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Bangladesh Air Force

This distinguished author (who has written many informative books about PLAAF and Chinese fighter aircraft) seems to have had enough of this DEFSECA constant BS
View attachment 808430

I must admit I remember once a long time ago quite a strange discussion with such a guy - maybe someone can help me - but I think he was claiming Bangladesh may get nearly everything and that was posted on a FB site ... maybe one of you can help what site it was, then I can remember and explain what happened.

I think he claimed they will get J-10C and J-20s ...
I must admit I remember once a long time ago quite a strange discussion with such a guy - maybe someone can help me - but I think he was claiming Bangladesh may get nearly everything and that was posted on a FB site ... maybe one of you can help what site it was, then I can remember and explain what happened.

I think he claimed they will get J-10C and J-20s ...
he claim BAF selected J-10C and then later
he had the AUDACITY to claim that J-10C was not up to standard.... what a fool !

i would advise against going through his earlier posts, some of them are very arrogant in nature and raises the blood pressure very quickly
he claim BAF selected J-10C and then later
he had the AUDACITY to claim that J-10C was not up to standard.... what a fool !

i would advise against going through his earlier posts, some of them are very arrogant in nature and raises the blood pressure very quickly
For what it's worth, he's been getting Pakistan's defence acquisitions right...

He predicted BN would get Type 054A....PN got Type 054A/P
He predicted BAF would get J-10CE...PAF got J-10CE
This distinguished author (who has written many informative books about PLAAF and Chinese fighter aircraft) seems to have had enough of this DEFSECA constant BS
View attachment 808430

You know - I miss the old days when these semi-educated clueless people in Bangladesh did not have access to the wide open world, and could not embarrass a whole country like this.

But then you have them in the West too.

Pewdiepie, SerpentZA and other internet "personalities" have done their bit as I have seen.

no way , that's him ?

If Mr. Rupprecht is from Germany, then they are from the same country - that much is for sure. :-)
For what it's worth, he's been getting Pakistan's defence acquisitions right...
in that case, Congrats on your future Purchase of LPD and LHD
You know - I miss the old days when these semi-educated clueless people in Bangladesh did not have access to the wide open world, and could not embarrass a whole country like this.
his writing style ! have you seen his post where he says ''those of you who made fun of BAF... ... will eat their own words'' yeah we're waiting
or where he promised ''EFT deal was signed 98% done'' until the Deal we signed with France
His source(s): Dude Trust me my friend's dad works at X organisation
I must admit I remember once a long time ago quite a strange discussion with such a guy - maybe someone can help me - but I think he was claiming Bangladesh may get nearly everything and that was posted on a FB site ... maybe one of you can help what site it was, then I can remember and explain what happened.

I think he claimed they will get J-10C and J-20s ...

Probably these same guys. There are a couple of outfits like these and they both have Facebook pages.

Such shysters, frauds and amateurish peddlers of misinformation are an embarrassment to our country.

Unfortunately, a lot of young Bangladesh folks fall into their "feel good" trap nowadays....clueless people like to boast about something when there is nothing to boast about.

Same syndrome like the "newly minted" middle class in India.
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Such shysters, frauds and peddlers of misinformation are an embarrassment to our country.

Unfortunately, a lot of clueless people fall into their "feel good" trap nowadays....

Same syndrome like the "newly minted" middle class in India.

These Defseca morons are now peddling the idea that Bangladesh can consider buying Indian drones.

I had been observing this trend with their posts where they openly ridicule Pakistan out of nowhere to get likes from Leaguers and Bhakts. And now they are outright peddling the idea of buying Indian equipment.

Bunch of liars with malicious agenda. Defence Analyst my foot. Sick of these morons posting useless crap.

These Defseca morons are now peddling the idea that Bangladesh can consider buying Indian drones.

I had been observing this trend with their posts where they openly ridicule Pakistan out of nowhere to get likes from Leaguers and Bhakts. And now they are outright peddling the idea of buying Indian equipment.

Bunch of liars with malicious agenda. Defence Analyst my foot. Sick of these morons posting useless crap.

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Firstly, I am SURE they are reading what we post on PDF.

And its they, not a singular person.

Also, credit where it is due, I appreciate that there is at least something that gives us some info on Bangladesh Defense matters.

But at the same time, I really dislike the juvenile commentary/posts coming from that place.

If you are gonna claim yourself to be a leading authority (and I use that term EXTREMELY generously) for a nation, then for goodness sakes be sober and measured in your words.

That page is run by amateurs with hopes.

i.e. Now we have formal recommendations from them for the BD military.

Anyways, I know you are reading this guys.

Appreciate the enthusiasm.

But please keep things more objective and save the snide comments.

It will make you look more professional.
For what it's worth, he's been getting Pakistan's defence acquisitions right...

He predicted BN would get Type 054A....PN got Type 054A/P
He predicted BAF would get J-10CE...PAF got J-10CE

But getting one thing correct, does not mean he is a reliable defene analyst... even Minnie Chan is not always wrong.

in that case, Congrats on your future Purchase of LPD and LHD

his writing style ! have you seen his post where he says ''those of you who made fun of BAF... ... will eat their own words'' yeah we're waiting
or where he promised ''EFT deal was signed 98% done'' until the Deal we signed with France
His source(s): Dude Trust me my friend's dad works at X organisation

Pardon? ... who do you think are the same? Deino and Mr. Rupprecht? That's correct or Deino and this strange 2analyst?! That's not correct.
Pardon? ... who do you think are the same? Deino and Mr. Rupprecht? That's correct or Deino and this strange 2analyst?! That's not correct.
Apologies, I was referring to that bd defence analyst (DEFSECA) , not you when i wrote the above
something shady about dealing with la france :drag:
everytime i hear some country sign a deal with them i think of this (see below) I cant seem get it out of my head (lol at 1:50)
replace Pegeout with dassault
As suppliers, the French are like Russians - they price gouge and miss schedules but do not attach political strings.
However, French equipment are better quality and NATO standard.
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