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Bangladesh asks Myanmar to take back 500,000 Rohingyas

What???? What's thailand got to do with anything.

My opinion on Thailand is that BD should seek to emulate Thai economic policies.

It's good that you look up to our sister country and former provinces. You should afford us the same level of respect. The only difference between the Burmese and the Thais is that we chose to fight European imperialism and the Thais chose to ameliorate it.

I am very sorry about that. Taungoo is a provincial city and it is not wholly representative of Myanmar.
It's good that you look up to our sister country and former provinces. You should afford us the same level of respect. The only difference between the Burmese and the Thais is that we chose to fight European imperialism and the Thais chose to ameliorate it.

I am very sorry about that. Taungoo is a provincial city and it is not wholly representative of Myanmar.

I would be interested in learning the Thai perspective on your claim. I am not familiar with burmese-Thai dynamics so won't comment.

But Thai economic achievement is to be lauded. With my simple though process I am unable to accord Burma with any credit for that.

Burma will get respect when it becomes a mature country and does not carry out ethnic cleansing. You can not ignore international norm of behaviour and expect everything to be ok. Don't defend cruelty, be patriotic but do not become a mouthpiece for hatred and racism.

You think Bangladesh is a upstart country. Ever wondered why the rohinga would persist in living in Burma with all the persecution
if they weren't from there? Why would Bangladesh take them when we have only existed for 40 years and they "migrated" before we were formed.

They are there because they have lived there always. They were citizens until 1982. That is state sponsored oppression. Your newspaper call them kalar..... We know what that means.

The UN recognise them as one of the most persecuted of minorities. Until you behave like a mature nation no one will respect you. You can be a bully for only so long.
Do you think sitting in an African jungle spreading STDs to black women counts as warfare? Do you think Thailand will ever be able to conquer their old masters? Underestimate us at your peril, my misguided friend.


Guess what "old masters" (jeez..now Burmans are everyone's old master), here's what you're up against:


with this painted (looks like $hit) piece of junk:

I would be interested in learning the Thai perspective on your claim. I am not familiar with burmese-Thai dynamics so won't comment.

But Thai economic achievement is to be lauded. With my simple though process I am unable to accord Burma with any credit for that.

Burma will get respect when it becomes a mature country and does not carry out ethnic cleansing. You can not ignore international norm of behaviour and expect everything to be ok. Don't defend cruelty, be patriotic but do not become a mouthpiece for hatred and racism.

You think Bangladesh is a upstart country. Ever wondered why the rohinga would persist in living in Burma with all the persecution
if they weren't from there? Why would Bangladesh take them when we have only existed for 40 years and they "migrated" before we were formed.

They are there because they have lived there always. They were citizens until 1982. That is state sponsored oppression. Your newspaper call them kalar..... We know what that means.

The UN recognise them as one of the most persecuted of minorities. Until you behave like a mature nation no one will respect you. You can be a bully for only so long.

If I were President, I would allow those who wanted to be Myanmar citizens to be citizens. However, for whatever reasons, the democratic will of the people of Myanmar will not allow the Rohingya to be part of the union. They are bengali people so you should not deny your responsibilities towards them. It is not a matter of behaving like a "mature nation". You know yourself that the Rohingya refugee camps in BD are inhumane hell holes. No wonder they do not want to stay there. Look. these are the unfortunate hangovers of the British empire; the Arakanese have suffered very much at the hand of the Bamar military junta and the British. The Bamar cannot ask the Yakhine to accept these people into their land against their will. If we do, we will be letting the Arakanese out to dry. We cannot do that so we will be behind the Arakanese all the way (remember that I am 1/4 Arakanese). We will not give into the Rohingya.

As for the Thais, if you admire them so much, read their history and watch their films. You will see that the Burmese have always held sway over them and that you are living in a time when the Burmese are weak. Historically, the Thais (and the Lao), have always been deferential to the Burmese.

