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Bangladesh Army Issues Tender To Procure Attack Helicopter

So checked the tender again and found these few things. Looks like they match with only Mi-28 and AH-64. Correct me if AH-1Z has these specifications.









I believe the figures listed in the RFP are indicative. It is beyond stupid to limit options to only Mi-28.

LOL another "Russia only" tender. Etodin to BAF re gala-gali korse manush, ekhon ki korbe? :lol: Jokes apart, nothing stupid here, army is trying to get best thing based on price, performance and politics. AH-64 Apache's fate depends on GSOMIA so not counting it out yet. Yesterday was the last date to submit proposal, wonder what was proposed.

Isn't that what happened with the original MRCA tender.

Limit yourself to a Russian platform.

And then watch them attempt to rip you off with the price.

Please tell me Bangladesh isnt that stupid.

How will they rip us off with helicopter deal? Army obviously have idea about previous sale. Algeria paid $56 million for each Mi-28N which is cheaper than AH-64E ($118 million Morocco) and AH-1Z ($75 million Philippines). If it doesn't work out then it'll be canceled just like the fighter jet tender.

Turkey made (or makes) the fuselage of the F-35 , doesn't mean the F-35 is their design.

Components for center fuselage and engine propulsion system to parts for cockpit display systems and landing gear.
LOL another "Russia only" tender. Etodin to BAF re gala-gali korse manush, ekhon ki korbe? :lol: Jokes apart, nothing stupid here, army is trying to get best thing based on price, performance and politics. AH-64 Apache's fate depends on GSOMIA so not counting it out yet. Yesterday was the last date to submit proposal, wonder what was proposed.

This is not a Russia only tender. BAF retards deserve more criticism than they ever get for messing with national security.

As I said, this is an open RFP for Group A and B countries. I expect most suppliers to put in proposals.
T-129 can fire stinger. AGM-114 got ~12km range and umtas got 8km range.

yeah but they haven't clarified what ''quick maneuvering'' means.

However i think the other features like energy absorbers are found in Mi-28
Suppliers put in proposals in response to such open RFPs anyway even if they do not meet all specifications.
Criteria are often relaxed if the supplier offers a good overall package.

It is not like BA has specified "Russia" in the title like a moron.
Bottom line is: T-129 is very much in the race.
T-129 can fire stinger. AGM-114 got ~12km range and umtas got 8km range.

yeah but they haven't clarified what ''quick maneuvering'' means.

However i think the other features like energy absorbers are found in Mi-28

It's not only about missile, maneuvering or energy absorbers. You'll have to check the other points i shared from the tender specially stand-off capability (which only AH-64 and Mi-28 offers), crash-worthiness, ballistic tolerance, FADEC and engine filters. T-129 doesn't even meet engine requirement.

AH-64 has ability to control UAV and maritime strike capability. It can fire Brimstone with 20km range so if we choose EFT the missile can be used for both platforms. So IMO it's either AH-64 or Mi-28.

Bottom line is: T-129 is very much in the race.

Bottom line is: You're just fixated on T-129. 🤣 Who relax the criteria/bend the rules after creating a tender after two years of evaluation? Know any example like that?
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It's not only about missile, maneuvering or energy absorbers. You'll have to check the other points i shared from the tender specially stand-off capability (which only AH-64 and Mi-28 offers), crash-worthiness, ballistic tolerance, FADEC and engine filters. T-129 doesn't even meet engine requirement.

AH-64 has ability to control UAV and maritime strike capability. It can fire Brimstone with 20km range so if we choose EFT the missile can be used for both platforms. So IMO it's either AH-64 or Mi-28.

Bottom line is: You're just fixated on T-129. 🤣 Who relax the criteria/bend the rules after creating a tender after two years of evaluation? Know any example like that.
You need to learn a thing or two beyond what you find on the internet. Start talking to some real people who deal with such things and you will realise there is more to tenders than what meets your eye.
Anyone who has had any exposure to tenders will tell you that relaxing tender criteria is not uncommon.
I can site many examples, starting from the APC workshop contract that went to Ukraine, various BOF contracts to contracts for the Padma bridge project.
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You're just fixated on T-129.
Feel personally attacked now 😭 . But i'm fine as long as Army gets something and on time.
Mi-28UB is the only variant capable of dual control (new variant) and in some ways its actually better than apache. it has a capable radar.
markin contract duto sign korle amader pashoborti ekti desher protikriya ki hobe janina.

whatever be the case, we will always have to look at our own interest.
I can site many examples, starting from the APC workshop contract that went to Ukraine, various BOF contracts to contracts for the Padma bridge project.

MRCA, Mi-17/171sh MRO plant, Mi-29 upgrade; Russia fucked-up every tender. So it's not unexpected/surprising for the Ukrainian to get the APC workshop contract (If the report is really true). Same thing happened in Padma bridge project thanks to WB. If you're referring to that type of incident then there's a slim chance unless we don't sign GSOMIA and Russia don't **** up the deal (which they haven't so far in supplying helicopter to us).

It makes no sense to go for T-129 when other two helicopters meet the criteria and better than T-129. Well, no point in arguing anymore i guess, we'll see which one gets picked in this FY anyway. Proposal submission date has been extended.

Mi-28UB is the only variant capable of dual control (new variant) and in some ways its actually better than apache. it has a capable radar.

That's the training variant of Mi-28N/NM. No, Mi-28 isn't better than AH-64. Check the specifications of AH-64 and longbow radar and compare them with Mi-28's.

Feel personally attacked now 😭 .

No offense intended. I am speculating based on the tender and @Destranator is expecting the unexpected/exceptional.
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