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Bangladesh Air Force

Russian engine tech in terms of reliability and lifespan is not going to get any better, whereas Chinese is in constant improvement.
Fundings basically. China can afford to pour money in research, Russia can’t. They’ve to balance out everything or make the research the most cruicial stuff for their deterrence. Like that nuclear powered hypersonic missile
I just love how Amra twists a fact on its head just to sound cool, let alone the pretentious tone towards supplier nations.

The US declined to sell Falcons to BD in the 90s and not the other way around.

Warning: Do not let the below get your hopes up regarding MRCAs.

I just love how Amra twists a fact on its head just to sound cool, let alone the pretentious tone towards supplier nations.

The US declined to sell Falcons to BD in the 90s and not the other way around.

Warning: Do not let the below get your hopes up regarding MRCAs.

Lol he said like 3 months ago that Baf will start receiving J10c in 2023 now he is saying F16 may come instead of J10c...what a joke
The below is an ideal new fighter fleet composition for BAF to build towards gradually by 2040 (which will not materialise. Don't get your hopes up from this post or bitch about "pipedreaming").

  • 2 sqd EFTs (T3)
  • 3 sqd Gripen F's with ToT (including SAAB's assistance in building up BAC from scratch, setting up training regimen for technicians, and fixing the aviation university's curriculumn)
  • 3 sqd J-10C's

This composition will benefit in a few major ways:
  1. Exposure to and compatibility with quality Western aeronautics, avionics and weapon systems, providing qualitative edge over Burma and paving way for upgrades to cutting edge tech in the distant future.
  2. Access to Western tech not available to Burma (EFTs, Gripens)
  3. Access to tech not accessible to India (J-10s)
  4. Redundancy against Western strings/sanctions (J-10s).
  5. Better understanding of relative advances in Chinese and Western fighter tech.
Again, the above is what should happen and not what will happen, thanks to BAF.

Similar to what I had proposed for BAF, Saab is now offering to develop Canada's aviation infrastructure as part of Gripen deal, once again demonstrating Saab's willingness to transfer knowledge and technology to clients.

BAF faggots will of course learn nothing from it and instead attempt to build a useless piston engine trainer for no reason (unlike fighters, primary trainers do not need frequent replacements during war as they do not engage in combat).

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Similar to what I had proposed for BAF, Saab is now offering to develop Canada's aviation infrastructure as part of Gripen deal, once again demonstrating Saab's willingness to transfer knowledge and technology to clients
Canada having its own aviation industry probably also helps.
What's the principal threat to Bangladesh airspace?

Which is the most likely (potential) adversary for BAF?

What is Bangladesh's doctrine for air superiority?

My own two cents:
War scenario 1:
The primary (though unlikely) adversary would be Myanmar where the BAF would be facing Su 30 SME and Mig 29B and UBs ( F-7s and JF-17s don't count). BAF would possibly be able to ward off any threats though it is doubtful if it could carry out deep penetration strikes with limited capabilities and the Myanmar Air Forces ground defense.
War scenario 2
A more likely scenario is that India gets into a two front war with China and Pakistan and invokes the 1972 Mutual Defense Treaty ( renewed) demanding Bangladesh participation in the war. In such a case BAF fighter squadrons would be operating from Indian bases mostly in the South East of Pakistan's IB possibly Jamnagar. Most of BAFs operations would be over the Rann of Kutch or Sindh as PAF activity there would be limited due to its preoccupation with defending the LOC. The marshy salt water wasteland is lightly defended and BAF would be facing PAF F-7s mostly and is likely to inflict substantial losses on Pakistan. Of course Pakistan would likely strike BAF operating bases with SOW and since most of the air combat would be WVR and GI assist BAF might loose some aircraft to skilled PAF pilots
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