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Bangladesh: Hindu man arrested and family put under house arrest over alleged ‘blasphemous’ message, Hindu groups launch protest

Yeah Bangladesh is not saffron India.

Don't f*ck with us if you want to live here peacefully.

Some of these local Hindu idiots get some money and they think they can get bigger than their britches.

This idiot will get his come-uppance and he (and his family) can migrate to India all he wants.

If this was India, and Gouranga was Muslim, he'd already be dead, no questions asked.
Bangladeshi Hindus are pro-BJP Sanghis. There's one on Twitter that posts a lot of crap. Scripturient or something.
If Hindus were given more freedom in Pakistan, I have no doubt in my mind that we would find many BJP sympathizers who wish to see Muslims genocided.
If Hindus were given more freedom in Pakistan
But but.. Pakistanis claim that Hindus and other minorities are afforded same freedom and rights as Muslims in Pakistan. Are you denying that?
Yeah Bangladesh is not saffron India.

Don't f*ck with us if you want to live here peacefully.

Some of these local Hindu idiots get some money and they think they can get bigger than their britches.

This idiot will get his come-uppance and he (and his family) can migrate to India all he wants.

If this was India, and Gouranga was Muslim, he'd already be dead, no questions asked.
Are you sure that the person has commented as such, he and his family has clearly denied this, according to the report the account that was used to post objectionable content was created a few days prior to the incident. It has remained inactive ever since September 15.

He even went and reported it to police. Police has not completed investigation neither arrested him. Why you people are coming to a conclusion?

I know few incident were stories were created on religious line to grab properties, power. Later those turned hoax, but the mess was not reverted. In this case the person was politically active. Whatever may be the outcome his political carrier will be perished. Google to find many such false BD cases. Even this made the BD Christians to demand to repeal the law.

I don't see any reason why a sane politically active people would do this.
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We only learnt from you lol. Your country has seen 50+ pogroms against Muslims. You keep the only Muslim majority state under perpetual lockdown. Pot calling the kettle black.

You hurt Muslims there, we will hurt Hindus here.
We dont hurt Muslims as a matter of state policy. Some individuals in both religions occasionally clash.

Kashmir issue is much broader than a mere religious one. It was in a lockdown for a short while for security reasons and later for Covid, but not anymore.
hmmm. someone intelligent riddle me this: what's the easier way to get access to the West: get a tourist visa and overstay, cross the land border like many migrants, or post blasphemous material on social media.
does anyone seriously think the third option is the easiest and not the deadliest? how many Pakistanis have been killed by European border guards? how many Pakistanis have been blasted for blasphemy or being in the wrong sect? how many Pakistanis have been killed for overstaying visas? how many Pakistanis have been granted asylum for being blasphemous?
anyone with a brain will realize blasphemy is not a good way to go to a nice place, specially in countries like Pakistan. have some shame.

Not sure you have lived in US, Canada or Europe, but for a lot of people third option is the easiest and lucrative option. It's impossible to get even a tourist visa if you are from subcontinent without decent bank balance.

Heck I even know of people pretending to be gay to get permanent residency in Canada. Dude went through tattooing himself and piercings to make himself look "gay-ish" to prove to Canadian immigration.

Blasphemy case like these are far more easier. They get off easy in anyway. And Once you have a record, all you need to do is apply. The documents speak for itself.
We dont hurt Muslims as a matter of state policy. Some individuals in both religions occasionally clash.

Kashmir issue is much broader than a mere religious one. It was in a lockdown for a short while for security reasons and later for Covid, but not anymore.
What happened in Assam 2 weeks ago?
What happened in Assam 2 weeks ago?
Situation in Assam, though regrettable, is a lot more complicated than just a religious one. The locals there do not like any outsiders - irrespective of religion. Thats why the NRC demand was the highest there.
Having said that I fear the present Modi govt is seriously eroding India's secular principles and needs to go in the next elections. However, sadly there is no credible opposition.
Bangladesh: Hindu man arrested and family put under house arrest over alleged ‘blasphemous’ message, Hindu groups launch protest

OpIndia Staff | 2 October, 2021

Bangladesh: Hindu man arrested and family put under house arrest over alleged ‘blasphemous’ message, Hindu groups launch protest

On September 16, a Hindu man in Bangladesh was arrested for allegedly posting objectionable content against Islam on Facebook. The incident took place in the Bhola district of Bangladesh.

