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Bangladesh Air Force

That must suck then , why only Mach 1.6 ?

Engine/DSI inlet, which must be optimized for a particular flight regime. Also max speed is not as important as it used to be for 4th generation fighters.

Also keep in mind that max speed for modern combat aircraft could be deceptive since many of the so called Mach 2 fighters can only achieve it when flying clean. When carrying missiles/external fuel tanks, their stats are far less impressive.
That must suck then , why only Mach 1.6 ?


F-35 lightning II speed is also 1.6 mach now go fk yourself with cactus....
No amount of BAF bashing is enough. There is no excuse to justify not procuring worthy jets for 22 years. This MRCA support unit should have been established 20 years ago to prepare for MRCA induction.

"Waiting for approval" is also BAF's fault as they are spinless pushovers who get slapped around by PMO, MoF and MoD bureaucrats unlike BA and BN. Civilian bureaucrats do not understand the needs of the armed forces. They try to "prioritise" non-development expenditure based on "urgency" as argued by respective government agencies. BA and BN hammer their cases home while BAF thumb twiddles.

I am not making any of this up. Speak to any senior BA or BN officer.
You’re right. Wait for the next AC, he will be a huge disappointment
View attachment 708728
F-35 lightning II speed is also 1.6 mach now go fk yourself with cactus....
That’s grassmunchers fetish. You do it with your kabuli boyfriends 😂😂😂
Insulted Other Member/Nationality
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View attachment 708728
F-35 lightning II speed is also 1.6 mach now go fk yourself with cactus....

Mess with the U.S I dare you little sandboi :usflag: we willl level your capitol in no time
should midgets be allowed to have an airforce.

Should people who keep Bin Laden safe get to have an air force ? :coffee:
You’re right. Wait for the next AC, he will be a huge disappointment

That’s grassmunchers fetish. You do it with your kabuli boyfriends 😂😂😂

Bro why we can't ban John Wick from this thread , most Pakistanis here don't take him seriously and most of us have him blocked anyways. All he does it troll and $hit about his third world nation
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Delusion isn't very productive.

Its 2021 guys, no sign of any new fighters.

So much for Forces Goal 2030 10 squadrons blah blah blah.....
You know both the govt and airforce people are nincompoops
President goes to say we will buy 16
Then the PM
And what does airforce do with allocated budget?
Establish a MRCA training unit
I mean wtf what were they doing all this time?
they make it sound like BAF is preparing for world war, forming so many training units and going at such low pace of expansion.
You know both the govt and airforce people are nincompoops
President goes to say we will buy 16
Then the PM
And what does airforce do with allocated budget?
Establish a MRCA training unit
I mean wtf what were they doing all this time?
they make it sound like BAF is preparing for world war, forming so many training units and going at such low pace of expansion.
If BAF leadership were serious about national security, they would have bought or leased fighters first and sent pilots to the supplier country for Operational Conversion.

You do not need to build the air force from scratch over 20 years to induct a couple of fighter squadrons.
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