to Sri City in Andhra Pradesh, then talk.

MEZ has a land area 30,000 acre out of which 10,000 acre getting developed. One BD company bought 500 acres of land yesterday for their factory. This is 1 out of 100 SEZ being developed.

Sri city got 2700 acre of SEZ land.
MEZ has a land area 30,000 acre out of which 10,000 acre getting developed. One BD company bought 500 acres of land yesterday for their factory. This is 1 out of 100 SEZ being developed.

Sri city got 2700 acre of SEZ land.

Yawn...come back when you have actually started operations that are comparable to it. At present, it seems that Sri City produces more automobiles than your entire country....:lol:
Yawn...come back when you have actually started operations that are comparable to it. At present, it seems that Sri City produces more automobiles than your entire country....:lol:
Ya right with 1.5 billion dollar total investment Sri City is hell of a icon in South Asia. :lol:
There are already 10 billion dollar investment proposal (25 billion in pipeline) with down payment for MEZ. It is not in the paper its already a done deal.
Ya right with 1.5 billion dollar total investment Sri City is hell of a icon in South Asia. :lol:
There are already 10 billion dollar investment proposal (25 billion in pipeline) with down payment for MEZ. It is not in the paper its already a done deal.

Yawn...Don't get me started on '2030 plans'. First establish an automotive industry which produces more automobiles than Isuzu at Sri City...BTW, Isuzu alone invested $500 million into the present facility there.

The total investment at a 3000 acre (now expanded to 7500 acres) Sri City at present is $4.6 billion.

And please do tag me when your 'MEZ' starts operations.
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such big post! !! such wow! ! ! :P

I read only two line of his post and if i find anything to reply out of it then i reply unless ignore. Most of the time you can find his dumb analogy within 2 lines.

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