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Bangladesh is rising while Pakistan is sinking — praise from Modi on Mujibur birth centenary

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Bangladesh is rising while Pakistan is sinking — praise from Modi on Mujibur birth centenary

Amid strained relations between India & Bangladesh, PM Modi addresses the eastern neighbour via video and says the countries are scripting a ‘golden chapter’.


17 March, 2020

File image of Indian PM Narendra Modi and Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina | Photo: PIB

New Delhi: At a time when ties between India and Bangladesh have been strained due to issues like the Citizenship Amendment Act and the National Register of Citizens, as well as BJP leaders’ references to Bangladeshi immigrants as “termites” or “intruders”, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has sought to smooth things out by highlighting the country’s progress compared to Pakistan.

Lauding Bangladesh’s rapid economic growth, PM Modi said Tuesday: “We are all witnessing that how, making terror and violence weapons of politics and diplomacy destroys a society and a nation. The world is also watching where the supporters of terror and violence are currently placed and in what state they are, while Bangladesh is scaling new heights.”

Modi was addressing Bangladesh through a video link on the launch of the birth centenary celebrations of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, known as ‘Jatir Pita’ or father of that nation. He was earlier scheduled to visit Dhaka for a day, but the visit had to be cancelled as the Bangladesh government withdrew its invitation, ostensibly due to the threat of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.

Tribute to Mujibur
Mujibur Rahman is revered in Bangladesh for his relentless struggle in freeing Bangladesh from Pakistan, which eventually happened in December 1971. In his speech, Modi also referred to Mujibur’s brutal assassination on 15 August 1975, which was carried out by pro-Pakistan group Jamaat-e-Islami.

Modi noted: “He had devoted every moment of his life towards bringing Bangladesh out of the phase of devastation and genocide and making it into a positive and progressive society. He was absolutely clear that hatred and negativity can never be the foundation of any country’s development.”

“However, these very ideas and efforts were not liked by certain people and they snatched him from us,” Modi said.

He also lauded Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Mujibur’s elder daughter, for her “inclusive and development oriented policies”, which have led the country to “unprecedented progress”.

‘Golden chapter’ amid mounting tensions
Statements by senior members of the government and the BJP hierarchy put a strain the relationship between India and Bangladesh. In 2016, Rajnath Singh, who was then the Union home minister and is now the defence minister, had stated that since Bangladesh was created, “intruders” have been entering India through the India-Bangladesh border. Last year, ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, then-BJP president and now Union Home Minister Amit Shah had referred to illegal immigrants from Bangladesh as “termites” who should be thrown into the Bay of Bengal.

Prior to Modi’s scheduled visit to Dhaka, Bangladesh had witnessed large-scale protests over the CAA and NRC. The tensions between the countries had risen because of a purported plan to send those rendered “illegal” by the proposed process to Bangladesh.

Some of the protests held in other parts of Bangladesh also criticised the Modi government for the communal riots that took place in Delhi last month.

However, Modi said India and Bangladesh are scripting a “golden chapter” in their bilateral ties.

“The legacy and inspiration of Bangabandhu (Mujibur Rahman) has made our heritage more comprehensive. India has always been attached to his ideals and values. Deep-rooted relations between India and Bangladesh have been laid on the foundation of this shared heritage,” the PM said.

“This heritage of ours, the deep-rooted bond, the path shown by Bangabandhu, are the strong foundation of partnership, progress and prosperity of the two countries in this decade as well.”

“Today, Bangladesh is not only India’s biggest trading partner in South Asia, but also development partner,” Modi said, adding that it is because of the “increasing trust” between the countries that they were able to resolve issues like the land boundary and maritime boundary.

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I have repeatedly said that BD has a great potential to be a roll model for Muslim countries. BD is very often in news for good reason. BD has a very strong civil society which is capable of fighting against Islamic radicalization. BD's PM hasina is an iron lady capable of leading BD to new heights. I believe that BD has crossed many hurdles of developments and from now onwards, rise of BD shall be rapid and contributing towards world order. BD will naturally get respect and emerge as a dignified nation, Economically strong and capable of handling teething development issues. My good wishes for BD development.
Modi using Bangladesh platform. He have 2 objectives, create tensions between Pakistan and Bangladesh and stay relevant in Bangladesh politics which is similar to India i.e revolvement around Pakistan.

Yes but the poster is a Bangladeshi who like many others gloat on it. Sorry to
say but I have observed most of them here behaving like a bunch of lowly people who have found new money(not that much either) and can’t handle it.

Pakistan is not going down, it is getting things in control and has emerged out of a decade and a half of a hybrid war obviously with scars to show for it.

I do remember the time before it, when a thousands of Bengalis were coming and finding livelihood in our cities back in 80s and 90s and were welcomed as brothers and no Pakistani gloated about it.

Little did we know that these people held so much grotesque hate in their hearts. Something to remember in our betters days ahead:)
PM Modi said Tuesday: “We are all witnessing that how, making terror and violence weapons of politics and diplomacy destroys a society and a nation. The world is also watching where the supporters of terror and violence are currently placed and in what state they are, while Bangladesh is scaling new heights.”

At this rate, 1971 won't be the last Hindu holocaust.

Tribute to Mujibur

Bwahahahaha, do we need to re-establish eastern command?
By the time Belt and road project is completed in pakistan,bd will be likely left in dust.

IndiaPhrand BD is providing CheeWala great platform to spread hate and lies...

Well done BD, well done!

And when the time comes ...when the same CheeWala pushes millions back to BD from IndianConcentrationCamps... it shall be Pakistan again standing with BD.

But for now remain prisoners of hate and engineered narrative... see what it brings you!



Paa Jee: Your post is very sane and we shall not fall in the trap laid by Cheewala.
PM Modi addresses the eastern neighbour via video and says the countries are scripting a ‘golden chapter’.

Good work Bangladesh......you have literally made your country a testicle of India. The Golden Chapter is already turning into Golden Shower for you after Citizenship Act.
Excuse my foul language but this gay relationship seems to be based on common hate for Pakistan.
Modi using Bangladesh platform. He have 2 objectives, create tensions between Pakistan and Bangladesh and stay relevant in Bangladesh politics which is similar to India i.e revolvement around Pakistan.
Its just the Bangladesh govt. brown nosing their indian masters for personal gains (like our Nawaz group)...their awam has already jilted govt's motive as thousands moved to streets to protest against modi's attending celebrations of mujib's birth anniversary...
Love me or hate me but if you want to look realistically, bangladesh gdp is doing way better than pakistans and is even ahead of it (39th vs 42nd rank in nominal gdp 2019).
Specially thinking that the new country got separated from its fathers in 71, they are definitely doing better. Rather than blaming its better if everyone thinks how they can improve.

Modi and his obsession with Pakistan :lol:
agreed, both are obsessed with each other ;)
relax my brothers, Haseena doesn't want to anger India and just give this idiot a platform to vent out his hate. Bangali people are 100% against Hindu-istan and no matter what they will always hate Hindu-istan and we have seen recently how this Chae wala was barred from entering BD (what a slap on the face) and now he can only do phone and video conversation with his fav Haeena.
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