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Bangladesh India’s ‘most important neighbour’

Dose anyone know this?only 48%of India's bangla speaking state is funded by central gov.if Bangladesh close its boarder for 60days the entire economic balance will collapse. The guy who said it is a nonbengali hotelier's in Kolkata.

what did u just say???:omghaha:

It seems Pranab loves to make commitments and Bangladesh loves to hear re-assurance from Pranab every other week. A diplomatic game like this seems to suit well with both the countries. But, will India deliver anything out of its promise before the end of the present century? I doubt, India is ever sincere to its promise. To India, a promise or a treaty should better be left to be rotten on the paper and is not for implementation. Mujib-Gandhi agreement is still pending in the Indian Parliament, whereas BD Parlament has alreay ratified and also implemeted it.

If you don't know, China was also in support of West Pakistan and helped in 1971.

China looks out for its interest just like India do, and what BD also do.

We have differences and problems. Only way is to through diplomacy, trade and peaceful solution of disputes.

Only way is through breaking india in pieces, then BD (or others) will have friendly relations with countries like Assam, Maharashtra, Kerala and so on....current india lacks diplomacy at least with its neighbors.
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Only way is through breaking india in pieces, then BD (or others) will have friendly relations with countries like Assam, Maharashtra, Kerala and so on....current india lacks diplomacy at least with its neighbors.

India's break up is not going to happen. Only Northeast states and Kashmir may break off, if peaceful secession and self determination becomes an option after decades and mainland continues its colonial exploitation of these states. Even with those two areas breaking off, mainland India will still be large enough to remain a threat.

This means that we have to look for other ways to neutralize Indian threat.
madx at Indian dalali shocker!:flame:

This is why no democracy is perfect for Bangladesh....people here don't understand it. Practicing democracy in our land produces lots of foreign agents. Think of a system where whole the nation identifies its enemy and treats accordingly and anyone showing love for that enemy gets hanged. Now with the rotten system of democracy people are free to take decision even if some of them own a pea brain that can't help deciding a silly issue of their life let alone national interest.
Dont u think we deserve water share and solve land related disputes.

That is what the author in the article is saying about a friendly BD and I also support it. Whatever problems India and Bd have they will be solved based on mutual consent and consensus.
Dose anyone know this?only 48%of India's bangla speaking state is funded by central gov.if Bangladesh close its boarder for 60days the entire economic balance will collapse. The guy who said it is a nonbengali hotelier's in Kolkata.

Remaining is funded by West Bengal Government, remember India is a federation. Since, your food materials enter into Bangladesh from India, try to close the border for 60 days and see what happens. :lol::lol:
Dude, indifferent or not, if a foreign armed force is in BD its BD responsibility to handle it. If they can't then its a security threat to India and India must take steps to handle it.

Same goes for illegal immigration. It may not be your problem but its a serious problem for India and you must not blame India for being careful.

Jamaat (the right wing islamists) - like in Pakistan - have the knack of facilitating terrorism. They were indeed untra violent in 1971 and some terrorist attacks in India have been tracked back to BD. Jamaat or not, someone was helping them.

These are facts, and India is well within her rights to deal with it. We can differ on the method of doing so, and the list you name of I'm not even aware of, so can not comment.

Well, it's not possible to track down every single ULFA militant on Bangladeshi territory. They typically operate in small, highly mobile and highly organized groups in the deep jungles of Bangladesh. Very similar to the tactics used by pirates. Though, raids on their establishments certainly did weaken their ability to command and control their operations in India.

Even now, it is very easy for Indian businesses to establish and operate their service and production facilities in Bangladesh. But for Bangladeshi conglomerates in India, it is quite the opposite because of India's policy.

Generally speaking, the point of regional economic integration is to facilitate the reduction of political tensions between nations. I really hope that it doesn't go the opposite direction. Suffice to say, I do not think there's enough confidence for all South Asian nations regarding that.

