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Bangladesh General Election : 2018

Actually Pakistan corruption ranking is improving even under last administration. I expect it to improve even more under I.K

The scoring is a bit confusing sometimes....the higher the number score the better (i.e lower corruption). 0 is worst and 100 is best etc.

In 2012, Pakistan had 27 points, now it has 32..a decent gain of 5 (and I believe its ranking improved as well as thats better gain than world average etc)...each point as you can see counts a whole lot (1 point separates lot of countries).

After the last election of Pakistan compared to this election of BD, I expect Pakistan to improve more as well from that compared to BD....not to mention the panama papers supreme court stuff etc that Pakistan did to show better institutional independence and credibility etc (regarding a sitting govt).

Yeah, we are really hopeful under IK that this is the one measure where Pakistan will improve significantly.

He is not sparring anyone.. Actually it's not he who is doing this.. It's National Accountability Bureau, and Judiciary.. Government is just facilitating these departments in obtaining the evidence.. previous governments were saving each other's behinds..

The institutions are becoming so strong. It's now evident on the ground..

This is the primary result.
Jatiya party of lieutenant general Hussein Muhammad Ershad is going to be the major opposition in parliament.

Oh God.....

With these results, Hasina can make changes in the constitution, abolish the election system, increase her term for 50 years etc etc etc..

Loll at BD's sham elections.. I though our elections are rigged.. we are infants in the rigging field compared to Bangladesh..
@Mage, @bluesky, @Skies , can this analysis be authentic?
Can tareq Rahman do that in order to prevent Mirza Fakhrul to be the opposition leader?
So can it be true that BNP candidates withdraw polling agent as EC claimed ?
Please read the Bengali link and write your opinion. I am a bit confused now ! But yes tareq chora can do this! He can personally contact with candidates and order to Violet Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir!

If it was true, then you would see a tension between Tareq and Mirza. It not it?

But they r fine
With these results, Hasina can make changes in the constitution, abolish the election system, increase her term for 50 years etc etc etc..

Loll at BD's sham elections.. I though our elections are rigged.. we are infants in the rigging field compared to Bangladesh..
Cool dude. Even our AL guys are thundered because of such results . Let it go. Atleast in animosity AL won, BNP is finished Now let's see in future if Ershad can do better or not. He was a good ruler. But just he is too old now.
So perhaps we will be able to do better after one side is completely destroyed.
We were just trapped because of the nasty animosity of the two party!
This time, BNP's biggest mistake was that they went for election without any support from army.

That's it. Army could ensure a fair election.
Cool dude. Even our AL guys are thundered. Let it go. Atleast in animosity AL won, BNP is finished Now let's see in future if Ershad can do better or not. He was a good ruler. But just he is too old now.
So perhaps we will be able to do better after one side is completely destroyed.
We were just trapped because of the nasty animosity of the two party!
It's not good believe me.. Strong opposition is always a plus point in any democracy.. Now who will keep an eye on the corruption of government? Who will stop government from taking unconstitutional steps.. or even changing the constitution, the period of the terms etc? Legally, there is no one to put up a fight in the parliament..

One party rule is acceptable in countries like China, but their system is completely different.. they have military/ judiciary and supervisory branches as part of the the six organs of the government.. Here, Hasina will be all in all..
This time, BNP's biggest mistake was that they went for election without any deal with army.

That's it.
And in 2014 they boycotted, so they gave weapons to AL. If they would not boycott , AL even could lose this election. unfortunately BNP lost voice in parliament after boycotting election . And arson attacks with Jamat gave them terrorist tag .
A party who has no representives in parliament, still doing anarchy just back fired.
Alliance with Jamat actually destroyed BNP. BNP was never such bad in 1991.
For that you will have to stop putting 50%+ of the budget in your pocket



WB finds road construction cost in Bangladesh world’s highes

I thought u left bro. Good to have u back again. Haha, just kidding mate. Don't take it seriously.

As for ur post, I agree with u. I m not saying that no corruption is taking place in Bangladesh right now or nobody is misusing the loans taken from various sources.

But its a third world country my friend. Corruption is inevitable here. Our only option is to choose parties that do the least amount of corruption and focus on development. :)
It's not good believe me.. Strong opposition is always a plus point in any democracy.. Now who will keep an eye on the corruption of government? Who will stop government from taking unconstitutional steps.. or even changing the constitution, the period of the terms etc? Legally, there is no one to put up a fight in the parliament..

One party rule is acceptable in countries like China, but their system is completely different.. they have military/ judiciary and supervisory branches as part of the the six organs of the government.. Here, Hasina will be all in all..
Yes I agree with you brother. But I do not think we can do anything now . Let us see if Jatiya party can be a stronger opposition in future.
Although I have doubt as they were never very active at ground level. But I will not be surprised if AL will support JP to grow bigger, ad without a strong opposition AL also will lose credibility.
We are common folks and it's just my personal analysis .
Do not really know what is going to happen. Still our AL buddies want 5 years, let's see what they do in this 5 years. I wish they will solve their mistakes. If not then impact will be bad for them. Now we have no other option to see!
But its a third world country my friend. Corruption is inevitable here. Our only option is to choose parties that do the least amount of corruption and focus on development. :)

Sorry but it becomes true again when you say the election was fair.
Where did u get the idea that no country develops in this way? What's the problem even if the debt to gdp ratio goes above 30% in 2023? As long as these loans r being used in developing infrastructures, I don't see any problem in it.

