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Bangladesh Air Force

Saudi acrobatic team will conduct acrobatic shows in Bangladesh for the very first time. Ispr confirmed
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Lol, Syrian airspace is the most crowded in the world.

Syrian airforce hardly did anything when its country was overrun. Syria as a nation state is no more , its population is fractured. The analogy does not apply in any way to BD.

Any external aggression on BD soil will be rebuffed by the entire population. We are a fortress nation. Our differences are political but against external aggression these will be set aside in a moment's notice.

Please do not equate BD to Arab nations none of which are a democracy nor are its leadership accountable to it's people. The dynamics are completely different.

An AN-124-100 #RA-82044 landed at HSIA with a huge quantity of unknown military equipment from Russia. The photos were shared at #PSBD by Safa Haque‎.

My guess would be hardware for the Army and Air Force. BAF keeps on ordering sizable quantities of spares, testing equipment for Yak-130 whereas the Army already purchased thousands of Russian made Kornet ATGM and Igla-S MANPADS. BAF also ordered 5 Mi-171Sh which were supposed to be delivered this year also.

Thanks for the photos Mr Haque and PSBD.

#PSBDExclusive #BangladeshAirForce #BangladeshArmy
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An AN-124-100 #RA-82044 landed at HSIA with a huge quantity of unknown military equipment from Russia. The photos were shared at #PSBD by Safa Haque‎.

My guess would be hardware for the Army and Air Force. BAF keeps on ordering sizable quantities of spares, testing equipment for Yak-130 whereas the Army already purchased thousands of Russian made Kornet ATGM and Igla-S MANPADS. BAF also ordered 5 Mi-171Sh which were supposed to be delivered this year also.

Thanks for the photos Mr Haque and PSBD.

#PSBDExclusive #BangladeshAirForce #BangladeshArmy
Its routine sir these birds always carry support meterial parts etc .
18 years gone now BAF procuring 4 gen fighter jet Su30. the no. is not a sqd. at least first batch, only 12. when they will fulfill forces goal.very slow procurement & the small no's.
18 years gone now BAF procuring 4 gen fighter jet Su30. the no. is not a sqd. at least first batch, only 12. when they will fulfill forces goal.very slow procurement & the small no's.

Fighters are very expensive.

Even 12 SU-30SMEs from Russia will cost 1 billion US dollars when you add in training and weapons.
Infrastructure will be separate cost.
LOL. Useless.
i would have loved to see red sparrows.... i've seen their show in kuwait. have personal experience with one of the pilots who did i nice stunt front of my house. i don't expect the saudis to do much more than some fly past

Syria as a nation state is no more , its population is fractured.
i have many syrian friends acquaintances who moved to syria after their graduation... they're studying there without any problems, yes there is a civil war but it still exist as a nation state... no where close to what lybia is now... for which i would agree with what you said
View attachment 512959

An AN-124-100 #RA-82044 landed at HSIA with a huge quantity of unknown military equipment from Russia. The photos were shared at #PSBD by Safa Haque‎.

My guess would be hardware for the Army and Air Force. BAF keeps on ordering sizable quantities of spares, testing equipment for Yak-130 whereas the Army already purchased thousands of Russian made Kornet ATGM and Igla-S MANPADS. BAF also ordered 5 Mi-171Sh which were supposed to be delivered this year also.

Thanks for the photos Mr Haque and PSBD.

#PSBDExclusive #BangladeshAirForce #BangladeshArmy
carrying reactor and other related parts for roopur
Dude, are you even thinking about the scenario that I am painting before you post?

In a land conflict between BD army and the savages, MAF can only get involved by providing CAS. They need to come in close to be able to effectively hit the BD army in the field. This is where the sophisticated FM-90 comes into play with it's ability to hit missiles, drones, helicopters and planes flying at ground level all the way to 6km up in the air.
Each FM-90 battery has 12 missiles and they can attack 3 targets simultaneously out to a distance of 15-17km. This makes it a very formidable weapon to protect an army against numerous attacking CAS aircraft.
MAF aircraft will be shot down in droves if they want to get involved in any land conflict between BD and Myanmar.

The best use of the MAF is to attack cities and other infrastructure as BAF is weak and BD lacks MRSAM at this moment in time.

If they were employed against BN, there will soon be 5 ships that will have close-range SAM defences and so they will need to fire a lot of missiles(many dozens) to be able to cripple the BD Navy. But soon everything will change when the next-gen air-defence frigates start rolling out with their MFR AESA radars and dozens of VLS silos housing medium range SAMs.

Yep, BAF is letting the side down but both BA and BN are preparing for having to fight without proper airforce.
So according to you Myanmar is a 'Savage' state for protecting its sovereignty and the interest of the majority Buddhist population? Clap clap..
So according to you Myanmar is a 'Savage' state for protecting its sovereignty and the interest of the majority Buddhist population? Clap clap..

Post already thanked by your fellow savage I see.

Do not worry as people like me will be driving the whole of BD military soon and the airforce will become as powerful as our Army and Navy are. This issue will be settled once and for all in BD's favour with little mercy shown to savages.

Now take your off-topic nonsense elsewhere as this is a BAF thread.
So according to you Myanmar is a 'Savage' state for protecting its sovereignty and the interest of the majority Buddhist population? Clap clap..
your decription matches the description of most western countries term for an apartheid state... and the fact that you guys are savages is nothing new
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