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Bangladesh Air Force

Can anyone translate what this video is saying?

It seems to be information rich but I can't understand his proper Bangla.
This youtube channel is a biased one. This so called defence analyst does not provide realistic information and is more into appeasing the general population of Bangladesh. I think his intention is to increase the number of his youtube subscribers rather then actually discussing defence materials.
This youtube channel is a biased one. This so called defence analyst does not provide realistic information and is more into appeasing the general population of Bangladesh. I think his intention is to increase the number of his youtube subscribers rather then actually discussing defence materials.

I don't think so.

From whatever I can understand and from my own knowledge of what he talks about he is pretty reasonable.

Certainly FAR better than some other YT content out there.

Overall, I like his channel.

Good to know that BAF is getting J-20s (the most modern Chinese fighter).

I also like the "set to purchase" weasel words just in case BAF yet again fails to find a spine during the next round of bureaucratic scrutiny of the purchase request and gets knocked back.
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Can anyone translate what this video is saying?

It seems to be information rich but I can't understand his proper Bangla.

You can't understand Bangla :o:

In short, he is taking the piss on other YouTubers.

He is fact checking some news and discrediting a few channels and their videos on the topic of Bangladesh acquiring the J10C.

He also has a massive ego, this is perceivable through his tone and choice of words.

A Chinese defence website, made a general article about why china should try and export the J10C to Bangladesh, Pakistan and Laos, basically just to capture those markets. It's an editorial piece.

Some Indian defence site put a spin to it, and claimed china China wants to sell J10C to Bangladesh.

Then two Bangladeshi sites namely, South Asian monitor and financial express copied the Indian article but changed article headline to something like Bangladesh is set to buy the J10C.

Following these Bangla news articles, the YouTube channels made their videos.

In this video he goes over this and also states that he has sources who told him about BAFs plan to purchase the J10C all the way back in Jan 2018.

Basically, he is the greatest, most credible Bangladeshi defence YouTuber and he totally doesn't stalk PDF for news and he totally doesn't whore around for subscribers by making videos attacking other channels.

View attachment 640769

Good to know that BAF is getting J-20 (the most modern Chinese fighter).

I also like the "set to purchase" weasel word in case BAF yet again fails to find a spine during the next round of bureaucratic scrutiny for the purchase request and gets knocked back.

Incompetent blobs will screw it up as always.
You can't understand Bangla :o:

In short, he is taking the piss on other YouTubers.

He is fact checking some news and discrediting a few channels and their videos on the topic of Bangladesh acquiring the J10C.

He also has a massive ego, this is perceivable through his tone and choice of words.

A Chinese defence website, made a general article about why china should try and export the J10C to Bangladesh, Pakistan and Laos, basically just to capture those markets. It's an editorial piece.

Some Indian defence site put a spin to it, and claimed china China wants to sell J10C to Bangladesh.

Then two Bangladeshi sites namely, South Asian monitor and financial express copied the Indian article but changed article headline to something like Bangladesh is set to buy the J10C.

Following these Bangla news articles, the YouTube channels made their videos.

In this video he goes over this and also states that he has sources who told him about BAFs plan to purchase the J10C all the way back in Jan 2018.

Basically, he is the greatest, most credible Bangladeshi defence YouTuber and he totally doesn't stalk PDF for news and he totally doesn't whore around for subscribers by making videos attacking other channels.

Incompetent blobs will screw it up as always.
Bangladesh bought J-10, EFT, F-18, Gripen, F-16, JF-17 and many more.

I wonder what other aircrafts these so called defence analyst missed?
You can't understand Bangla :o:

In short, he is taking the piss on other YouTubers.

He is fact checking some news and discrediting a few channels and their videos on the topic of Bangladesh acquiring the J10C.

He also has a massive ego, this is perceivable through his tone and choice of words.

A Chinese defence website, made a general article about why china should try and export the J10C to Bangladesh, Pakistan and Laos, basically just to capture those markets. It's an editorial piece.

Some Indian defence site put a spin to it, and claimed china China wants to sell J10C to Bangladesh.

Then two Bangladeshi sites namely, South Asian monitor and financial express copied the Indian article but changed article headline to something like Bangladesh is set to buy the J10C.

Following these Bangla news articles, the YouTube channels made their videos.

In this video he goes over this and also states that he has sources who told him about BAFs plan to purchase the J10C all the way back in Jan 2018.

Basically, he is the greatest, most credible Bangladeshi defence YouTuber and he totally doesn't stalk PDF for news and he totally doesn't whore around for subscribers by making videos attacking other channels.

Incompetent blobs will screw it up as always.

Thanks for that.

I can understand and speak regular Bangla.

Not the formal version with big words.

Also, most of this guys videos are pretty good.

Maybe not so much this one.

Regardless, this BAF acquisition process is kind of annoying.
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Thanks for that.

I can understand and speak regular Bangla.

Not the formal version with big words.

Also, most of this guys videos are pretty good.

Maybe not so much this one.

Lmao, his videos are trash.

He doesn't know squat and talks out of emotion rather than actual taking an issue apart and looking at it constructively.

However, that's just my opinion anyway.

This hero claims India can never invade Bangladesh, but doesn't say how he came to that conclusion.