The kalar statement was very silly and shouldn't have been printed. Please understand that the term 'kalar' is not necessarily racist. We call any one who looks Indian 'kalar'. Anyone who looks Chinese 'tayoke'. Whites we call 'aphyu' and blacks we call 'ame'. There are no racist connotations to it.


Guess what "old masters" (jeez..now Burmans are everyone's old master), here's what you're up against:


with this painted (looks like $hit) piece of junk:


Um, our front line fighters are MiG-29's. It's Bangladesh who persist with F-7's as front line fighters,
Um, our front line fighters are MiG-29's. It's Bangladesh who persist with F-7's as front line fighters,

No worries, we will make sure Myanmar mig 29 can not take off the ground. Bigger and better thing coming on Myanmar way. But off course you would not feel it sitting in india.
Sauk kalar lay nga ko ma yin hso yin nga lee soke thwar bar kwa. Idiot.

Not sure why you are bringing Thailand and laos into this but if you are seeking a deferential Bangladesh you won't find it. you strangely asked me what I thought of the Thai and I answered but your conclusion based on my answer is bizzare.

As is international norm every person living in bangladesh when it became independent became Bangladeshi, which includes millions of people of Burmese extraction. Rohingas from Burma became Burmese when Burma became independent.

Internal politics of your country is irrelevant and no government of Bangladesh will ever entertain your claims. Your state made the Rohinga stateless in 1982.

Being mature means dealing with your own issues. Rohingas are not bangladeshs problem. You keep persisting with the claim they are bengalies. They are not, their language and script is not Bengali. They are a distinct culture who happen to be muslims.

Please do not teach us the meaning of the word kalar. It's connotation we understand well. It is used by your government as part of a wider policy of ethnic cleansing.

You should be ashamed of yourself for defending state policy of liquidating a people who are part of your nation simply because of the color of their skin and religion.

I am very sorry I can not give you latitude when you belittle entirely avoidable human suffering. When you defend cruelty you will earn disdain. As I said be a patriot but don't defend that which can not be defended. In doing so you dehumanise the victims and do great disservice to your country.
Burmese and Thai's have had a long history or wars:


Bamar's are a small tribe, but they have had a aggressive war like history within their surrounding areas, hence the amount of territory they have, even though it still has not been pacified, which have caused their underdevelopment. But once they stabilize their country they will do well, probably faster than us.

Both Bamar's and Tai-Shan people's ancestors have migrated from northern areas which are in China today and absorbed pre-existing Mon, khmer and other people in their current domains in Burma and Thailand.
Bamar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mon people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tai peoples - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Peopling of Thailand - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Burma is an interesting case of nation formation that is still not complete and is unique in 21st century. But then I think nations and people's always change with time, as we see is happening with constant human migration. Nothing stays the same.

We need to open a fund to collect money and help the Rohingas. This money should help them in these troubled times.

Bangladesh expat communities need to get in touch with Rohingya expat communities. But money could also be collected in Bangladesh and other Muslim countries.

That's cool dude, if you get a chance sometime do respond. I am primarily interested in Hindu Bengali resistance to the British which I am not aware off as such . Whilst I do agree with you about the development of an Indian national consciousness as an intellectual form of resistance in Culcutta.

I asked my question specifically because since the British arrived there has been continuous muslim resistance to it culminating in the khilafat movement. The Muslim identity based on religion transcended subcontinental regional nation state of pre mogul era.. The Bengal sultans for example swore fealty to the khalif in Istanbul and not to the moghuls until much later. I want to understand if there was similar Hindu resistance to British rule or was it a case of let's coordinate with the British to get rid of Muslim rule because British are not really here to stay.

It would be interesting to understand if the muslims and the Hindus ever really pulled in the same direction against the Brits.

I don't think there have been constant Muslim struggle against British, yes Muslims sultanates, along with Sikh and Hindu kingdoms did fought against the British, but then hardly there was any Muslim struggle against British. Khilafat was more of a knee jerk reaction of England's war against Ottoman than a constant struggle being materialized into a rebellion; many pragmatic Muslim leaders opposed Khilafat including Jinnah. Outcome of Khilafat movement was rather sad with thousands of Indian Muslims perishing in Central Asia at the behest of Afghan king who was afraid of British response.

