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Bangladesh Air Force

Indians are desperate for a customer for Tejas and they want to force it down Bangladesh's
throat. With Hasina in power they might actually get their first order.

India has rejected the F16/F21's.
If you pray, please pray that we don’t have money to buy tejas. Rather have no Air Force
I’ll pray during Ramadan 😂
If you pray, please pray that we don’t have money to buy tejas. Rather have no Air Force
I’ll pray during Ramadan 😂

I just hope BAF go for the Gripens but the way Bangladesh Gov is run I won't be surprised if they
buy the Tejas. Indians are desperate to sell these because Pak has already sold Jf17's to 2
countries and 3 are lining up to place orders.
I just hope BAF go for the Gripens but the way Bangladesh Gov is run I won't be surprised if they
buy the Tejas. Indians are desperate to sell these because Pak has already sold Jf17's to 2
countries and 3 are lining up to place orders.
No one will buy tejas if they aren’t buying it themselves. And with 3-7 airframe production in a year overall... good luck selling anything.
No one will buy tejas if they aren’t buying it themselves. And with 3-7 airframe production in a year overall... good luck selling anything.

Indians started this program 10 years before the JF17 but still they are struggling, they have
spent a lot of money on this program and they want to make some back through Bangladesh.
I just hope BAF go for the Gripens but the way Bangladesh Gov is run I won't be surprised if they
buy the Tejas. Indians are desperate to sell these because Pak has already sold Jf17's to 2
countries and 3 are lining up to place orders.
There is no Indian military hardware in service in Bangladesh despite significant increase in military procurement by BAL. BAL has been in charge for 12 years now.
It would be very weird and unusual to start with fighter jets.
Guys, we know that there are no real evaluation for fighter jets going on by BAF currently and so it will take a minimum of 18-24 months before any contract is announced as these things take time to happen.

There is no real urgency from BAL to protect the country properly and just blaming BAF is not good enough.

Hasina is bright enough to know that the country cannot fight even Myanmar as the BAF will have told her its fighters cannot take on the MAF and so she could have done something about it by now if she wanted to. She has the power to change the top-brass of BAF if she is not happy with their performance.
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They have not ordered medium MRCAs yet.
F-16 still has a chance. I don't see many other contenders.
I wouldn’t mind if Bangladesh decides to buy the factory for f21 production... airframe is drastically different
Guys, we know that there are no real evaluation for fighter jets going on by BAF currently and so it will take a minimum of 18-24 months before any contract is announced as these things take time to happen.

There is no real urgency from BAL to protect the country properly and just blaming BAF is not good enough.

Hasina is bright enough to know that the country cannot fight even Myanmar as the BAF will have told her its fighters cannot take on the MAF and so she could have done something about it by now if she wanted to. She has the power to change the top-brass of BAF if she is not happy with their performance.
Bruh she was telling them to spend less beginning of the year... like wtf
Bruh she was telling them to spend less beginning of the year... like wtf

Goes to show how people's priorities can change with time.

She was in charge when BAF requested 27 F-16s from USA back in the late 1990s, and when the USA refused she went to Russia and put in an order for 16 Mig-29s with options for 16 more.
Goes to show how people's priorities can change with time.

She was in charge when BAF requested 27 F-16s from USA back in the late 1990s, and when the USA refused she went to Russia and put in an order for 16 Mig-29s with options for 16 more.
Guys, we know that there are no real evaluation for fighter jets going on by BAF currently and so it will take a minimum of 18-24 months before any contract is announced as these things take time to happen.

There is no real urgency from BAL to protect the country properly and just blaming BAF is not good enough.

Hasina is bright enough to know that the country cannot fight even Myanmar as the BAF will have told her its fighters cannot take on the MAF and so she could have done something about it by now if she wanted to. She has the power to change the top-brass of BAF if she is not happy with their performance.

Tragically your logic is flawless.....
Goes to show how people's priorities can change with time.

She was in charge when BAF requested 27 F-16s from USA back in the late 1990s, and when the USA refused she went to Russia and put in an order for 16 Mig-29s with options for 16 more.
That is the thing. It is not like Hasina is inherently against fighter jets.

Honestly, instead of pipe dreaming about fully manufacturing aircraft, BAF should buy any aircraft that will come with assembly and spares manufacture.
ToT is a great way to kick start an aerospace industry as the supplier basically spoonfeeds you all the techniques and processes.

We have discussed Gripen with ToT to death.

J-10C with ToT also needs to be explored by BAF as China is ramping up J-20 production.
If you pray, please pray that we don’t have money to buy tejas. Rather have no Air Force
I’ll pray during Ramadan 😂
I will be happy if BD buys tejas. As long as india provides BD The cash to purchase and maintain the tejas with.

1 squadron of tejas will give BD pilots an excellent opurtunity to get a feel and learn about the future indian frontline plane.

Also if BD buys tejas, i am sure the chinese would love to have a look at the aircraft.
I will be happy if BD buys tejas. As long as india provides BD The cash to purchase and maintain the tejas with.

1 squadron of tejas will give BD pilots an excellent opurtunity to get a feel and learn about the future indian frontline plane.

Also if BD buys tejas, i am sure the chinese would love to have a look at the aircraft.

I would not mind that if India was not a threat to Bangladesh. Sadly it is.
It could later sell to pk, Philippines etc. us is already conducting study of sales to potential customers
Sure but still makes no sense to shift production to a country that won't be buying many.
BD would buy 4 squadrons max (absolute best case scenario).
Besides, BD hob-knobs a lot with the Chinese and the Russians. Absolute no-go zone for critical US tech like fighter production facility.
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