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Bangladesh Air Force

At the same time man, alot has happened.

Can you even imagine for a bit, the prospect of new build Eurofighter being bought by Bangladesh before 2017?

Fighter procurement takes time.

Also, I think the general state of the BAF needs major improvement before inducting these toys and that ALSO requires time.

The fact is BAF has probably been neglected for quite awhile.

What we don't know is if the government of Bangladesh is finally taking the needs of BAF seriously now or not.

Again, I say if BAF was a strong and capable force, the Rohingya issue on 2017 would not happen.

Air power is deterrence.

Bangladeshi capability in this regards it laughable.

Myanmar knew this and took advantage of Bangladeshi weakness.

And now what?

Bangladesh has to deal with the consequences.

If the government of Bangladesh hasn't learned by now, then what else is there to say?

The Bangladeshi people deserve better.

Also @Arthur pretty much said no new fighters until 2025.

Does anyone know where he is?
This EFT idea was floated by Esrar. Tbh it came about without any practical thinking for capabilities and affordability in mind.
in business there’s a saying if you want to buy something, always ask yourself if you can buy the same thing 10 times.
can bd drop 2.5 bln into its squadron requirements? 10 sqd…?
nah their plan is to buy one squadron and live with it until they retire.
forget about affordability. We have seen how big of a financial loss the yak-130 crashes were… can we afford to lose a 156m dollar combat jet in peacetime much less war?
How about flight times? They churned out only 15 pilots in a batch recently… giving each pilot a minimum 200 flight hours also costs a lot. Will they be able to operate this jet at such costs?

there’s no pragmatic planning in any projects in bd. Always catchphrase, paper tigers. Getting a sqd of j10 would have boosted airspace security just as much.
Or gripen/ f 16s for the matter

Pakistan has the best airforce in subcontinent and yet they’re pragmatic about operational cost and deterrence. They found a good hi/ lo mix in f16s and jf17 and I’m sure project Azm will take f16s place.

what about Bangladesh? How do they plan to keep all 16 fighters operational and combat ready at all times? They’re going to fight with 8 against our neighbors hundreds?

we blame the govt, army and everyone in between but airforce need to take responsibility for this incompetence too.
until 2025.
why tho ?
Getting a sqd of j10 would have boosted airspace security just as much.
Or gripen/ f 16s for the matter
F-16C would cost 7000 USD/hour (not the new V cariant which costs more)
Gripen C/D cost ~ 4000/Hour (not the new E variant whic costs more )

Typhoon would cost around ~12,000-16,000 USD/hour. not sure why the ''double burners'' are being given priority over single burners.
This EFT idea was floated by Esrar. Tbh it came about without any practical thinking for capabilities and affordability in mind.
good on him, otherwise we would have been stuck with MiG-35
I dunno why its important for BAF to have an "MRCA" with 2 engines.

32-48 single engine multirole fighters should be the priority.

Not 16 twin engine ones.
But does a Typhoon has a single-engine plane?
why tho ?
Germany, Italy and Spain is already in line now. I would say 2025 is also being generous.
F-16C would cost 7000 USD/hour (not the new V cariant which costs more)
Gripen C/D cost ~ 4000/Hour (not the new E variant whic costs more )

Typhoon would cost around ~12,000-16,000 USD/hour. not sure why the ''double burners'' are being given priority over single burners.
See there are perfect alternatives. Gripen is a no brainer but backhod fakir Bengalis dream of driving rolls Royce
good on him, otherwise we would have been stuck with MiG-35
Trust me he would have gone with sukhoi had myanmar not happened. It’s only later he looked in eft
I dunno why its important for BAF to have an "MRCA" with 2 engines.

32-48 single engine multirole fighters should be the priority.

Not 16 twin engine ones.
Brazils deal sounds sweet then. They got 36 or so gripens for 3.6 bln I think
I dunno why its important for BAF to have an "MRCA" with 2 engines.

32-48 single engine multirole fighters should be the priority.

Not 16 twin engine ones.

It is because they know those Eurofighter will lost if F 16 or SAB Gripen enter the tender, look like middle man in BD has bribed some of your high rank officer. European is less clean than American, there is corruption case happening when an Indonesian airline bought Roll Royced Engine, the CEO is in jail now due to that corruption case
But does a Typhoon has a single-engine plane?

