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Bangladesh asks Myanmar to take back 500,000 Rohingyas

I would start counting how many Rohingya's these pesky Bamar's have killed so far and go in and exterminate 10 Bamar's for each Roningya. Yes they are our kin and Arakan is their land as much as it is of Rakhines.

War and force is the only option with these subhuman beings. No one should get away with ethnic cleansing and genocide in this day and age.

BD is doing relatively well economicaly speaking so defence expenditure should be doubled(phased in over 5 years to minimise sudden shocks) and then in 10-15 years time, all should be well to retake Arakan.

Reasoning never gets anyone anywhere.

A focused BD can easily streamroller Mynamar.
Interesting that the person who once talked about the genetic superiority of bengalis is now lecturing me about ethics. What a duplicitous little man you are.

This is a bangladeshi issue as much as it is a Myanmar issue and if you had any sense of decency you would stop denying your obvious links to your muslim bengali brethren. I am not ashamed to defend the democratic will of my country. However, your callous indifference to your own people is sickening.

Irrelevant anyway as Bangladesh will, sooner or later, become deferential.

What a good idea. I'll even chip in. Why don't you do that instead of endlessly calling for an insurrection?

For your stake stop chipping in fuel in genocide, that will be just nice of you.
Bangladesh never had a policy for Burma since 1992. 20 yrs is a long time to revive one, but we should at least make a start. Bring China in it as we all can find a common reason to have peace. A triangle alliance is always going to be a lethal threat to India.
While Bangladesh government has been refusing international plea of giving shelter to the Rohingyas, which are Muslims from Arakan [Rakhain] state in the Western part of Myanmar, hundreds of Bangladeshi national are entering various Western countries and later proclaiming to be Rohingyas by producing fake certificates, which are sold to Bangladeshi nationals through an inter-country crime racket based in Akaran state.

Fake Rohingyas entering Western countries
Why is this a "muslim problem"? Some 500 000 people are displaced and living in squalid refugee camps. As usual, the Muslim world ensures that they pass the world's attention by making it a "muslim problem". To the B/D posters suggesting that these people be armed and be made an organised force to capture some of Burma's territory which can be amalgamated in B/D as a Muslim state, you truly are stupid for lack of a better word. You reasoning and thinking leads to Islamaphobia and justifies countries booting out Muslims in droves as is the present case. Shame on you. May God have mercy on your stupidity on judgment day. You are the reason why Islamaphobia exists and why thousands of innocent Muslims worldwide are being persecuted, including these refugees.
1.Burma will never ever take anybody back. Even Su Kyi, with her Nobel and all, won't. The Burmese have been on a steady pogrom of massacres, ethnic cleansing and forced expulsion of Muslims. The process began pre- WW II when all S Asians were targeted. During and post WW II, this has taken a purely anti-Muslim campaign of killings and rapes causing forced expulsion. In the late 1960s there was a similar anti-Chinese massacre when Ne Win, son of a Chinese mother and having a Chinese wife, was the military strongman.

2. The Arakanese Muslims can only go back to their home and hearth if they are assisted by all the Muslims and all the freedom loving peoples of the world. They must be armed and provided with all support to wage a war against the Burman invaders.
Bangladesh never had a policy for Burma since 1992. 20 yrs is a long time to revive one, but we should at least make a start. Bring China in it as we all can find a common reason to have peace. A triangle alliance is always going to be a lethal threat to India.

What India has to do with this issue ??

India obsession ???
The only solution is prosperous Banglaesh. If Bangladesh will become as developed as Singapore, all Illegal bangladeshi will go back to there homeland. Due to poverty poor bangaladeshis are running to India and Burma (as per reports how ppl are intruding into Burma)...

Lets make developed Bangladesh...
The only solution is prosperous Banglaesh. If Bangladesh will become as developed as Singapore, all Illegal bangladeshi will go back to there homeland. Due to poverty poor bangaladeshis are running to India and Burma (as per reports how ppl are intruding into Burma)...

Lets make developed Bangladesh...

share the report or any link!
It is there in all Burma-Muslim thread, read it please....

i cant find. exactly show me where Myanmar officially said it to bangladesh that they are Bangladeshi illegals!! You Indian chamchas are echoing the propaganda for many days!!!
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