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Bangladesh asks Myanmar to take back 500,000 Rohingyas

I want to understand if there was similar Hindu resistance to British rule or was it a case of let's coordinate with the British to get rid of Muslim rule because British are not really here to stay.

I just want to know why do you think the Hindus should have collaborated with the Muslims rather than the British..

DISCLAIMER : This is a purely hypothetical question an not reflective of actual history, which could have been different.

Missed your edited text.

In terms of Culcutta what I meant was it was a British creation, those who flocked to it colluded with the Brits. That it later became a point of resistance I was not doubting.

The issue hopefully should be clear from my last post is that I am personally unaware of Hindu resistance to British rule until much later. By that I do not mean individual Hindu. Prebritish status quo was Muslim military nobility on top, next level Hindu nobility and then a balanced power between Muslim clerical authority and Hindu administrative class. With the arrival of the British the disenfranchised Muslim came together, although ineffectively due to lack of numbers and coordination. The Hindus on the other hand simply changed masters,adopted British education and surplanted the Muslims.

I am fully able to accept that this may be the Muslim narrative that I grew up with. I am trying to understand the Hindu narrative, as you raised the issue I asked.

I just want to know why do you think the Hindus should have collaborated with the Muslims rather than the British..

DISCLAIMER : This is a purely hypothetical question an not reflective of actual history, which could have been different.

Please see above, which hopefully clarifies what I am interested in understanding.
It'd be better if Bangladesh provides sort of covert paramilitary training to the young Rohingya group before they get back home (if it really happens). It'll have some future goal like when next time sectarian clashes break out and they get persecuted both by opponent ethnic group and govt. troops, they'll be able to have a stand against brutality. Another point is if this persecution continues, ultimately they'll need their own land and then for the revolution the trained ones will be useful. Regarding the training it's very much possible, they could be trained in any nearby Ansar camp instead of BDR/Police camps which will not raise anyone's eyebrows.
It'd be better if Bangladesh provides sort of covert paramilitary training to the young Rohingya group before they get back home (if it really happens). It'll have some future goal like when next time sectarian clashes break out and they get persecuted both by opponent ethnic group and govt. troops, they'll be able to have a stand against brutality. Another point is if this persecution continues, ultimately they'll need their own land and then for the revolution the trained ones will be useful. Regarding the training it's very much possible, they could be trained in any nearby Ansar camp instead of BDR/Police camps which will not raise anyone's eyebrows.

That's the stupidest thing you can do for them. If they start blowing themselves up, it will only give the trigger happy Tatmadaw an excuse to actually kill them rather than fake kill them as pro-Rohingya groups are saying.
What's the problem with just accepting the rohingyas. When we already have 150 million another 1 million will just be a drop in the ocean. We will also at the same time will back a rohingya insurgency in myanmar. With proper diplomatic and intellegence maneuvers with countries like KSA, PAK and china we can accomplish this. If we can free arakan it will be historical considering the fact that for the first time a muslims territory will be curved up from an non-muslims territory with backing from muslim countries. The first of its kind in the last 500 years. Meanwhile the rohingyas here will contribute to the socio economic development of BD. We just need to kick out this dalals from power everything will start falling in place. We still have some great minds in our army, intellegenc and bureaucracy who are now subdued by BAL. If Allah(swt) wills anything is possible and besides mayanmar will never be an trusted partner just like our babus across the border. No point in trying to mend ties with either of these 2 terrorist state.

Note: we will keep on asking the burmese to take them back officially but covertly back the
freedom movement of the rohingyas. A free arakan can later join with BD.
That's the stupidest thing you can do for them. If they start blowing themselves up, it will only give the trigger happy Tatmadaw an excuse to actually kill them rather than fake kill them as pro-Rohingya groups are saying.

Good to see you finally allow the fact. Anyway, as Rohingya people are being actually killed for last almost 60 years which isn't fake (proof is UN says they are most persecuted minority in the world and currently they are spread in many countries throughout the world being victim of persecution), now they have to stand against it militantly regardless of caring for their own lives...do or die.
What's the problem with just accepting the rohingyas. When we already have 150 million another 1 million will just be a drop in the ocean. We will also at the same time will back a rohingya insurgency in myanmar. With proper diplomatic and intellegence maneuvers with countries like KSA. PAK and china we can accomplish. If we can free arakan it will be historical considering the fact that a muslims territory will be curved up from an non-muslims territory with backing from muslim countries. Meanwhile the rohingyas here will contribute to the socio economic development of BD. We just need to kick out this dalals from power everything will start falling in place. We still have some great minds in our army, intellegenc and bureaucracy who are now subdued by BAL. If Allah(swt) wills anything is possible and besides mayanmar will never be an trusted partner just like our babus across the border.

You were really good at the beginning there. But then the drugs kicked in towards the end I think.

Good to see you finally allow the fact. Anyway, as Rohingya people are being actually killed for last almost 60 years which isn't fake (proof is UN says they are most persecuted minority in the world and currently they are spread in many countries throughout the world being victim of persecution), now they have to stand against it militantly regardless of caring for their own lives...do or die.