What's ur suggestion? Stop taking loans and becoming self sufficient country like north Korea? Even India has over 60% total debt to gdp ratio. Countries that grow very fast has usually higher debt. They need to borrow money to undertake massively projects. U should start worrying if we fail to generate money with the loans that we r takings from China/WB and fail to repay them in due time.
Tell me the name of only one country that has developed with foreign borrowing, foreign design & construction engineers, and without active participation by its own people? This is why there are no proper roads, no proper drainage of flood water in Dhaka and Chittagong, the bus transportation system does not function properly and so on----. Do you think these are not development work? Oh, you do not want these works done because foreign loans are not available for these?

Who told you India has over 60% total debt to GDP ratio? Better you talk foreign debt to GDP ratio. It is certainly not 60% for India? But, within a few years, BD ratio will climb to more than 30%. Tell me how the country will pay back the Principal with Interest year after year without borrowing more dollar?
@Mage, @bluesky, @Skies , can this analysis be authentic?
Can tareq Rahman do that in order to prevent Mirza Fakhrul to be the opposition leader?
So can it be true that BNP candidates withdraw polling agent as EC claimed ?
Please read the Bengali link and write your opinion. I am a bit confused now ! But yes tareq chora can do this! He can personally contact with candidates and order to Violet Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir!
I have doubts over this Tareque infringing into the election so deep in order only to stop Mirza Fakhrul, the gentleman. Tareque himself was a part of interviewing and selecting the candidates. I think the time was short for BNP to sort out everything like selecting and putting so many polling agents when the atmosphere was volatile and people were losing lives. Now, who is going to lead BNP other than Fakhrul?

The election was certainly rigged although I believe BAL would have won even if it was a fair one, but with less number of winners. Anyway, now I believe that BD needs the caretaker government system.
I have doubts over this Tareque infringing into the election so deep in order only to stop Mirza Fakhrul, the gentleman. Tareque himself was a part of interviewing and selecting the candidates. I think the time was short for BNP to sort out everything like selecting and putting so many polling agents when the atmosphere was volatile and people were losing lives. Now, who is going to lead BNP other than Fakhrul?

The election was certainly rigged although I believe BAL would have won even if it was a fair one, but with less number of winners. Anyway, now I believe that BD needs the caretaker government system.
Yes now it looks in Bangladesh really no fair election is possible under a partisan govt. Atleast I expected a die hard contest, but yes even in a fair election AL would won. As really they did some good work after Ershad regime as our elders say.
Here is my take on why, even if this election was to be held in a much more 'believable way', BNP wouldn't have been able to come to power:

1. A very close AL insider I personally know, who is also part of my extended family, said that just before elections BNP was faced with several groupings within themselves. Some were against Dr. Kamal leading, some wanted Mirza Fakhrul to replace BKZ & Tareq, some wanted to boycott the polls even before it began etc. Due to lack of coherency, BNP had no clue what it had to do and how to play the game which AL is playing.

2. 'Mather rajniti' is the norm of politics in BD. If you want to gain power or win elections, you have to keep the followers and grassroot level politics in red-hot form, so they can do the job for top brass. BNP did jack in the last 5 years regarding this. They spent more time meeting NGOs and foreign delegates than re-grouping and reaching the normal masses.

3. BNP had the golden opportunity this time around to abandon Jamaat but they absolutely made a mess of it. Had they ditched them, their political image would have actually shot up and would have shown people that they learnt from their mistake of 2014. As it comes at no surprise, these dumb idiots let this opportunity pass.

4. The election manifestos of AL and BNP were in 2 different leagues. AL's one had a clear vision and communicated well as to what they wish to do. BNP's list clearly appeared to be a reactive mandate to what AL said and was a ploy to just counter-play them. Nothing impressive apart from the idea to financially-support newly wed couples. Anyone who reads AL list first and then BNP's, will get what I mean.

5. Quite visibly, people today can clearly compare and see what AL and BNP has done in terms of the economy and development. To anyone, AL wins this race by a country-mile and hence they chose the lesser devil of the two. As much as Hasina is corrupt, she at least gets work done and have done a decent job in balancing 2 superpowers in the region.

Good that Hasina won. This will keep our economic growth on a smooth trajectory and next 5 years, we will be able to consolidate even further. A govt. change after that wont impact as much as it would have done now. But surely, this election could have been made a bit more believable. I think that AL just overdid it. Should have given BNP at least 50 off seats to make it more acceptable.
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