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Bangladesh Air Force

I think F-7BGIs shall keep flying for this current decade.
I don't care which platform is inducted, I am starting to question if there will even be any induction or we all are being given lollipop?
PAF is using F-7PG and IAF still using its older Mig-21s, from which F-7 actually derived. However, some of our people are fond of telling BAF is for REPLACING its newly inducted F-7BGs. There was a time when Mig-21s were called poor man's F-16, technologically it was so advanced. F-BGI is more advanced.

I feel it is very strange when they say this, but the reality is all the F-7BGs will be working in the BAF for a few more years or at least one decade and many new jets will be added to the BAF fleet during this period.
Some more information on Typhoon, from the internet source:

PAF is using F-7PG and IAF still using its older Mig-21s, from which F-7 actually derived. However, some of our people are fond of telling BAF is for REPLACING its newly inducted F-7BGs. There was a time when Mig-21s were called poor man's F-16, technologically it was so advanced. F-BGI is more advanced.

I feel it is very strange when they say this, but the reality is all the F-7BGs will be working in the BAF for a few more years or at least one decade and many new jets will be added to the BAF fleet during this period.
Some more information on Typhoon, from the internet source:

F-7BG and BGI are new.

They will be around for quite awhile.

But BAF really should improve its capabilities.

Even Myanmar can field a fire and forget BVR missile.

Bangladesh has no such capability.

Forget about matching India.

So BAF has ALOT of work capability gap to overcome.

Instead of replacing F-7, supplement.

BAF only really has 2 full strength squadrons (F-7) and one half strength (Mig-29).

Why not attempt to field 4-5 full strength squadrons as a goal.

What is happening with Sylhet and Barisal air bases?
Eurofighter would simply be too expensive for Bangladesh. You can say the same for Pakistan. Countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh whom have limited resources most make the most out of their money. 2.5 Billion USD for only 16 fighter jets? Waste of money.

In my opinion the best fighter jet for BAF would be the 4.5th generation J-10C. J-10C deploys what is arguably considered the most advanced and capable long range air to air missile in the world the PL-15. The J-10C is one of just two non-Russian fighters classes with enhanced manoeuvrability due to thrust vectoring engines, and the only one with three dimensional thrust vectoring. PL-15 is the only major air to air missile class itself to integrate an AESA radar, and while this makes them expensive it also makes them much more reliable and difficult to jam.

JF-17 block 2 costs around 30 million USD so the J-10C should cost around 60 million USD. For 3 billion USD BAF can get 50 J-10C. In my opinion that is much much better than just 16 Eurofighter for 2.5 billion USD. Not to mention how expensive it would be to maintain the Eurofighter.
F-7BG and BGI are new.

They will be around for quite awhile.

But BAF really should improve its capabilities.

Even Myanmar can field a fire and forget BVR missile.

Bangladesh has no such capability.

Forget about matching India.

So BAF has ALOT of work capability gap to overcome.
"The efficacy of BVR air-to-air missiles has been criticized. The increased success rate of BVR combat during Operation Desert Storm may have significantly depended on other factors, such as assistance of AWACS, NCTR system of F-15Cs, as well as enemy incompetence. One major issue with BVR is still unreliable IFF technology (Identification friend or foe)".[3][4]

Please read the wiki excerpt. I have read in quite a few places that BVR is not that important as we tend to think. An air combat may see as usual the close dog fights also in the future wars.

There is no past record that BVRAAMs have killed many planes. When they did so there were many other reasons for the success. There are still ways to dodge a BVR missile by dropping multiple flares and others.

So, finally, a battle is decided by the technic and bravery shown by a pilot in dog fights. BVRAAM is not a sure success. So, I do not think if well-trained, our pilots cannot match MAF planes with BVRAAM.
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The efficacy of BVR air-to-air missiles has been criticized. The increased success rate of BVR combat during Operation Desert Storm may have significantly depended on other factors, such as assistance of AWACS, NCTR system of F-15Cs, as well as enemy incompetence. One major issue with BVR is still unreliable IFF technology (Identification friend or foe).[3][4]

Please read the wiki excerpt. I have read in quite a few places that BVR is not that important as we tend to think. An air combat may see as usual the close dog fights also in the future wars.

There is no past record that BVRAAMs have killed many planes. When they did so there were many other reasons for the success. There are still ways to dodge a BVR missile by dropping multiple flares and others.

So, finally, a battle is decided by the technic and bravery shown by a pilot in dog fights. BVRAAM is not a sure success. So, I do not think if well-trained, our pilots cannot match MAF planes with BVRAAM.