On September 16, a Hindu man in Bangladesh was arrested for allegedly posting objectionable content against Islam on Facebook. The incident took place in the Bhola district of Bangladesh.

As per reports, the man has been identified as Gouranga Chandra Dey. The controversy began after a screenshot of a Messenger conversation between Gouranga and another man named Jayaram went viral on Facebook on September 15. The screenshot allegedly contained derogatory remarks against Islam. As a pre-emptive measure, Gouranga went to the police and lodged a complaint. However, he was arrested the following day on September 16 under Section 54 (arrest without warrant under reasonable suspicion) of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC).

Gouranga is the President of the Bhola District Puja Udjapan Parishad president and a politically active man. His family has been placed under house arrest for over 2 weeks now ever since he has been arrested. A team of police have been deployed in the area to prevent any law and order situation. The Hindu community has demanded the immediate release of Gouranga and has alleged that he was being framed in a false case.

Family forced to stay indoors, shop shut down

During the preliminary investigation, it was found that the account that was used to post objectionable content was created a few days prior to the incident. It has remained inactive ever since September 15. The victim’s wife Rina Rani Dey denied any wrongdoing by Gouranga and informed that she has not been able to step out of the house. This is despite the fact that her daughter is extremely sick. Meanwhile, the two shops that are owned by Gouranga have remained closed for over two weeks now.

Rajkumar Dey, the younger brother of the victim, narrated how they have been living under fear in Bangladesh. Rajkumar, who helps run the shops owned by Gouranga, said, “I am terrified. None of us can even think of going out. We do not have the courage to open our shop”. A Hindu woman from Bhola district said that the alleged case of blasphemy has prompted attacks and Vandalism on Hindus, ahead of Durga Puja. A sevadar at the local temple expressed fear over the majority Muslim community holding marches and protests. “We are a minority”, he lamented.

Islamist organisations issue warnings, demand exemplary punishment for Gouranga

Radical Islamist organisations such as Bhola District Muslim Unity Council have demanded ‘exemplary punishment’ for Gouranga Chandra Dey for allegedly insulting their religion. The situation in Bhola has become tense after they launched marches and rallies to avenge the ‘insult’.

According to Secretary Mobashbirul Haque Naeem, this is the third case of ‘blasphemy ‘ in the past 2 years. “Anything said against our religion will not be tolerated. They will protest against such acts…They are demanding action under the law.” The sensitivity of the case has put pressure on the law enforcement authorities to expedite the probe. However, the Superintendent of Police (Bhola) Sarkar Mohammad Kaiser regretted that the investigation would take time due to technical limitations in the case.

Hindu groups take out protest, demand immediate release of Gouranga

On the other hand, Hindu groups have called on the government to take immediate steps to stop attacks on Hindus ahead of the Durga Puja. They also protested against the arrest of Gouranga Chandra Dey and demanded his immediate release.

Protest rally against the arrest

On Monday (September 27), the Bangladesh Puja Udjapan Parishad took out a rally to demand the release of Gouranga Chandra Dey.

According to Kazal Debnath, a leader of the Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council, several Hindu idols have been vandalised in different districts in the country ahead of Durga Puja. He has urged the government to take action, failing which mass protests will be organised. The protest rally began at National Museum in Shahbagh and ended near Teacher Student Centre (Dhaka University).

Nirmal Chatterjee, Bangladesh Puja Udjapan Parishad, stated that Goranga Chandra Dey was fabricated in a false case after his Facebook account was hacked by unknown miscreants.

President Milon Kanti Dey said that the Hindu community in the Bhola district will not celebrate Durga Puja this year if Gouranga is not released. Meanwhile, the General Secretary of Sri Sri Durga Mata Mandir, Nepal Chandra Dey, claimed that Gouranga was being framed under a conspiracy for his active participation in electoral politics.


Non muslims living in islamic states pakistan, bangladesh , afghanistan should immediately migrate to india . Extremists elements will frame them in blasphemy cases . CAA will take care of them .
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