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Baluch Sunni woman elected mayor is first for Iran

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As I have told @haman10 before, we , the engineers can finish all of the discoveries in their field in less than two years as a contract.
Wow, we are not going to invent the electricity once more buddy, two weeks would be enough for me alone.
@DESERT FIGHTER I don't need to know all this....

That's funny secular but regard honor highly...I don't understand this but just forgot about it.

Just know no one can try to man handle his way with me and absolutely nothing will be gained with such attacks against me.

Nothing has changed please consider this when you're talking to me. I recommend you don't waste your time.
he ya right !! thats why we get the GP in 7 years but you guys get the masters degree in just 9 years !!! ???

any specialty and you should add 5 years to that 7 before : 5 + 7 = 12 :D

so bye bye :D

you needed to getting a master in 9 years?!!! WTF?!!! come one doctor :rofl:

I have put some Pakistani and Indian trolls in 'ignore'

Best decision I have made.

And put an ignore policy on threads that is just designed to inflame.
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