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Bangladesh General Election : 2018

Where did u get the idea that no country develops in this way? What's the problem even if the debt to gdp ratio goes above 30% in 2023? As long as these loans r being used in developing infrastructures, I don't see any problem in it.

What's ur suggestion? Stop taking loans and becoming self sufficient country like north Korea? Even India has over 60% total debt to gdp ratio. Countries that grow very fast has usually higher debt. They need to borrow money to undertake massively projects. U should start worrying if we fail to generate money with the loans that we r takings from China/WB and fail to repay them in due time.

The poster is stupid and emotional.

In the past I have had to put him on ignore for time periods.

Probably is lacking in his personal life and so comes here to vent his frustration.

Well, its speaks to relevance of the country in world affairs in the end.

wut up.

Shows how much you know:




I am sure that every other major news outlet in UK will also have a story on BD election as well.
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Yes now it looks in Bangladesh really no fair election is possible under a partisan govt. Atleast I expected a die hard contest, but yes even in a fair election AL would won. As really they did some good work after Ershad regime as our elders say.
Development can not be a substitute of freedom and rights. I do not want to live in a golden cage. I do not want to be spoon fed while my hands are tied down. What happened yesterday, we should be ashamed as a nation. Millions of people need to come out now, protest peacefully, continue protest until this monster govt. forced to step down. A neutral caretaker govt. should hold a free and fair election, elected representatives should call for another constitutional assembly, reform the constitution in a way where nobody can monopolize the power. Only then victorious party should take the office.
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সংবাদ >> রাজনীতি
ভারতীয় সাংবাদিকের চাঞ্চল্যকর তথ্যঃ ভোট ডাকাতির পরিকল্পনায় ভারতীয় 'র

The poster is stupid and emotional.
In the past I have had to put him on ignore for time periods. Probably is lacking in his personal life and so comes here to vent his frustration.
It seems you are emotionally very weak and have not read even the first page of national economic development. It is childish to show how nervous you are when someone says about the pitfall in borrowing money to eat GHEEBHAT. Your recipe is good for no development. A country should create a system whereby its citizens contribute to the development.

Anyway, when are you going to fix the waterlogging problem in Dhaka? Dhaka is filthy because of this, but no country wants to lend money on this kind of projects. So, all similar projects remain as they are for the last 70 years. How about Dhaka transport system?

Now, tell us how England, France, Japan, Germany, and other countries have developed. Was it with money contributed by Golden Bangladesh? All these countries developed at a time when international lenders like ADB, WB and so on were not existing. Do not brag with your limited knowledge. All the countries developed with their own efforts means by their own people and own money.
Development can not be a substitute of freedom and rights. I do not want to live in a golden cage. I do not want to be spoon fed while my hands are tied down. What happened yesterday, we should be ashamed as a nation. Millions of people need to come out now, protest peacefully, continue protest until this monster govt. forced to step down. A neutral caretaker govt. should hold a free and fair election, elected representative should call another constitutional assembly, reform the constitution in a way where nobody can monopolize the power. Only then victorious party should take the office.
It is easy to talk about protesting in the internet. If millions of people starts protesting govt will try to supress it. Kill a few, beat up and injure many and label them as anti-liberation forces with the backing of Jamaat. And in a couple of days they will quell it down. It is a tough situation. Best thing is to wait it out. Hasina is not going to rule forever.
Development can not be a substitute of freedom and rights. I do not want to live in a golden cage. I do not want to be spoon fed while my hands are tied down. What happened yesterday, we should be ashamed as a nation. Millions of people need to come out now, protest peacefully, continue protest until this monster govt. forced to step down. A neutral caretaker govt. should hold a free and fair election, elected representative should call another constitutional assembly, reform the constitution in a way where nobody can monopolize the power. Only then victorious party should take the office.
@Homo Sapiens ,

No one will come to street man . Because BNP jamat was like the Assyrian empire ,who used to make pillar with human skin and bone .And what happened after fall of that empire read in book Nahum of Old testament of bible. It was written when medians just destroyed Assyrians .Just Read it as a plain text , you will know how vicious can be the vengeance of victims .
So if you ask the opinion of peoples like me , I say that remove the cancer at any cost . I request you to calm down . Please leave today fight tomorrow okay ?After removing BNP , if AL will gone astray and really treat us as subject instead of citizen , then trust me lots of peoples will come to street for their dignity and right , but not today . I just do not want our peoples serve the purpose of dirty politicians .Let the pigs destroy each others But Surely we will start protest after 5 years if still that Time AL try to rig another election . Give peacful 5 years to @UKBengali as they want from common peoples . Compromise is an art and not every one can do this , and now IMHO we need to compromise for the sake of next crucial 5 years of AL rule . We will come to street after that .

It's my personal opinion only , but I request you to take your time and think about it , as everything look negative is not always negative . We will wait for another strong opposition party that will be free from conspiracy against motherland . So for now lets just have fun and make laugh of the 'pukur churi of AL' that is a fair election according to them.
Thanks and regards :cheers:
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Blame lies with people. They could not tolerate the military regime lead by Fakhruddin despite the regime doing tons of good work. They had to bring back those two. Had minus two formula worked, BD would have been much better off. But people are too addicted to Mujib and Zia's fame. Although the two ladies who carry their legacy are nothing like them.

