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Bangladesh asks Myanmar to take back 500,000 Rohingyas

For any other solution to exist there must be rational minds on the other side. Your country and people top to bottom are racist fascist and inhuman. Force is the only language you understand as history of minorities in your country amply proves.

Your forces are very good against unarmed civilians, but they will scatter like the wind against a organised force. Allow the pomposity of united burma, you may think BD is disunited by the threads of the conversation here but when our nation is at stake we will come together much more quickly. We are homogenous and lively debates here are part of Bangladeshi culture of having a good row.

No one here remotely wants to start a war with Burma. The rohingas are your people, whom you should treat properly just as we do to people of Burmese extraction. You hoist upon us your issues and expect no response, well it does not work like that . Actions has consequences and Bangladesh has only been accommodating so far.

Bangladesh is not aggressive we would rather be left alone to develop our country, but you come to the wrong conclusion based on our mild response to date if you doubt our resolve to protect our interest.

Do you think our military history is predicated on running away from the enemy when our homeland is threatened? You might want to do some research about that. I do not ever want my country to be fighting against anyone, even a 40 year old upstart country like BD. Resolve the issues with your people and we will never have to.
Who do you think wants the Rohingya gone most of all? The Bamar in the central core? The Arakanese are the most adamant about kicking your brethren out of their homeland; the ones that had no say in whether the Rohingya were allowed to come to Arakan in the first place. Arakan has been a Buddhist country whose language, Arakanese, is mutually intelligible with Burmese. Even in the time when whatever sultanate had influence over them, they were a Burmese speaking Buddhist peoples. No one, other than your Rohingya, wants anything to do with Bangladesh. If you ever decide to do something about it, which no sane BD politician would, your soldiers will be fertilising the rice padis and the Myanmar flag will be flying over Chittagong.

Artificial Demographic change of arakan is well known. Those supposed arakanese are bamars and
Arakan being a extension of chittagong has been proved here many times and have been
discussed to death and your babbling tape recording doesn't count.

As for the bolded part, you being a wet dreaming burmese should take some anti-depressants
to calm your nerves. I recommend you to take 0.5mg of clonazepam or flupentixol once daily.
It will help calm your nerves......oh sorry do you even have drugs in Burma.:undecided: If not your cave soldiers will be in some real trouble. Don't worry our army will treat Burmese POWs very humanely.
SO do you want to sent them to guaranteed death trap where they will be slaughtered again
and this fucked up HRW and yankis won't do a $hit.


But I want to send a clear message to the Burmese that it is their responsibility to take care of their various ethnic groups. We are not here as some sort of garbage can where they can throw their ethnic groups at when whenever they like.

The US has given us as a key role player in the security of the BoB.

This relationship will continue to grow. And they looked at us because we officially do not have any hostilities with any neighbor unlike India.

And yes, there will be security issues in our country in case they throw all of them at us. We need to seriously work with all parties regarding the issue. And make them understand the reality. We need to raise awareness about the issue. I'm sure something will come up after this government is gone.

There will be no security issue if you have an super effective DGFI. We seriously need to have a much more robust intellegence agency considering our geostrategic positions. Current DGFI has been reduced to a BAL puppet for petty political gains. We really need to back a arakan insurgency in burma in collaboration with KSA,PAK and china. And yes it will take smart diplomatic
maneuvers. The insurgency will not be "Islamic" but nationalistic. Even if its islamic inside it
will be nationalistic outside. And you need to have a smart intelligence and a powerful army
(material wise) to achieve such a feat. Annexation of arakan will be a goldmine for BD. We
should go for it. Being bold have lots of sweet rewards. And most importantly we will be
fighting for a just cause as well as for our strategic interest.

Well, do those countries have the political appetite for it? I seriously doubt it. I doesn't matter what AL does in its petty political gains.

I agree about the intelligence part. The DGFI can do its job more or less. But there is room for improvement. Khaleda Zia was apparently known to never read intelligence reports.

And as I said, the Rohingyas are too inexperienced, limited in numbers and disorganized for any armed combat. It takes a lot of resources, experience and luck to actually sustain an effective third party covert operation. That's why the Chinese pretty much stopped being involved in insurgencies back in the 80s.

If you ever decide to do something about it, which no sane BD politician would, your soldiers will be fertilising the rice padis and the Myanmar flag will be flying over Chittagong.

You won't even get close to Chittagong. But dream on :rofl:

Do you think our military history is predicated on running away from the enemy when our homeland is threatened? You might want to do some research about that. I do not ever want my country to be fighting against anyone, even a 40 year old upstart country like BD. Resolve the issues with your people and we will never have to.

