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Bangladesh envoy slams Pakistan army, Advani endorses

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Bangladesh envoy slams Pakistan army, Advani endorses

I guess the envoy is perfectly content with BSF killing off his people by the hundreds, and how india has dominated and controls Bangladesh militarily, economically, etc. Maybe he regrets 1971?
Thanks for the unsolicited advice, but the post was directed to my fellow country men not you. As always we get a whole bunch of distraction and trolling in this forum, no real work can be done here.

Indians are the most shameless of nationalities, as you can see from the constant shameless BSing from them in huge numbers. I mean China has some 500+ million internet users (about 5 times the number of users in the den of Hindutva terrorists), but how many Chinese members do we see here, and how many of them troll here nonstop with illogical irrational rants? How many Indonesian members even participate here actively despite there being about half as many internet users in Indonesia as in the den of Hindutva extremist terrorists?

More pertinently, how can anybody expect drinking bovine urine to be an eternal cure for all their social, mental, physical, and spiritual illnesses?
Nothing serious. He is working there in India because he came from awami background and favorite of Hasina Govt.....now complete the equation...
he can go f*ck himself b/c he has no idea what he's talking about and he wishes he had an Army like the Pakistan Army

what the heck is a Bangladeshi envoy doing by going well beyond his job description to analyze Pakistani democracy while sitting in delhi....very unprofessional of him. But perhaps just his publicity stunt which these people are becoming famous for.

those awami stooges are funny people, never willing to let go of their slave mentality...

my 0.02
I hope Pakistani members here don't start bashing all Bangaladishes for this rude behavior by an individual. As I can see, Bangalishi members oppose his reprehensible behaviour. How could he bash his ,supposedly, brothers at their rival's house..
I guess You can find traitors and cheap people everywhere.
Let me add a few points to ponder over.

We have potential, but think about our situation:

- in all 3 sides we have India, the big dada who is trying to strangle us putting dams on all rivers

We could easily add multiple 'friendly neighbours' in our vicinity if idiotic traitors like BAL are exterminated. Hint: 'Seven sisters' should be liberated. Buffer state in West Bengal could be created. Both could be achieved through supporting proxies, and other means that our enemies already use throughout the world.

- in Myanmar, India is partnering with them, because they share the hatred for Muslims and Bengal Muslims

This is true, no doubt, but there is very little they can do if Bangladeshis get their act together. For one, Myanmar is isolated around the world. Then, Hindutva extremists have no direct/fast means of transporting anything to/from Myanmar. Their cooperation can not be of much use if we turn the tables on them by supporting China strongly in our immediate vicinity, which should keep Myanmar in check because Myanmar needs China.

- our only way out of complete isolation is Bay of Bengal, and thank Allah (SWT) for that, how do we keep that secure and make sure India cannot blockade it? how do we make sure we can defeat RAW infiltration? either we have to go with USA or with China, depending on our other strategic situation, while in the long term may be Muslim world will amount to something, who knows

We do not have to go with USA or China. The first option is ridiculous. How can you say that India and Myanmar are working together because of their hatred for Muslims but suggest USA is a possible ally? It is USA that has carried out a global war against Islam for the last decade since the fall of the Soviet Union. If the USA were to wiped out from the Earth today by some asteroid hitting it, let's say, where would that leave all this Western media propaganda and vile hue and cry against Islam and Muslims? Where would that leave these midgets like so called "Israel", or in our region, Myanmar or India?

China could be a partner, perhaps an ally, because it has shown itself to be much more reliable in all aspects than any other non Muslim country.

- we make RMG for US/West and do odd jobs for Arabs

What do Indians and Myanmarese (?) do? Not much different.

That in a nutshell is our existence in this small over populated land. These little pesky Bummers are killing Rohingya, our neighbors and fellow Muslims, who are similar to Chittagonians, we can do nothing to save them.

"We" can do nothing because Bangladeshis, frankly, are ignorant stupid and selfish in general which can be proven by the lack of call for implementation of Islamic Sharia in Bangladesh, and the lack of implementation of Islamic Sharia in Bangladesh during its entire history.