He's a foolish nationalist.

Also, can someone please teach him how to talk.... For inside he is using vhithore instead of the correct pronunciation bhitore.

I get Bangladeshis mixing up Bs and Vs when speaking English but this legend does it with his Bangla.
Lmao, his videos are trash.

He doesn't know squat and talks out of emotion rather than actual taking an issue apart and looking at it constructively.

However, that's just my opinion anyway.

This hero claims India can never invade Bangladesh, but doesn't say how he came to that conclusion.

He's a foolish nationalist.

Also, can someone please teach him how to talk.... For inside he is using vhithore instead of the correct pronunciation bhitore.

I get Bangladeshis mixing up Bs and Vs when speaking English but this legend does it with his Bangla.


Like I said before, I've definitely seen worse on YT.

I guess I like his channel because I like his nationalism as well as apparently religiously based worldview.

Like I said before, I've definitely seen worse on YT.

I guess I like his channel because I like his nationalism as well as apparently religiously based worldview.

Well, those are the reasons due to which I despise him and his channel, which he uses as an opinion piece instead of an information portal.

Having lived in the "Islamic Hub" of Arabia, let me tell you, a religious world view, religious brotherhood and forging alliances on basis of religion all sound good but in reality they're just a fallacy. There is no religious unity, If there is, I don't see any and I've lived among arabs who are considered the gold standard for muslims and muslim unity.

He made a video about the top secret special force of Bangladesh ODD71 and didn't for once share any information instead he kept on rambling and talking of fables.

Btw if anyone has any information on ODD71, please do share.
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Thanks for that.

I can understand and speak regular Bangla.

Not the formal version with big words.

Also, most of this guys videos are pretty good.

Maybe not so much this one.

Regardless, this BAF acquisition process is kind of annoying.
This guys bangla is actually informal with lots of metaphors. I used to have trouble understanding but Calcutta speakers helped with that


Like I said before, I've definitely seen worse on YT.

I guess I like his channel because I like his nationalism as well as apparently religiously based worldview.
Dude wouldn’t last a minute to survive anywhere outside of bd

Having lived in the "Islamic Hub" of Arabia, let me tell you, a religious world view, religious brotherhood and forging alliances on basis of religion all sound good but in reality they're just a fallacy. There is no religious unity, If there is, I don't see any and I've lived among arabs who are considered the gold standard for muslims and muslim unity.

Well, those are the reasons due to which I despise him and his channel, which he uses as an opinion piece instead of an information portal.

He made a video about the top secret special force of Bangladesh ODD71 and didn't for once share any information instead he kept on rambling and talking of fables.

Btw if anyone has any information on ODD71, please do share.
Think how litttle we know of swads... 2000 member unit back in 2008? ODD71 is much more secretive than that, tbh there has been no evidence of their existence... but then army black eagle sniper unit wasn’t known to exist for a long time until they started competing in international games

He uses big words to sound knowledgeable, because in reality he doesn't know squat. In one video he claimed to have been studying defence matters for a decade, does he mean reading wikipedia pages?
When someone talks like that you reckon he’s in some military academy... I study ww2 German strategies as hobbies, doesn’t mean I’m field marshal Erwin Rommel’s son now

He uses big words to sound knowledgeable, because in reality he doesn't know squat. In one video he claimed to have been studying defence matters for a decade, does he mean reading wikipedia pages?

I'd like to see him pronounce the word bodha :victory: tag me if anyone knows what that means.
This guys bangla is actually informal with lots of metaphors.

He uses big words to sound knowledgeable, because in reality he doesn't know squat. In one video he claimed to have been studying defence matters for a decade, does he mean reading wikipedia pages?

I'd like to see him pronounce the word bodha :victory: tag me if anyone knows what that means.
Well, those are the reasons due to which I despise him and his channel, which he uses as an opinion piece instead of an information portal.

Having lived in the "Islamic Hub" of Arabia, let me tell you, a religious world view, religious brotherhood and forging alliances on basis of religion all sound good but in reality they're just a fallacy. There is no religious unity, If there is, I don't see any and I've lived among arabs who are considered the gold standard for muslims and muslim unity.

He made a video about the top secret special force of Bangladesh ODD71 and didn't for once share any information instead he kept on rambling and talking of fables.

Btw if anyone has any information on ODD71, please do share.

I see what you are saying but afterall its his YT channel and not a news source.

His main motive is clicks, views, and subcribers.

Also, its sad that there is no religious unity in practice.

But the concept is entirely based on religious basis and is thus worthy to strive for.

Much like, you know on a personal level something like lowering your gaze.

In reality, most of us don't. But we should and at the very least attempt too.

In any case, that's getting way off topic.

As for BAF and J-10C.....there are obviously alot of rumors and talk but its frustrating that there is no confirmed info.

What happened to the supposed 16 MRCA coming?

It's almost halfway past June.
What happened to the supposed 16 MRCA coming?

It's almost halfway past June.

SAK alleges due to Corona Virus situation in Italy and in Bangladesh, BAF has had to sideline dual engine MRCA procurement for now, Instead they have fast-tracked the procurement of the single engine F-7 replacements; the J10C.
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