Manusher mentality jodi dash der moto hoy taile to emon leader e dorkar je chabuk peta kore kaj korabe.
@Mage @Atlas both of you have valid points. And may be we need some patience. But I am having difficulty to digest the enormity of treachery which this govt. has done against the nation. Up until yesterday, I had a faint hope that, AL may not try to manipulate election massively and may have a plan to surprise everybody by actually holding a modestly fair election. After all it is the oldest political party in BD and had a commendable role for fighting for democracy and giving us freedom. But this robbery was beyond my imagination. Day before yesterday, we could claim Bangladesh a flawed democracy. But now, it is nothing but a full fledged, illegal dictatorship. This is very painful.
Development can not be a substitute of freedom and rights. I do not want to live in a golden cage. I do not want to be spoon fed while my hands are tied down. What happened yesterday, we should be ashamed as a nation. Millions of people need to come out now, protest peacefully, continue protest until this monster govt. forced to step down. A neutral caretaker govt. should hold a free and fair election, elected representative should call another constitutional assembly, reform the constitution in a way where nobody can monopolize the power. Only then victorious party should take the office.
This coming from u is quite unexpected.
@Mage @Atlas both of you have valid points. And may be we need some patience. But I am having difficulty to digest the enormity of treachery which this govt. has done against the nation. Up until yesterday, I had a faint hope that, AL may not try to manipulate election massively and may have a plan to surprise everybody by actually holding a modestly fair election. After all it is the oldest political party in BD and had a commendable role for fighting for democracy and giving us freedom. But this robbery was beyond my imagination. Day before yesterday, we could claim Bangladesh a flawed democracy. But now, it is nothing but a full fledged, illegal dictatorship. This is very painful.
Yes indeed this is painful . Still we need to serve sometimes in order to lead . And also a country and a nation and it's ideology is much more bigger and important than a mare political party . Political parties rise and fall , but a nation remain united for ages . So if BNP fall , then others will soon take their place . Who knows maybe some new parties can rise again and it will be the cause of fall of AL if it keep doing odds .
As after our independence Muslim league fall in Bangladesh and BNP rise . And I hope in future some better parties can replace BNP too ! And AL can have same fate in future if they start abusing common folks . Just please remeber the proverb , মেঘ দেখে কেউ করিস নে ভয় , আড়ালে তার সুর্য হাসে , হারা শশীর হারা হাসি , অন্ধকারেই ফিরে আসে" .
So cheer up brother .
@Homo Sapiens,
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@Mage @Atlas both of you have valid points. And may be we need some patience. But I am having difficulty to digest the enormity of treachery which this govt. has done against the nation. Up until yesterday, I had a faint hope that, AL may not try to manipulate election massively and may have a plan to surprise everybody by actually holding a modestly fair election. After all it is the oldest political party in BD and had a commendable role for fighting for democracy and giving us freedom. But this robbery was beyond my imagination. Day before yesterday, we could claim Bangladesh a flawed democracy. But now, it is nothing but a full fledged, illegal dictatorship. This is very painful.
They are dictator because people made them dictator. The opportunity of getting rid of the two witches was there for taking. People just had to back the Fakhruddin regime. But it's the people who brought them back in politics. It's time they pay for it.
They could not tolerate the military regime lead by Fakhruddin despite the regime doing tons of good work
Why blaming peoples . There are no such thing named peoples in Bangladesh . Let them be a sane branch of peoples first , who will choose motherland Bangladesh , every single time over BNP AL , or any other fukker ideology. Bangladesh will be eternal , not political parties .
And besides , peoples were not responsible of fall of Fakhruddin , but case is different . Do not ask me , I have no evidence that I can provide . So lets be Bangladeshi and only work for our motherland . If it and it's population under direct threat , lets become flood and wash away the obstacles . But lets not blame common folks who are actually sheep without shepherd .

This coming from u is quite unexpected.
Because they are our folks . Despite having many differences , they are patriot Bangladeshi who love motherland and it's populations . I said it to a Pakistani fellow here that BNP Al dividation is artificial in Bangladesh . In the end everyone wants a prosperous Bangladesh,just from different angle and point of view . That's why although I harshly criticize our folks sometimes , but in the end I love them a lot .
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@Mage @Atlas both of you have valid points. And may be we need some patience. But I am having difficulty to digest the enormity of treachery which this govt. has done against the nation. Up until yesterday, I had a faint hope that, AL may not try to manipulate election massively and may have a plan to surprise everybody by actually holding a modestly fair election. After all it is the oldest political party in BD and had a commendable role for fighting for democracy and giving us freedom. But this robbery was beyond my imagination. Day before yesterday, we could claim Bangladesh a flawed democracy. But now, it is nothing but a full fledged, illegal dictatorship. This is very painful.

I'm personally quite disappointed, I really thought it would be a good election this time. It was a deciding moment for our future and we have now stepped into a dynasty rule for a really long time.

I was watching BBC and saw Congo also had a general election on the same day as us and they also went through similar violence and irregularities. I realized, such elections are only seen in the least developed African countries as most of developing world have become politically matured. Even countries like Pakistan, Nepal and Myanmar are now more democratic than us.
BNP just "got" 6 seat out of 298 seat. Now officially jatio party also known as joker party with 20 seat will hold the position opposition party (read household opposition party ) .
I'm personally quite disappointed, I really thought it would be a good election this time. It was a deciding moment for our future and we have now stepped into a dynasty rule for a really long time.

I was watching BBC and saw Congo also had a general election on the same day as us and they also went through similar violence and irregularities. I realized, such elections are only seen in the least developed African countries as most of developing world have become politically matured. Even countries like Pakistan, Nepal and Myanmar are now more democratic than us.
Rule of Robert Mugabe comes to my mind...I hope it doesn't end up like that...I am very saddened by what happened. And I would have been pleased even with a half fair election. Backed Awami league most of my life...not so sure anymore.
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