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Bangladesh Army

পৃথিবীর বিভিন্ন দেশের সামরিক সামর্থ্য নিয়ে পরিসংখ্যানভিত্তিক প্রতিবেদন প্রকাশ করেছে গ্লোবাল ফায়ার পাওয়ার (জিএফপি)। অতীতের ধারাবাহিকতায় ২০১৭ সালের তালিকাতেও শীর্ষস্থানটি যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের দখলে। দ্বিতীয় অবস্থানে রয়েছে রাশিয়া। এরপরই যথাক্রমে তৃতীয় এবং চতুর্থ স্থানে রয়েছে চীন ও ভারত। তালিকায় বাংলাদেশের অবস্থান ৫৭তম। তালিকায় পাকিস্তানের অবস্থান ভারতের ৯ ধাপ নিচে। ১৩তম অবস্থান নিয়ে প্রথমবারের মতো তারা এসেছে শীর্ষ ১৫ তে। গ্লোবাল ফায়ার পাওয়ারের ওয়েবসাইটে প্রকাশিত তালিকা থেকে এসব তথ্য জানা গেছে।
If you have paid a little attention in your English grammar class... you would notice the teacher say whenever a word ends with exclamation alone, it’s trying to prove a point and show a firm stance as in the facts provided in the sentences are correct!

But if the sentence ends with an exclamation and question mark, it signifies that it’s a fact the writer isn’t sure about and would like to have it verified or corrected.

You sir however are trying to move away from your fault of coming at me rudely instead of trying to figure out if I’m being ignorant or honestly don’t know about the above discusssion.
Do not talk rubbish. If you are so willing to make people understand, write in the proper and grammatically understandable language. Although you have improved, still you write in Arbish. If you do not know about a subject, do not just challenge. Ask with a proper etiquette. But, you are using Arabistani impolite form. I am rude, because you were rude.
Do not talk rubbish. If you are so willing to make people understand, write in the proper and grammatically understandable language. Although you have improved, still you write in Arbish. If you do not know about a subject, do not just challenge. Ask with a proper etiquette. But, you are using Arabistani impolite form. I am rude, because you were rude.
First off you’re the one blabbering trash on a losing argument.
I did not talk to you or asked you any question, why are you so butthurt?
“Arbish” is not an English word, irony you’re teaching me grammars.
My words weren’t challenging him in any way.
There isn’t anything such as “arbistani impolite form” of English, stop coining your own terms, the world doesn’t revolve around you.
As for improvement, you might have to write IELTS exam to prove your proficiency, I don’t. My fleuncy gets me through any challenges thrown at me even if I know **** all of what I’m talking about.
Tender Notice for VSHORADS by Bangladesh Army



First off you’re the one blabbering trash on a losing argument.
I did not talk to you or asked you any question, why are you so butthurt?
“Arbish” is not an English word, irony you’re teaching me grammars.
My words weren’t challenging him in any way.
There isn’t anything such as “arbistani impolite form” of English, stop coining your own terms, the world doesn’t revolve around you.
As for improvement, you might have to write IELTS exam to prove your proficiency, I don’t. My fleuncy gets me through any challenges thrown at me even if I know **** all of what I’m talking about.
So, you are good at English and you are also a war veteran. Use your knowledge in the Forum without being impolite. I hope, you understand what I said. Bloody rubbish Arabistan culture!!!! Seems, your parents and the Arabs around you did not teach you manners.
something to do with myanmar also getting TOTs of those when we were assured they won;t

So this then, begs the questions -

a) Will the Myanmarese get ToT for RBS-70 if they ask (because of Rohingya issues)?
b) Will getting ToT for too high a level of technology (like RBS-70) be incompatible with local levels of appropriate technology? How will the gap be bridged?
RBS 70 NG will be the perfect system for the Army. It fulfills all the requirements and even more. Almost all the other operator are in a tropical weather, this system has superior characteristics like altitude, range etc. Latest generations of this system are superior to FN 16 hands down. If swedes offer an competitive price the deal is theirs, I can see that.

Why isn't FN-16 the default choice? aren't we manufaturing them at BOF?

1. Just say lots of things has changed. And also BD Army loves their money. A competition can do wonders in regard of price. There is no extra love for China, no extra money to fatten their pockets.

2. Yes,there were a plan to produce them in BOF. The works started a long time ago, in 2015. Lots of thing's has changed since then.

So this then, begs the questions -

a) Will the Myanmarese get ToT for RBS-70 if they ask (because of Rohingya issues)?
b) Will getting ToT for too high a level of technology (like RBS-70) be incompatible with local levels of appropriate technology? How will the gap be bridged?

a) No chance. There is a EU weapon ban on the monkeys. They won't get anything such from EU.

b) Not sure about the electronics part(Launching, Guidance system etc.). But the missile part is possible. But AFAIK BA is initially seeking only some assembly and support TOT. They will pursue for more in a followup order.
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Bangladesh Army completes evaluation of Chinese tanks
The Bangladesh Army is set to purchase its first light tanks in decades. It evaluated a number of options from China, Russia and South Korea however the VT-5 impressed the high-powered delegation that visited China very recently.
RBS 70 NG will be the perfect system for the Army. It fulfills all the requirements and even more. Almost all the other operator are in a tropical weather, this system has superior characteristics like altitude, range etc. Latest generations of this system are superior to FN 16 hands down. If swedes offer an competitive price the deal is theirs, I can see that.

1. Just say lots of things has changed. And also BD Army loves their money. A competition can do wonders in regard of price. There is no extra love for China, no extra money to fatten their pockets.

2. Yes,there were a plan to produce them in BOF. The works started a long time ago, in 2015. Lots of thing's has changed since then.

a) No chance. There is a EU weapon ban on the monkeys. They won't get anything such from EU.

b) Not sure about the electronics part(Launching, Guidance system etc.). But the missile part is possible. But AFAIK BA is initially seeking only some assembly and support TOT. They will pursue for more in a followup order.

So we don't produce FN-16's? bummer....

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