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Bangladesh Air Force

MRCA has still not be announced in the almost 3 years since I have been on this site.🤣🤣

I'm beginning to think they will announce the winner when Hasina dies and they check her last will and testament.

"18 new J-7 is the winner"

It is slated to be announced in Feb 2022 at the Bangladesh air show.. and new frigates at the fleet review in December..
Do you think the airshow will go on as scheduled?

They haven't even come up with a logo, let alone even disclose even the most basic information about its structure, format, invited guests, exhibitions (both public and commercial), and display program. Literally, no one, other than Indian's, has so far confirmed their presence at Bangladesh airshow 2022. At least not recently.

International airshows are generally much better organized, offering far more substantial information on the aforementioned aspects of the program.

It'll most likely be delayed, if not canceled. Less than 6 months left. I doubt they can pull off an international airshow in that timeframe at the best of times. And we're far from the best of times.

This isn't at all surprising. Having followed Bangladesh airforce since the early 2000s, it's always high on speculations, unsubstantial rumors, and very little on the actual outcome. Bangladesh's frontline aviation (fighters + attack) has not changed much in a meaningful way for over 20 years. It essentially remained the same when her GDP was around $54 billion, compared to the present $350-364 billion. I can't think of the worst airforce, relative to GDP or population, then the BAF. At least as far as combat platforms are concerned

Even if the MRCA tender was confirmed in Feb 2022, deliveries can be expected by 2025/2026 at the earliest. It'd be almost three decades since Bangladesh will field a new combat platform. The last being the MiG-29s in the 2000s. So far, the only BVR capable (though severely limited by modern standards) high-performance fighter, 4th generation platform operated by BAF. And only 6/8 are air combat-capable (UB's don't have radar).

If you're going to have an airforce, have an actual airforce. As opposed to a gentleman's flying club. Which is what the BAF currently is.
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Do you think the airshow will go on as scheduled?

They haven't even come up with a logo, let alone even disclose even the most basic information about its structure, format, invited guests, exhibitions (both public and commercial), and display program. Literally, no one, other than Indian's, has so far confirmed their presence at Bangladesh airshow 2022. At least not recently.

International airshows are generally much better organized, offering far more substantial information on the aforementioned aspects of the program.

It'll most likely be delayed, if not canceled. Less than 6 months left. I doubt they can pull off an international airshow in that timeframe at the best of times. And we're far from the best of times.

This isn't at all surprising. Having followed Bangladesh airforce since the early 2000s, it's always high on speculations, unsubstantial rumors, and very little on the actual outcome. Bangladesh's frontline aviation (fighters + attack) has not changed much in a meaningful way for over 20 years. It essentially remained the same when her GDP was around $54 billion, compared to the present $350-364 billion. I can't think of the worst airforce, relative to GDP or population, then the BAF. At least as far as combat platforms are concerned

Even if the MRCA tender was confirmed in Feb 2022, deliveries can be expected by 2025/2026 at the earliest. It'd be almost three decades since Bangladesh will field a new combat platform. The last being the MiG-29s in the 2000s. So far, the only BVR capable (though severely limited by modern standards) high-performance fighter, 4th generation platform operated by BAF. And only 6/8 are air combat-capable (UB's don't have radar).

If you're going to have an airforce, have an actual airforce. As opposed to a gentleman's flying club. Which is what the BAF currently is.

Agree completely.

It SHOULD be a matter of embarrassment for the nation.

But still, lets hope they can pull it off.
Do you think the airshow will go on as scheduled?

They haven't even come up with a logo, let alone even disclose even the most basic information about its structure, format, invited guests, exhibitions (both public and commercial), and display program. Literally, no one, other than Indian's, has so far confirmed their presence at Bangladesh airshow 2022. At least not recently.

International airshows are generally much better organized, offering far more substantial information on the aforementioned aspects of the program.

It'll most likely be delayed, if not canceled. Less than 6 months left. I doubt they can pull off an international airshow in that timeframe at the best of times. And we're far from the best of times.