It is not like Bangladeshis can not form resistance factions, infiltrate into Myanmar and push to secure a safe buffer zone for the Rohingya and other persecuted Muslims. It is simply the fact that Bangladeshis are ignorant, stupid and selfish, at least to the extent that they do not abide by any aspect of Islamic Sharia, so they do not see these opportunities, nor do they grab these opportunities with both hands when they are presented to them.

Also please look at the Japanese, they were destroyed after WW II, but they built everything back in a few decades. Nation building is not an easy job, it takes time and constant struggle and sometimes centuries, but once you are there, even nukes cannot destroy a nation, that is how powerful nations can be.

It is true but irrelevant to this discussion. Bangladesh is probably a century behind Japan in development. Bangladesh is stuck at Indian levels of development. Bangladeshis (most of them) like to trade with India, watch Indian movies and so on. Bangladesh as a nation must pay the price for that and Indians are extracting the price. It's only Bangladeshis' idiocy that you can blame.

I will give you one example, I have been here a few months, exchanging views with people. While I feel this is necessary and important, I also feel we need more direct nation building action among ourselves. But none of us are interested, a few signed up, but when they see the new forum not interesting while here there are so many people posting on so many different subject, people give up. Any work to build is boring and monotonous and not fun like mud-slinging here in this forum, and no one is interested. This is just one example. Nothing in this world is free, you cannot build a nation by mud-slinging here. You can have fun, inform and educate, but we also need real action and organizing that makes a difference.

It is just an anecdote. There is an underlying message, perhaps, that Bangladeshis and other nations at India's level of backwardness, are culturally/habitually inept at organizing themselves well to attain an objective, and to effectively plan and execute long term (two or three decades long) missions. At the same time, forming some 'vigilante' groups looking to radically change 160 million people's lives will not succeed. The proof is the fact that Bangladesh has some of the highest number of local NGOs which carry out many 'development' activities but Bangladesh is no better than a backward country like India in terms of development.

For long lasting, far reaching developments to be effected, one must have the required executive and decision making power behind him. For the same reason that OIC and Arab League does not work, for the same reason that Bangladeshis have not solved the plight of the Rohingyas, for that very reason, a bunch of volunteers, even tens of thousands of volunteers would not work. One must have the ability to apply force to ensure that objectives are achieved.

Without such ability, all these conferences, and protests, and blogs, and internet posts, and what have you, will remain empty talk, and these issues will be forgotten and deleted from the minds of the ephemeral registers of public memory.

And please do not quote US Ambassador, what does he know.

If a Bangladeshi needs confirmation from a foreign ambassador to assess their self worth, that is a tell tale sign of their worthlessness.
I hope Pakistani members here don't start bashing all Bangaladishes for this rude behavior by an individual. As I can see, Bangalishi members oppose his reprehensible behaviour. How could he bash his ,supposedly, brothers at their rival's house..
I guess You can find traitors and cheap people everywhere.

The current ruling party in Bangladesh partly survives on Indian prescriptions from time to time :hang2:

It is complicated.
I hope Pakistani members here don't start bashing all Bangaladishes for this rude behavior by an individual. As I can see, Bangalishi members oppose his reprehensible behaviour. How could he bash his ,supposedly, brothers at their rival's house..
I guess You can find traitors and cheap people everywhere.

there are too many of these traitors there in B-desh

it's more the symbolism behind it...it isnt like some ''envoy'' in any south asian country has much sway over affairs in Pakistan; if the indians have negligible influence in the region then clearly some RAWami new dilly wouldnt have much except a loose tongue

maybe he should remember that many Biharis born in his country faced and still face many problems; we took in many as refugees
something about Pakistan Army?

our men are fiercely loyal to eachother and to the country......their army saw a major mutiny just a few years ago. He should worry about his own country first.

So many gifted and intelligent Bangladeshi people with great ideas -- i dont know why they get stuck with the same 2 bloody leaders tug-of-warring for power (but this phenomenon seems ''all too familiar'' closer to home)
Let me add a few points to ponder over.

We could easily add multiple 'friendly neighbours' in our vicinity if idiotic traitors like BAL are exterminated. Hint: 'Seven sisters' should be liberated. Buffer state in West Bengal could be created. Both could be achieved through supporting proxies, and other means that our enemies already use throughout the world.