Typhon is twin engine fighter
Germany, Italy and Spain is already in line now. I would say 2025 is also being generous.
yea but maybe italy and Uk have their lines open.
maybe just maybe
Trust me he would have gone with sukhoi had myanmar not happened. It’s only later he looked in eft
myanmar has thing where they do parallel purchase. We buy something, they get the exact same thing.
This was his way of saying to the goverment ''put your money where your mouth is '' unnoto desh by 2040 :rofl:
It is because they know those Eurofighter will lost if F 16 or SAB Gripen enter the tender, look like middle man in BD has bribed some of your high rank officer. European is less clean than American, there is corruption case happening when an Indonesian airline bought Roll Royced Engine, the CEO is in jail now due to that corruption case
Good. at least they will buy something.
yea but maybe italy and Uk have their lines open.
maybe just maybe

myanmar has thing where they do parallel purchase. We buy something, they get the exact same thing.
This was his way of saying to the goverment ''put your money where your mouth is '' unnoto desh by 2040 :rofl:

Good. at least they will buy something.
They still need the parts made by other partners.
Below are a few specifics of Twin Engine Eurofighter Typhoon, sourced from the internet.

The battle-proven Eurofighter Typhoon is the world’s leading air defence and ground attack aircraft with full multi and swing-role capabilities.
Eurofighter Typhoon is the world’s leading air defence and ground attack aircraft with full multi and swing-role capabilities.

Eurofighter Typhoon Advantages intro

The combination of the airframe performance, advanced human-machine-interface, powerful engines and ground-breaking technology gives Eurofighter Typhoon pilots the edge in today’s competitive digital battlefield. The interoperability, durability, resilience, safety record, reliability and enhancements of the platform ensure that both performance and value are delivered without compromise.

Air Superiority


Air Interdiction

Close Air Support

Air Superiority
Air Interdiction
Close Air Support

Eurofighter Typhoon is the only fighter available on the market able to offer such wide-ranging operational capabilities, while at the same time delivering unparalleled fleet readiness.
The ability to simultaneously support both Air-to-Air and Air-to-Surface scenarios allows the fleet to be used for the widest range of operations. At the same time, the design focus on high reliability, low maintenance and the ease of upgrading systems means the aircraft have the maximum possible availability.



As well as offering leading-edge multi-role capabilities, Eurofighter Typhoon is a high performance swing-role weapon system capable of combining different operational tasks in a single mission at very short notice.

Unmatched kinetic effect
Unmatched kinetic effect
Eurofighter Typhoon has a foreplane delta design, which is inherently – and intentionally –aerodynamically unstable in subsonic flight. This was developed with experienced pilots to provide enhanced manoeuvrability while still being highly intuitive to fly.
The instability in subsonic flight requires a complex flight control system to support the pilot as the computer systems can react more quickly at lower speeds. When Eurofighter Typhoon crosses into supersonic flight, the point of instability moves behind the centre of gravity, giving a stable aircraft for high performance flight.
The advantages of an intentionally unstable design include greater agility at subsonic speeds as well as reduced drag and an overall increase in lift for enhanced short takeoff and landing (STOL) performance. Proposed engine enhancements such as vectored thrust will further boost the agility of the aircraft.


Air-to-Air capabilities

Delivering air superiority in a battle environment determines how quickly and safely other operational tasks can be met. Eurofighter Typhoon provides air superiority effectively in both beyond visual range (BVR) and close in combat (CIC) scenarios.


Air-to-Surface capabilities

Eurofighter Typhoon is ideally suited to Close Air Support as it can remain on task for long periods with large, flexible weapon loads, such as Paveway IV and the Brimstone Air-to-Surface precision attack weapon. The sophisticated sensor suite including Datalink and Laser Designator Pod (LDP) allows close co-ordination with ground commanders and the identification of individual targets, while the high manoeuvrability enables effective operations over the battlefield.

Eurofighter Typhoon works seamlessly with other aircraft and ground systems
The unique heritage of multiple customers means the Eurofighter Typhoon platform was designed to be interoperable with the widest range of aircraft and other ground systems, providing the maximum flexibility for any Air Force. Eurofighter Typhoon works seamlessly and in real-time with both ground control and other aircraft types in combat, defence, surveillance and monitoring scenarios.

Stealth Abilities
Eurofighter Typhoon has a reduced radar signature
Leading technology materials and design provide Eurofighter Typhoon with a reduced radar signature, while its superior avionic processing speeds, aerodynamic agility and beyond visual range (BVR) capabilities enable it to operate effectively while avoiding detection.

Eurofighter Typhoon is capable of using beyond visual range weapons
Being able to operate beyond visual range (BVR) is a key advantage of Eurofighter Typhoon. Remaining outside visual detection and able to use the latest BVR weapons controlled by the aircraft’s leading-edge sensor suite allows operations with maximum safety and accuracy.