How rich! :rofl:
You were really good at the beginning there. But then the drugs kicked in towards the end I think.

Why is militancy this and invasion that your answer for everything? Is it because you won't be the one doing the fighting? If you even send one soldier across the Naf, you will be facing a united Union of Myanmar. The five sons of Burma; the farmers, workers, soldiers, scholars and monks will all be united against you.

After all, good and bad coexist, there's no absolute good or bad :tup: .

Patient needs medicine based on symptom.

If Rohingya people start their part, that will add one more rebel group to Burmese profile. Do I have to tell you currently how many are there in Burma or you serve yourself. Control them 1st, Burma not only now but within 100 years ahead will not be capable to attack a neighboring land because that requires national integrity. Currently there are some rebel groups in Burma who administer their own land where your own army doesn't have access. Besides, there's an old friend of yours named Thailand, they'll not hesitate to attack you. There's such example back in 1991 when Thai troops were deployed along Burmese border on friendly call from BD. Thailand is always willing to give you a good lesson. So, stop thinking of attacking first, I'm telling for your betterment only otherwise you'll be disunited :D.

BTW, getting united is good but don't use all those five sons of Burma in real war theater, that would look odd :bad: against an organized armed forces who by their finest quality now rule UN around the world.

I think it's kinda too late for that. And besides, their numbers are too small and has no combat or organization experience whatsoever.

Bringing all of them in will create security issues in our country. Don't forget, there are many Rakhines in Bangladesh as well.

The Rohingya movements and organizations around the world are pretty disorganized. I doubt if they can pull off anything.

In the meantime, we should cooperate with other parties involved in the security matrix.

There's difference between combat and insurgency, this is why I suggested for paramilitary training not military.

But I want to send a clear message to the Burmese that it is their responsibility to take care of their various ethnic groups. We are not here as some sort of garbage can where they can throw their ethnic groups at when whenever they like.

The US has given us as a key role player in the security of the BoB.

This relationship will continue to grow. And they looked at us because we officially do not have any hostilities with any neighbor unlike India.

And yes, there will be security issues in our country in case they throw all of them at us. We need to seriously work with all parties regarding the issue. And make them understand the reality. We need to raise awareness about the issue. I'm sure something will come up after this government is gone.

Well, do those countries have the political appetite for it? I seriously doubt it. I doesn't matter what AL does in its petty political gains.

I agree about the intelligence part. The DGFI can do its job more or less. But there is room for improvement. Khaleda Zia was apparently known to never read intelligence reports.

And as I said, the Rohingyas are too inexperienced, limited in numbers and disorganized for any armed combat. It takes a lot of resources, experience and luck to actually sustain an effective third party covert operation. That's why the Chinese pretty much stopped being involved in insurgencies back in the 80s.

NO point in believing US $hits bro. They just want to use us against china. Will we get the same US patronage as korea and japan got post WW2. I don't think so.

As for your later part , I already said that backing an insurgency is really bold and ambitious.
We will need to make smart diplomatic maneuvers to convince the above foreign powers.
The burmese will have such stone age mentality for another 2/3 decades so Rohingya issue
will not be solved soon. And we will have plenty of time to prop up our economy to take such
bold steps.

And to raise awareness, you will still need a very competent Intellegence agency and a pool of
cunning diplomats. Requirements for achieving both options are the same.
After all, good and bad coexist, there's no absolute good or bad :tup: .

Patient needs medicine based on symptom.

If Rohingya people start their part, that will add one more rebel group to Burmese profile. Do I have to tell you currently how many are there in Burma or you serve yourself. Control them 1st, Burma not only now but within 100 years ahead will not be capable to attack a neighboring land because that requires national integrity. Currently there are some rebel groups in Burma who administer their own land where your own army doesn't have access. Besides, there's an old friend of yours named Thailand, they'll not hesitate to attack you. There's such example back in 1991 when Thai troops were deployed along Burmese border on friendly call from BD. Thailand is always willing to give you a good lesson. So, stop thinking of attacking first, I'm telling for your betterment only otherwise you'll be disunited :D.

BTW, getting united is good but don't use all those five sons of Burma in real war theater, that would look odd :bad: against an organized armed forces who by their finest quality now rule UN around the world.

Do you think sitting in an African jungle spreading STDs to black women counts as warfare? Do you think Thailand will ever be able to conquer their old masters? Underestimate us at your peril, my misguided friend.

Artificial Demographic change of arakan is well known. Those supposed arakanese are bamars and
Arakan being a extension of chittagong has been proved here many times and have been
discussed to death and your babbling tape recording doesn't count.