This is true, no doubt, but there is very little they can do if Bangladeshis get their act together. For one, Myanmar is isolated around the world. Then, Hindutva extremists have no direct/fast means of transporting anything to/from Myanmar. Their cooperation can not be of much use if we turn the tables on them by supporting China strongly in our immediate vicinity, which should keep Myanmar in check because Myanmar needs China.

We do not have to go with USA or China. The first option is ridiculous. How can you say that India and Myanmar are working together because of their hatred for Muslims but suggest USA is a possible ally? It is USA that has carried out a global war against Islam for the last decade since the fall of the Soviet Union. If the USA were to wiped out from the Earth today by some asteroid hitting it, let's say, where would that leave all this Western media propaganda and vile hue and cry against Islam and Muslims? Where would that leave these midgets like so called "Israel", or in our region, Myanmar or India?

China could be a partner, perhaps an ally, because it has shown itself to be much more reliable in all aspects than any other non Muslim country.

What do Indians and Myanmarese (?) do? Not much different.

"We" can do nothing because Bangladeshis, frankly, are ignorant stupid and selfish in general which can be proven by the lack of call for implementation of Islamic Sharia in Bangladesh, and the lack of implementation of Islamic Sharia in Bangladesh during its entire history.

It is not like Bangladeshis can not form resistance factions, infiltrate into Myanmar and push to secure a safe buffer zone for the Rohingya and other persecuted Muslims. It is simply the fact that Bangladeshis are ignorant, stupid and selfish, at least to the extent that they do not abide by any aspect of Islamic Sharia, so they do not see these opportunities, nor do they grab these opportunities with both hands when they are presented to them.

It is true but irrelevant to this discussion. Bangladesh is probably a century behind Japan in development. Bangladesh is stuck at Indian levels of development. Bangladeshis (most of them) like to trade with India, watch Indian movies and so on. Bangladesh as a nation must pay the price for that and Indians are extracting the price. It's only Bangladeshis' idiocy that you can blame.

It is just an anecdote. There is an underlying message, perhaps, that Bangladeshis and other nations at India's level of backwardness, are culturally/habitually inept at organizing themselves well to attain an objective, and to effectively plan and execute long term (two or three decades long) missions. At the same time, forming some 'vigilante' groups looking to radically change 160 million people's lives will not succeed. The proof is the fact that Bangladesh has some of the highest number of local NGOs which carry out many 'development' activities but Bangladesh is no better than a backward country like India in terms of development.

For long lasting, far reaching developments to be effected, one must have the required executive and decision making power behind him. For the same reason that OIC and Arab League does not work, for the same reason that Bangladeshis have not solved the plight of the Rohingyas, for that very reason, a bunch of volunteers, even tens of thousands of volunteers would not work. One must have the ability to apply force to ensure that objectives are achieved.

Without such ability, all these conferences, and protests, and blogs, and internet posts, and what have you, will remain empty talk, and these issues will be forgotten and deleted from the minds of the ephemeral registers of public memory.

If a Bangladeshi needs confirmation from a foreign ambassador to assess their self worth, that is a tell tale sign of their worthlessness.

Agree with you for the most part, but for "sharia" and all that, I would rather let the people decide these issues democratically. I personally will vote against it.

If you are interested to work and make some changes, please contact me:
kalumiah2012 at gmail dot com
Full scale delusions in this thread.

Creating a buffer state of West Bengal by aiding proxies...:hang2:
Agree with you for the most part, but for "sharia" and all that, I would rather let the people decide these issues democratically. I personally will vote against it.

If you are interested to work and make some changes, please contact me:
kalumiah2012 at gmail dot com

That is the crux of the problem. If you do not support Islamic Shariah, then how can you think about creating an egalitarian, just society free from foreign agents and free from social ills like deviance, corruption, murder, nepotism, irregularities of all sorts?

Voting is not a solution either. Bangladeshis did not vote to gain independence, for example, nor are the current or past Bangladeshi constitutions decided by voting. Diplomats are not appointed by voting, nor are ministers appointed by voting. The list can go on.

Full scale delusions in this thread.

Even Indians like you admit that BAL appointed envoy is full of delusions because of his cringeworthy adulations of India.
The folks in AL believe in this, there is nothing new about it. I do actually think he is right on a few points.

I don't agree about China and Kashmir issues.
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