The Captor-E AESA Radar
The upgrade of the radar to CAPTOR-E will bring significant operational benefits. The design of the airframe allows Eurofighter Typhoon to deliver the largest electronically scanned array for increased detection and tracking ranges, advanced Air-to-Surface capability and enhanced electronic protection measures. The large airframe also allows a wider field of regard than any other platform.

Eurofighter Typhoon’s safety record is unrivaled

Eurofighter Typhoon has an unparalleled safety record. Proven in battle and hostile environments, it is designed to keep its pilots safe and operational. The leading-edge sensor technology delivers unprecedented accuracy for both Air-to-air and air-to-surface operations in all weather conditions.
I dunno why its important for BAF to have an "MRCA" with 2 engines.

32-48 single engine multirole fighters should be the priority.

Not 16 twin engine ones.

Against our primary adversary we can not compete in numbers.

Also in our current trajectory survivability of our assests are low.

Deterrence would only come from having the ability to land a decisive first punch. For this single engine lacks range, firepower, speed and service ceiling to make a difference against enemy assests.

This is why I personally of the opinion that 16 twin engine jets are better than 32-48 jets that can not take the fight to the enemy. For these fighters they need to remain primarily within BD sky and eventually will be taken out easily by enemy assets. The twin engined jet in this case EFT if we get it will negate everything in indian arsenal..... where money is an issue get the best but lower in number because the superior tech and capabilities they bring are force multipliers.
i hope yall saved the DEFSECA posts about why rafale isn't coming. Don't be surprised if he starts posting about Rafale from now on.
Against our primary adversary we can not compete in numbers.

Also in our current trajectory survivability of our assests are low.

Deterrence would only come from having the ability to land a decisive first punch. For this single engine lacks range, firepower, speed and service ceiling to make a difference against enemy assests.

This is why I personally of the opinion that 16 twin engine jets are better than 32-48 jets that can not take the fight to the enemy. For these fighters they need to remain primarily within BD sky and eventually will be taken out easily by enemy assets. The twin engined jet in this case EFT if we get it will negate everything in indian arsenal..... where money is an issue get the best but lower in number because the superior tech and capabilities they bring are force multipliers.

Don't buy that.

BAF needs an overhaul.

16 new planes won't cut it.

Several squadrons need to be replaced to have any sort of credible capability.

Also, look at the example of Taiwan.

Completely outnumbered.

Yet they favor their F-16s and are in fact getting more.

Or Sweden and their Gripen against a therotical Russian threat.

Both single engined.

Both cheap, modern and able to be used in numbers.

Anyways though, at this point anything BAF gets is an improvement.
Don't buy that.

BAF needs an overhaul.

16 new planes won't cut it.

Several squadrons need to be replaced to have any sort of credible capability.

Also, look at the example of Taiwan.

Completely outnumbered.

Yet they favor their F-16s and are in fact getting more.

Or Sweden and their Gripen against a therotical Russian threat.

Both single engined.

Both cheap, modern and able to be used in numbers.

Anyways though, at this point anything BAF gets is an improvement.

Taiwan is not facing raffles and US potentially has their back.

Sweden has western backing.

BD has none. 16 EFT would represent a credible challenge beyond BD border. F16/Grippen dont.
As i said only stategy BD has is the threat of massive first strike. BD can not hold the skies longterm without minimum 10 sqd of 4 plus jets backed by SAM network and proper infastructure. None of these we have.... With what we can efford quality over quantity is a no brainer. 16 EFT is not enough but offers the best bang for our bucks.
Against our primary adversary we can not compete in numbers.

Also in our current trajectory survivability of our assests are low.

Deterrence would only come from having the ability to land a decisive first punch. For this single engine lacks range, firepower, speed and service ceiling to make a difference against enemy assests.

This is why I personally of the opinion that 16 twin engine jets are better than 32-48 jets that can not take the fight to the enemy. For these fighters they need to remain primarily within BD sky and eventually will be taken out easily by enemy assets. The twin engined jet in this case EFT if we get it will negate everything in indian arsenal..... where money is an issue get the best but lower in number because the superior tech and capabilities they bring are force multipliers.
Bro you won’t have 16 fighters operational at all times
Mig 29s burn through a quarter of their fuel load on takeoff… and 4 available at any one time 🤷🏻‍♂️
if you’re talking about 36 EFT then yeah sure that’s a good level of fighters for deterrence but 16 won’t do squat.
You’ll still need single engine for interception, scramble and patrol duties
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