Muslims League had always been British friendly; you don't see a single Muslim league leader was arrested during the independence struggle.

In Bengal the resistance against British was intertwined with Bengal renaissance. The struggle against British in Bengal were both peaceful Swadeshi movement and organized armed struggle.

For example the resistance against British attempt at dividing Bengal was peaceful swadeshi movement by boycotting British goods and political protest which compelled the British to shelve their plan. This was long before Gandhi set foot in subcontinent.

There was also strong armed resistance against British in Bengal and most British officers were assassinated in Bengal apart from Afridi areas of NWFP.

Not sure why you are bringing Thailand and laos into this but if you are seeking a deferential Bangladesh you won't find it. you strangely asked me what I thought of the Thai and I answered but your conclusion based on my answer is bizzare.

As is international norm every person living in bangladesh when it became independent became Bangladeshi, which includes millions of people of Burmese extraction. Rohingas from Burma became Burmese when Burma became independent.

Internal politics of your country is irrelevant and no government of Bangladesh will ever entertain your claims. Your state made the Rohinga stateless in 1982.

Being mature means dealing with your own issues. Rohingas are not bangladeshs problem. You keep persisting with the claim they are bengalies. They are not, their language and script is not Bengali. They are a distinct culture who happen to be muslims.

Please do not teach us the meaning of the word kalar. It's connotation we understand well. It is used by your government as part of a wider policy of ethnic cleansing.

You should be ashamed of yourself for defending state policy of liquidating a people who are part of your nation simply because of the color of their skin and religion.

I am very sorry I can not give you latitude when you belittle entirely avoidable human suffering. When you defend cruelty you will earn disdain. As I said be a patriot but don't defend that which can not be defended. In doing so you dehumanise the victims and do great disservice to your country.

Interesting that the person who once talked about the genetic superiority of bengalis is now lecturing me about ethics. What a duplicitous little man you are.

This is a bangladeshi issue as much as it is a Myanmar issue and if you had any sense of decency you would stop denying your obvious links to your muslim bengali brethren. I am not ashamed to defend the democratic will of my country. However, your callous indifference to your own people is sickening.

Irrelevant anyway as Bangladesh will, sooner or later, become deferential.

We need to open a fund to collect money and help the Rohingas. This money should help them in these troubled times.

What a good idea. I'll even chip in. Why don't you do that instead of endlessly calling for an insurrection?
I don't think there have been constant Muslim struggle against British, yes Muslims sultanates, along with Sikh and Hindu kingdoms did fought against the British, but then hardly there was any Muslim struggle against British. Khilafat was more of a knee jerk reaction of England's war against Ottoman than a constant struggle being materialized into a rebellion; many pragmatic Muslim leaders opposed Khilafat including Jinnah. Outcome of Khilafat movement was rather sad with thousands of Indian Muslims perishing in Central Asia at the behest of Afghan king who was afraid of British response.

Muslims League had always been British friendly; you don't see a single Muslim league leader was arrested during the independence struggle.

In Bengal the resistance against British was intertwined with Bengal renaissance. The struggle against British in Bengal were both peaceful Swadeshi movement and organized armed struggle.

For example the resistance against British attempt at dividing Bengal was peaceful swadeshi movement by boycotting British goods and political protest which compelled the British to shelve their plan. This was long before Gandhi set foot in subcontinent.

There was also strong armed resistance against British in Bengal and most British officers were assassinated in Bengal apart from Afridi areas of NWFP.

For that you can read the book "Facts are facts" by Wali Khan based on the declassified telegram between London and Delhi/Calcutta.
I wonder why you guys arguing with that aluvorta,he/she don't deserve a reply.
I would start counting how many Rohingya's these pesky Bamar's have killed so far and go in and exterminate 10 Bamar's for each Roningya. Yes they are our kin and Arakan is their land as much as it is of Rakhines.

War and force is the only option with these subhuman beings. No one should get away with ethnic cleansing and genocide in this day and age.
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