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Bangladesh Air Force

No way is it Tejas.
I hope not but now I am at a stage where any induction, even if it has to be Tejas, will be welcomed then no induction by BAF. The later you introduce the platform, the more time will it take to operationalize and develop tactics and strategies. MAF will be more familiar with the recently Jf17s and will be at a better position. Just like Pakistan might be losing in terms of aircrafts with India having formidable Su-30MKIs, Migs now Rafales too, (leaving Tejas aside lol), but we still get the better of them due to more time spent with our fighter jets and equiping them with the right weapons.
I hope not but now I am at a stage where any induction, even if it has to be Tejas, will be welcomed then no induction by BAF. The later you introduce the platform, the more time will it take to operationalize and develop tactics and strategies. MAF will be more familiar with the recently Jf17s and will be at a better position. Just like Pakistan might be losing in terms of aircrafts with India having formidable Su-30MKIs, Migs now Rafales too, (leaving Tejas aside lol), but we still get the better of them due to more time spent with our fighter jets and equiping them with the right weapons.

The tender is for Dual Engine MRCA, preferably of western origin.

Tejas is not MRCA, nor dual engine or western.
I hope not but now I am at a stage where any induction, even if it has to be Tejas, will be welcomed then no induction by BAF. The later you introduce the platform, the more time will it take to operationalize and develop tactics and strategies. MAF will be more familiar with the recently Jf17s and will be at a better position. Just like Pakistan might be losing in terms of aircrafts with India having formidable Su-30MKIs, Migs now Rafales too, (leaving Tejas aside lol), but we still get the better of them due to more time spent with our fighter jets and equiping them with the right weapons.

I agree this delay is less than ideal.

But I have a feeling something good will be coming soon.

As I said many months ago, I think alot has to do with geopolitical sands shifting.

Not to mention COVID.

What I don't understand though is this upgrade to the Mig-29.

Why introduce new weapons for such a limited number of platforms.

Unless they plan on getting more that can carry them. i.e Mig-35 or Su-30.

It also indicates these Mig-29s will be around for quite some time.

Again doesn't make sense unless BAF is expecting awhile before it actually receives new fighters.

Perhaps due to a Western source? (Which would take longer to introduce)

Again all just speculation.
Do people think BAF would or should add more F-7s to augment and use numbers to keep defense up till newer platform is inducted after a couple or more years?
Pakistan will soon replace all F-7s (some 2 squadrons) including pgs in a couple of years so it might be right to give them to BAF as with us, they will simply be dumped for reserves.

BAF should go for Su-35 if it chooses Russians, J10-CB (Bangladesh varient) if Chinese or Typhoons T3 if European ( BAF ha great relations with UK and other Europeans don't have issue). Gripen NG and US options are fine too but Typhoon is love and feels more coherent with out Air Forces for some reason.
Do people think BAF would or should add more F-7s to augment and use numbers to keep defense up till newer platform is inducted after a couple or more years?
Pakistan will soon replace all F-7s (some 2 squadrons) including pgs in a couple of years so it might be right to give them to BAF as with us, they will simply be dumped for reserves.

BAF should go for Su-35 if it chooses Russians, J10-CB (Bangladesh varient) if Chinese or Typhoons T3 if European ( BAF ha great relations with UK and other Europeans don't have issue). Gripen NG and US options are fine too but Typhoon is love and feels more coherent with out Air Forces for some reason.

This is a layman's take:

1) BAF needs to recruit, train and raise up adequate amounts of airman and associated personnel needed for an expanded force.

2) Create infrastructure needed for said force.

3) Incorporate and gain proficiency in the use of advanced munitions and techniques. i.e. BVR, stand off AGM.

Perhaps the -BM upgrade fulfills the third point, albeit in small numbers.

In terms of additional F-7PG, I would pass as this doesn't move the needle on capabilities and only adds numbers.

What BAF needs is of course an upgrade quantitatively but more importantly qualitatively.

The real key is gonna be the successful recruitment of capable individuals from amongst the population.

There are core reasons why nations like Israel and Pakistan have the quality air forces that they have.

It came from vision first and foremost and then the will to execute.

To be honest, I doubt that exists for BAF.
To be honest, I doubt that exists for BAF.
It does, cause PAF and BAF share the same blood. We all have reservations with our airforces but we also believe that they will live upto their name and carry onn the legacy, their mentors have passed onto them.

The issue is mostly political and financial. I never doubt the military competency but the leadership needs to be tactful in handling the non-military domains i.e political and funding aspects.
"The name starts with T. It's Tejas you moron, not Typhoons."

P.S: The word 'moron' was just used as part of expression and not directed at you or anybody.
"The name starts with T. and its typhoon, take a screenshot you moron"
P.S: The word "moron" was just used as part of expression and not directed at you or anybody.
It does, cause PAF and BAF share the same blood. We all have reservations with our airforces but we also believe that they will live upto their name and carry onn the legacy, their mentors have passed onto them.

The issue is mostly political and financial. I never doubt the military competency but the leadership needs to be tactful in handling the non-military domains i.e political and funding aspects.

The substrate is there.

What I am concerned about is the lack of political will and vision to make it happen.

I am convinced Bengalis can make excellent fighter pilots.

I wish BAF used the Israeli model to pick out youth and feed them into a Western influenced training system.
"The name starts with T. It's Tejas you moron, not Typhoons."

P.S: The word 'moron' was just used as part of expression and not directed at you or anybody.
if tejas, it would have filled the force 10 years back
What happens to the defense of land..... the f7s at best may just be able to provide some point defense.....

Yaks and the rest will just provide target practice opportunities to our enemies....

Our skies are exposed.... we have minimal sam capacity.... we are undone by BAFs idiocy
SAM and anti aircraft guns are our main hope. i would invest in this field instead of armour for the next 5 years
definitely not what Masum from defence update bangladesh is saying, he's a faggot

Faggot is going easy on him... That dude has the IQ of a maggot.

Spreading Fake News for views, outright pathetic.

Ummah Chummah type loser, who has more allegiance to Iran for who knows what reason than he does to Bangladesh.

He calls Midget Submarines 'mizet shubmarin'.... Clueless peasant like most of his followers.

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BM upgraded, 4 of them...
don't expect rafales even though a lot of youtubers are claiming so

way over 162 million
Here is the reality of the situation: The supplier/country that will offer the easiest financing terms will win the contract.

DGDP is quite annoyed with the Russians thanks to their price gouging tactics.
They have demanded ridiculous prices for a number of army and air force hardware.

The procurement of twin engine fighters is likely to remain in limbo unless the Brits can offer easy finance.

In the meanwhile J-10s are likely to be procured before MRCAs thanks to friendly terms offered by China.

I would have liked BAF to go for Gripens with ToT + training similar to what the Brazilians have done but the BAF leadership are too much of imbeciles to be that pragmatic. A Gripen + J-10C combo in the single engine segment would have been very formidable and sanction proof.[/QUOTE]

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