As for the bolded part, you being a wet dreaming burmese should take some anti-depressants
to calm your nerves. I recommend you to take 0.5mg of clonazepam or flupentixol once daily.
It will help calm your nerves......oh sorry do you even have drugs in Burma.:undecided: If not your cave soldiers will be in some real trouble. Don't worry our army will treat Burmese POWs very humanely.

I think what you need is a dose of sildenafil citrate to overcome your insecurities. You won't be so eager to overcompensate afterwards.

BTW Arakan belongs to the Arakanese and not dirty Bangladeshis as you seem to have concluded in your internet forums.
NO point in believing US $hits bro. They just want to use us against china. Will we get the same US patronage as korea and japan got post WW2. I don't think so.

We could try :D

No harm in trying!

As for your later part , I already said that backing an insurgency is really bold and ambitious.
We will need to make smart diplomatic maneuvers to convince the above foreign powers.
The burmese will have such stone age mentality for another 2/3 decades so Rohingya issue
will not be solved soon. And we will have plenty of time to prop up our economy to take such
bold steps.

And to raise awareness, you will still need a very competent Intellegence agency and a pool of
cunning diplomats. Requirements for achieving both options are the same.

We should keep all options open.

Do you think sitting in an African jungle spreading STDs to black women counts as warfare? Do you think Thailand will ever be able to conquer their old masters? Underestimate us at your peril, my misguided friend.

Jeez, I don't know...

We never really considered you people as our enemies. And we did aim for having amicable relations with Myanmar. And we had great respect for Aung Saan Suu Kyi. No contention there.

But what is with all this Rohingya bullshit even now? Your government say they are illegal immigrants from Bangladesh, and that they are terrorists. So were we promoting terrorism? Are we threatening you?

I don't understand this extreme hostility coming from you people for no particular reason.

We are not underestimating you, just keeping a very close eye on you lot.
We could try :D

No harm in trying!

We should keep all options open.

Jeez, I don't know...

We never really considered you people as our enemies. And we did aim for having amicable relations with Myanmar. And we had great respect for Aung Saan Suu Kyi. No contention there.

But what is with all this Rohingya bullshit even now? Your government say they are illegal immigrants from Bangladesh, and that they are terrorists. So were we promoting terrorism? Are we threatening you?

I don't understand this extreme hostility coming from you people for no particular reason.

We are not underestimating you, just keeping a very close eye on you lot.

Like I said before, BD was never on our radar. But the Rohingya are a thorn in whatever amicable relationship we may have. Take them back and we'll all be good. Like someone said, 1 million should be nothing to a nation of 150 million.
Like I said before, BD was never on our radar. But the Rohingya are a thorn in whatever amicable relationship we may have. Take them back and we'll all be good. Like someone said, 1 million should be nothing to a nation of 150 million.

Would you be happy to take back people of Burmese extraction from Bangladesh in return?

I say this as a hypothetical question as those people are BD citizen and as a civilised people we are not in the habit of making our minorities stateless. Unless you are willing to do that all it means it that you are a petulant little nation destined for the dung heap of irrelevance.
Would you be happy to take back people of Burmese extraction from Bangladesh in return?

I say this as a hypothetical question as those people are BD citizen and as a civilised people we are not in the habit of making our minorities stateless. Unless you are willing to that all it means it that you are a petulant little nation destined for the dung heap of irrelevance.

I don't think anyone in Myanmar would have a problem with that. Infact, the new government is making a concerted effort to entice the recent diaspora back to our homeland. I would very much welcome those who were unfortunately left out in Chittagong to come home.

Please come back to me in 10 years about the dung heap of irrelevance bit.
Yes I will wait around with cat like poise to ask that question!!!!!
BTW, I wonder if you would ever address Thailand as a "petulant little nation"?
Like I said before, BD was never on our radar. But the Rohingya are a thorn in whatever amicable relationship we may have. Take them back and we'll all be good. Like someone said, 1 million should be nothing to a nation of 150 million.

I don't think anyone in Myanmar would have a problem with that. Infact, the new government is making a concerted effort to entice the recent diaspora back to our homeland. I would very much welcome those who were unfortunately left out in Chittagong to come home.

Please come back to me in 10 years about the dung heap of irrelevance bit.

Yeah, thanks for your fake concerns. But we do not need the advise of racists and anti-Muslim people on how we should handle ourselves.

I mean, gosh such bigotry, cruelty and apartheid is just legendary! Even the Israelis are more humane! LOL...

But in the mean time, keep it up with your wet dreams.
We have mosques in every town and Yangon is practically a Muslim city. I think we have been historically tolerant to the muslims so don't play that card against us.
What???? What's thailand got to do with anything.

My opinion on Thailand is that BD should seek to emulate Thai economic policies.
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