U r talking in favor of BD that is good.
But cant deny the fact those arms captured was unwillingly done by that gov.
And rise of bangla bhai and jmb that was done by support of jamat. And gov didnt wanted to take action willingly.
And why isnt jamaat's violent will be treated as ultraviolet as they damaged 3 bn taka worth properties just in 3 days.
And killed police and caused death of other civilian's and attack on minorities and national symbols.

Vandalism, and terrorism are two very different things.

And do you have proof of the bold parts? The media even now never reported or commented anything like that.

Be very careful how you portray your nation to the outside world mate. People getting the wrong image of a nation can have negative consequences.

Though, I understand that the Indian media appears to be making a mountain out of a molehill regarding Jamaat.

Apparently, they have terror cells all the way in Thailand! :woot:

It seems Pranab loves to make commitments and Bangladesh loves to hear re-assurance from Pranab every other week. A diplomatic game like this seems to suit well with both the countries. But, will India deliver anything out of its promise before the end of the present century? I doubt, India is ever sincere to its promise. To India, a promise or a treaty should better be left to be rotten on the paper and is not for implementation. Mujib-Gandhi agreement is still pending in the Indian Parliament, whereas BD Parlament has alreay ratified and also implemeted it.

You see people? It's examples like this out of many were exactly what I was implying.
To whom it may concern: yes we are import food but dose anybody know what and how much.a fraction of our rice/majorly onion ,daal,and few other.if you know a cold storage owner ask him how much food gets destroyed every year because of lack of preservation not because lack of food.in last 30yrs have heard/read of people (in bd)dying of hunger?please check how many ppl live under poverty line in India.get a copy of save the children yearly report.you will find out why I am saying this.we have just signed a treaty with Bhutan/renewed our treaty with 2 European country.and if you follow the daily newspaper see how many bumper crop we have each year.we are not helping our farmers.the money we pay for foods to the Indians.we could easily spent on development of our agriculture. If only we had patriotic leaders.
To whom it may concern: yes we are import food but dose anybody know what and how much.a fraction of our rice/majorly onion ,daal,and few other.if you know a cold storage owner ask him how much food gets destroyed every year because of lack of preservation not because lack of food.in last 30yrs have heard/read of people (in bd)dying of hunger?please check how many ppl live under poverty line in India.get a copy of save the children yearly report.you will find out why I am saying this.we have just signed a treaty with Bhutan/renewed our treaty with 2 European country.and if you follow the daily newspaper see how many bumper crop we have each year.we are not helping our farmers.the money we pay for foods to the Indians.we could easily spent on development of our agriculture. If only we had patriotic leaders.

Farming is the noblest profession.
But to develop a nation we need industry.
Our farmers make bumper crop but even they r not gainer.
We need to be self sufficient but we have not enough lands.
So relying on our neighbors isnt a bad option as they have enough.
We have many programs going in the country and we r best in the world to cope with situation.
So if other countries will be in trouble we will be safe.
We can now give our attention to more on other sectors to move our country forward :azn:
To whom it may concern: yes we are import food but dose anybody know what and how much.a fraction of our rice/majorly onion ,daal,and few other.if you know a cold storage owner ask him how much food gets destroyed every year because of lack of preservation not because lack of food.in last 30yrs have heard/read of people (in bd)dying of hunger?please check how many ppl live under poverty line in India.get a copy of save the children yearly report.you will find out why I am saying this.we have just signed a treaty with Bhutan/renewed our treaty with 2 European country.and if you follow the daily newspaper see how many bumper crop we have each year.we are not helping our farmers.the money we pay for foods to the Indians.we could easily spent on development of our agriculture. If only we had patriotic leaders.

Even your principle food fish, the principle diet of Bangladeshis for daily consuption is imported from India. So, do you really want to close the border for 60 days. :lol:
Even your principle food fish, the principle diet of Bangladeshis for daily consuption is imported from India. So, do you really want to close the border for 60 days. :lol:

No man we only import crops from india as we get it cheaply.
Importing from other countries create much problems.
Yes we import fish but mostly from Myanmar.
But all to secure food safety.
Statistic shows we are self sufficient.
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