This isn't at all surprising. Having followed Bangladesh airforce since the early 2000s, it's always high on speculations, unsubstantial rumors, and very little on the actual outcome. Bangladesh's frontline aviation (fighters + attack) has not changed much in a meaningful way for over 20 years. It essentially remained the same when her GDP was around $54 billion, compared to the present $350-364 billion. I can't think of the worst airforce, relative to GDP or population, then the BAF. At least as far as combat platforms are concerned

Even if the MRCA tender was confirmed in Feb 2022, deliveries can be expected by 2025/2026 at the earliest. It'd be almost three decades since Bangladesh will field a new combat platform. The last being the MiG-29s in the 2000s. So far, the only BVR capable (though severely limited by modern standards) high-performance fighter, 4th generation platform operated by BAF. And only 6/8 are air combat-capable (UB's don't have radar).

If you're going to have an airforce, have an actual airforce. As opposed to a gentleman's flying club. Which is what the BAF currently is.

Very unlikely it will take place.
Do you think the airshow will go on as scheduled?

They haven't even come up with a logo, let alone even disclose even the most basic information about its structure, format, invited guests, exhibitions (both public and commercial), and display program. Literally, no one, other than Indian's, has so far confirmed their presence at Bangladesh airshow 2022. At least not recently.

International airshows are generally much better organized, offering far more substantial information on the aforementioned aspects of the program.

It'll most likely be delayed, if not canceled. Less than 6 months left. I doubt they can pull off an international airshow in that timeframe at the best of times. And we're far from the best of times.

This isn't at all surprising. Having followed Bangladesh airforce since the early 2000s, it's always high on speculations, unsubstantial rumors, and very little on the actual outcome. Bangladesh's frontline aviation (fighters + attack) has not changed much in a meaningful way for over 20 years. It essentially remained the same when her GDP was around $54 billion, compared to the present $350-364 billion. I can't think of the worst airforce, relative to GDP or population, then the BAF. At least as far as combat platforms are concerned

Even if the MRCA tender was confirmed in Feb 2022, deliveries can be expected by 2025/2026 at the earliest. It'd be almost three decades since Bangladesh will field a new combat platform. The last being the MiG-29s in the 2000s. So far, the only BVR capable (though severely limited by modern standards) high-performance fighter, 4th generation platform operated by BAF. And only 6/8 are air combat-capable (UB's don't have radar).

If you're going to have an airforce, have an actual airforce. As opposed to a gentleman's flying club. Which is what the BAF currently is.
Said it perfectly. Our airforce is a joke that should be disbanded.
Which platforms in the BAF have this been integrated on?

Also, has an order or delivery been placed?

Also, below a list of potential goodies that Bangladesh may acquire given the recent cooperation between Turkey and Bangaldesh.

ROKETSAN Product Catalog:


F-7BGI I believe.

They are integrated Teber laser guidance kit installed munitions into the F-7BGIs and MBs... Effectively turning dumb bombs into guided munitions.
F-7BGI I believe.

They are integrated Teber laser guidance kit installed munitions into the F-7BGIs and MBs... Effectively turning dumb bombs into guided munitions.

I think that is limited to Teber though. (Which are used on MK 81 and MK82 bombs)

The catalog confirms Teber has been integrated with F-16 and F-7.

For Lacin not sure if it can be used with F-7. (Lacin used on Mk82)

Perhaps it can but not sure.

Also, happy to see this move towards guided munitions by BAF.

Hopefully, both BGI and BG can use them giving BAF 31 platforms that can use PGM.

Now hope that the upgraded Fulcrums start coming back in country with their Kh-31 and possibly R-77.
I think that is limited to Teber though. (Which are used on MK 81 and MK82 bombs)

The catalog confirms Teber has been integrated with F-16 and F-7.

For Lacin not sure if it can be used with F-7. (Lacin used on Mk82)

Perhaps it can but not sure.

Also, happy to see this move towards guided munitions by BAF.

Hopefully, both BGI and BG can use them giving BAF 31 platforms that can use PGM.

Now hope that the upgraded Fulcrums start coming back in country with their Kh-31 and possibly R-77.
Bg and BGI both can use them
Cc @DalalErMaNodi
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