BAF is looking way too high for its MRCA procurement forget about typhoons they are maintenance money chuggers. Rather you should be considering these 3 fighters at best anything beyond these platforms is money wasted.

F-16 block 72
J-10 CE
Gripen E
BAF is looking way too high for its MRCA procurement forget about typhoons they are maintenance money chuggers. Rather you should be considering these 3 fighters at best anything beyond these platforms is money wasted.

F-16 block 72
J-10 CE
Gripen E

Actually new Typhoons are almost as cheap to operate as F-16s.

The old fighters were maintenance and operational cost heavy.
interesting @Destranator
This ministry of Defence (UK) document states per hour flight cost of ~4700 £/hour
tornado airframes cost more apparently.

91.1 million £/19650 hours = £4636/Hour = $6374.96/hour

source Number of flying hours and maintenance costs for the Typhoon and Tornado fleets between financial years 2014 and 2016 (publishing.service.gov.uk)
Eurofighter would simply be too expensive for Bangladesh. You can say the same for Pakistan. Countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh whom have limited resources most make the most out of their money. 2.5 Billion USD for only 16 fighter jets? Waste of money.

In my opinion the best fighter jet for BAF would be the 4.5th generation J-10C. J-10C deploys what is arguably considered the most advanced and capable long range air to air missile in the world the PL-15. The J-10C is one of just two non-Russian fighters classes with enhanced manoeuvrability due to thrust vectoring engines, and the only one with three dimensional thrust vectoring. PL-15 is the only major air to air missile class itself to integrate an AESA radar, and while this makes them expensive it also makes them much more reliable and difficult to jam.

JF-17 block 2 costs around 30 million USD so the J-10C should cost around 60 million USD. For 3 billion USD BAF can get 50 J-10C. In my opinion that is much much better than just 16 Eurofighter for 2.5 billion USD. Not to mention how expensive it would be to maintain the Eurofighter.
There you go. 50 is more than enough for bd. Given 50% operational
Actually new Typhoons are almost as cheap to operate as F-16s.

The old fighters were maintenance and operational cost heavy.
You could keep an f16 near the slum. EFT would need specialized weather controlled hangars
You could keep an f16 near the slum. EFT would need specialized weather controlled hangars

Yes, initial infrastruture costs would be higher but it is a one-off cost that would last decades.

Typhoon would be more expensive to buy, operate and maintain than F-16 but it justifies this with superior capabilities. In air-to-air mode as an example I would take 4 Typhoons over 6 F-16s any day of the week.
- About Hangars for the Typhoon planes, I would like to propose UNDERGROUND HANGERS near or inside the mountains in Sylhet and the Chittagong Hill Tracts.

- Dhaka has no such place but Savar and some other places have hills that can also be used for underground hangars.

- I also propose the newly acquired and other fighter planes be kept in different underground hangers and not in one place called Dhaka and also in the open with a tin shade. A single missile attack will destroy this kind of open shelter.
- About Hangars for the Typhoon planes, I would like to propose UNDERGROUND HANGERS near or inside the mountains in Sylhet and the Chittagong Hill Tracts.

- Dhaka has no such place but Savar and some other places have hills that can also be used for underground hangars.

- I also propose the newly acquired and other fighter planes be kept in different underground hangers and not in one place called Dhaka and also in the open with a tin shade. A single missile attack will destroy this kind of open shelter.
American bunker busters can penned through saddam’s underground facilities. CHT is just mud hills if I’m not mistaken. Makes No sense. Rather invest in good early warning and SAM systems. and training. Scramble under 5mins should be priority
- About Hangars for the Typhoon planes, I would like to propose UNDERGROUND HANGERS near or inside the mountains in Sylhet and the Chittagong Hill Tracts.

- Dhaka has no such place but Savar and some other places have hills that can also be used for underground hangars.

- I also propose the newly acquired and other fighter planes be kept in different underground hangers and not in one place called Dhaka and also in the open with a tin shade. A single missile attack will destroy this kind of open shelter.
A proposal for onstructing underground hangars for the BAF planes is nothing new. Please read what wiki says about this type of hangar. People should study positively.

Wiki's partial report on this:

"An underground hangar is a type of hangar for military aircraft, usually dug into the side of a mountain for protection. It is bigger and more protected than a hardened aircraft shelter (HAS)".

"An underground hangar complex may include tunnels containing the normal elements of a military air base - fuel storage, weapon storage, rooms for maintaining the aircraft systems, a communications centre, briefing rooms, kitchen, dining rooms, sleeping areas and generators for electrical power".

"Countries that have used underground hangars include Albania, China, India, Pakistan, Italy, North Korea, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Yugoslavia".

We must keep our planes safe from a sudden missile attack. Hangars on the open are not safe.
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