Why is militancy this and invasion that your answer for everything? Is it because you won't be the one doing the fighting? If you even send one soldier across the Naf, you will be facing a united Union of Myanmar. The five sons of Burma; the farmers, workers, soldiers, scholars and monks will all be united against you.
asked by Dipu Moni, everyone should know nothing will happen when she speaks. But in principal this is what should happen.
It'd be better if Bangladesh provides sort of covert paramilitary training to the young Rohingya group before they get back home (if it really happens). It'll have some future goal like when next time sectarian clashes break out and they get persecuted both by opponent ethnic group and govt. troops, they'll be able to have a stand against brutality. Another point is if this persecution continues, ultimately they'll need their own land and then for the revolution the trained ones will be useful. Regarding the training it's very much possible, they could be trained in any nearby Ansar camp instead of BDR/Police camps which will not raise anyone's eyebrows.

I think it's kinda too late for that. And besides, their numbers are too small and has no combat or organization experience whatsoever.

What's the problem with just accepting the rohingyas. When we already have 150 million another 1 million will just be a drop in the ocean. We will also at the same time will back a rohingya insurgency in myanmar. With proper diplomatic and intellegence maneuvers with countries like KSA, PAK and china we can accomplish this. If we can free arakan it will be historical considering the fact that for the first time a muslims territory will be curved up from an non-muslims territory with backing from muslim countries. The first of its kind in the last 500 years. Meanwhile the rohingyas here will contribute to the socio economic development of BD. We just need to kick out this dalals from power everything will start falling in place. We still have some great minds in our army, intellegenc and bureaucracy who are now subdued by BAL. If Allah(swt) wills anything is possible and besides mayanmar will never be an trusted partner just like our babus across the border.

Note: we will keep on asking the burmese to take them back officially but covertly back the
freedom movement of the rohingyas. A free arakan can later join with BD.

Bringing all of them in will create security issues in our country. Don't forget, there are many Rakhines in Bangladesh as well.

The Rohingya movements and organizations around the world are pretty disorganized. I doubt if they can pull off anything.

In the meantime, we should cooperate with other parties involved in the security matrix.
You were really good at the beginning there. But then the drugs kicked in towards the end I think.

Arakan must be freed. Its not your land to begin with. I was just suggesting how my country can
help to attain it. Its natural in geopolitics isn't it? If BD ever starts acting rough then I am
petty sure your country will also plan some counter strategy. At the end we will be fighting for
a just cause against some known enemies.
I think it's kinda too late for that. And besides, their numbers are too small and has no combat or organization experience whatsoever.

Bringing all of them in will create security issues in our country. Don't forget, there are many Rakhines in Bangladesh as well.

The Rohingya movements and organizations around the world are pretty disorganized. I doubt if they can pull off anything.

In the meantime, we should cooperate with other parties involved in the security matrix.

SO do you want to sent them to guaranteed death trap where they will be slaughtered again
and this fucked up HRW and yankis won't do a $hit.

There will be no security issue if you have an super effective DGFI. We seriously need to have a much more robust intellegence agency considering our geostrategic positions. Current DGFI has been reduced to a BAL puppet for petty political gains. We really need to back a arakan insurgency in burma in collaboration with KSA,PAK and china. And yes it will take smart diplomatic
maneuvers on our part.The insurgency will not be "Islamic" but nationalistic. Even if its islamic inside it
will be nationalistic outside. And you need to have a smart intelligence and a powerful army
(material wise) to achieve such a feat. Annexation of arakan will be a goldmine for BD. We
should go for it. Being bold have lots of sweet rewards. And most importantly we will be
fighting for a just cause as well as for our strategic interest. We have nothing to lose here
apart if we can pull it off wisely.
Arakan must be freed. Its not your land to begin with. I was just suggesting how my country can
help to attain it. Its natural in geopolitics isn't it? If BD ever starts acting rough then I am
petty sure your country will also plan some counter strategy. At the end we will be fighting for
a just cause against some known enemies.

Who do you think wants the Rohingya gone most of all? The Bamar in the central core? The Arakanese are the most adamant about kicking your brethren out of their homeland; the ones that had no say in whether the Rohingya were allowed to come to Arakan in the first place. Arakan has been a Buddhist country whose language, Arakanese, is mutually intelligible with Burmese. Even in the time when whatever sultanate had influence over them, they were a Burmese speaking Buddhist peoples. No one, other than your Rohingya, wants anything to do with Bangladesh. If you ever decide to do something about it, which no sane BD politician would, your soldiers will be fertilising the rice padis and the Myanmar flag will be flying over Chittagong.
You were really good at the beginning there. But then the drugs kicked in towards the end I think.

Why is militancy this and invasion that your answer for everything? Is it because you won't be the one doing the fighting? If you even send one soldier across the Naf, you will be facing a united Union of Myanmar. The five sons of Burma; the farmers, workers, soldiers, scholars and monks will all be united against you.

For any other solution to exist there must be rational minds on the other side. Your country and people top to bottom are racist fascist and inhuman. Force is the only language you understand as history of minorities in your country amply proves.

Your forces are very good against unarmed civilians, but they will scatter like the wind against a organised force. Allow the pomposity of united burma, you may think BD is disunited by the threads of the conversation here but when our nation is at stake we will come together much more quickly. We are homogenous and lively debates here are part of Bangladeshi culture of having a good row.

No one here remotely wants to start a war with Burma. The rohingas are your people, whom you should treat properly just as we do to people of Burmese extraction. You hoist upon us your issues and expect no response, well it does not work like that . Actions has consequences and Bangladesh has only been accommodating so far.

Bangladesh is not aggressive we would rather be left alone to develop our country, but you come to the wrong conclusion based on our mild response to date if you doubt our resolve to protect our interest.
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