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Baluch Seperatist Sardars in Photographs

@ Sarfriz and Areesh : I hear you guys and I do understand where you're coming from but the thing is that 'perception' counts and that when a disgruntled man, who is disgruntled because of perceived or true exploitation, is fed propaganda he isn't going to conduct an academic exercise to determine the veracity of the claims, he is, more so than not, going to go with the flow so to speak and the fact that its been oft-repeated and he can see exploitation in front of him is more than enough to unhinge the guy into picking up the gun against the People hes been told are 'the enemy of his People', are the 'exploiters of his land' ! I think this is as valid for the Baloch separatists as it is for the Taliban; for there appears to be instances of gross exploitation against Balochistan. I'm sure that most of it is because of corruption and out-right bad governance instead of malice but again its the perception that counts and if you're able to sell it to the People it doesn't really matter what the truth was because its not going to be dissected till much later...much after all thats done is done. I got the feeling talking to those Baloch and listening to many others on the Media, including an interview that Naseem Zehra conducted of Baloch Students from Bolan Medical College (I think), that there is such a perception against Pakistan in the Province of Balochistan ! I pray to God that I'm wrong...that the People I spoke to or the people I've listened to, are not representative of the common Balochistani on the ground but if they are then you have no idea how much fearful I am right now of a repeat of Bangladesh at worst or 'Kurdistan for the Turks or Kashmir for the Indians' otherwise !

thats why i say its a propaganda war in which GOP is losing big time....
If Balochistan is backward so are other parts of Pakistan,we are a poor country overall...
As far as Balochistan's gas reserves is concerned they had been getting their fair share of revenue but been consumed by their Sardaars Lavish lifestyles.
If ever Balochistan becomes a country,mind you the same sardars will live a Royal life and nothing will trickle down to the Ordinary Baloch.
and there will be another decade long war between the different ethnicities native to Balochistan.......The province is not only inhabited by Baloch speaking Balochis..There are Pashtoons,Hazara,Makrani,Darri,Barohi and others and the Marris and Bugtees damn care about them...
In case of free Balochistan these tribal lords will jump on the throne and consume all the riches if they ever could exploit them...
In essence - Yes ! Because we'd be dissecting what was factual and what wasn't 50-60 years after the event happened (case in point - Bangladesh !) but there and then if enough people choose to call it 'the truth' then it would be very hard to ignore the possible out pour of sympathy for the Baloch Separatists. I've said this before Irfan bhai and I do hope that I'm wrong but the few Baloch that I've met here in Lahore (around 10-11) and the many Baloch intellectuals and students that I've listened to they were vehemently against the army, the FC and were convinced that unless either of those two institutions stop their 'wanton killings of the Baloch People', Balochistan will be lost ! And that they Baloch Separatism isn't just restricted to 3-4 tribes but that the whole of the province is burning up ! Now, Irfan Bhai, whether they were delusional, ill-informed or out-right lying the point is that they believed it and according to them so do most People back in Balochistan ! I fear...I honestly fear that we could loose Balochistan because we're approaching this conflict the wrong way ! We're concentrating on the Military aspect of it but without significant civilian input to show the sincerity of the rest of Pakistan to the People of Balochistan !

most of the people opposing the FC are ones that form their opinion on what someone else tells them.
ask them and challenge them if they or their immediate loved ones have had direct bad experience with the FC? if FC has killed or kidnapped their loved one?

my dear, propaganda in this age has a magnified and 10 fold effect due to the choice of media outlet and the freedom one has.
I have myself met people in person who actually turn red with emotions when they talk about the Punjabi oppression and FC atrocities and I ask them if they have suffered that in person? if they have actually seen that happening to a fellow Baloch in front of their eyes?

usual answer is NO, and with a justification that so and so person who doesnt like the Punjabis and Sindhis is saying that and his articles appear in Western websites and papers so he MUST BE right. I repeat again, have you seen FC doing bad things to your family and friends in front of you? have they been oppressive to yourself? answer is NO and then they say well they Killed Bughti....

I ask them, tell me when was last time police or FC stopped people from protesting in the main cities, people even go about damaging public and private property, the people caught destroying the local infrastructure walk free, is that the kind of freedom you looking for?

what an absolute disgrace that the people are able to freely express their opposition and condemnation of FC to both the local and world media but no one dares to say a word about the death squads of BLA...

so these people know what kind of criticism wont result in anything and which one will result in their death. through a blast or drive by shooting or targeted killing in a clinic, a shop or university.
There are 100s of BLA videos on Youtube...I urge members to report these to youtube under "Promotion of terrorism" catagory .
Also please report their material to PTA if there is a way to do that,so that teir videos can be blocked.
Another thing that can be seen from these videos is that these are recorded by mobile phones..That means the "Poor Baloch" who are starving to death due to Pakistan capturing their gas isnt that poor...
And them being dimwits carry monile phones during their ambudhes....thid can be used as a tool to find out their position and send them to hell
As mobile phones always transmit signals...
Another thing that can be seen from these videos is that these are recorded by mobile phones..That means the "Poor Baloch" who are starving to death due to Pakistan capturing their gas isnt that poor...
And them being dimwits carry monile phones during their ambudhes....thid can be used as a tool to find out their position and send them to hell
As mobile phones always transmit signals...

their methods match that of the TTP, since the TTP videos dont get removed from youtube so I doubt BLA videos will be removed because both BLA and TTP are exclusively anti-Pakistani... and its an accepted behaviour to be anti-Pakistani.

a moron will declare that its because of the policies of Pakistan army and ISI but that moron doesnt understand that just being opposed to Pakistani state you are actually justifying terrorism which is in stark contrast to your b1tching when terrorists strike other countries

you can go ahead and report, I have reported many videos in the past. there are even videos that have the footage of the victims of Falujah who are being portrayed by the Lal Masjid terrorists as victims of red Mosque operation, I reported them for misleading the public but they stand because they show Pakistani state in the bad way.

this is hypocrisy and retardation justified for you, anyone who is born with a hatred for Pakistan will readily accept these videos as a word of Ram, God or supernatural force because it shows us badly.

you are welcome to see them if you think you can get anything out of them but I dont feel the need (seen enough, they are the same). our security forces are aware of them.

sooner or later these culprits will be found and face the justice or they will rot in the mountains or get disposed off by their handlers in Afghanistan once they will go past their useful life.

I assure you that the majority of the people are patriot Pakistanis and they are sick and tired of these terrorists, the actions of BLA are Provence wide violence similar to Karachi. the only difference is that crime lords of Karachi are not touting their action as freedom struggle but the BLA terrorists enjoying the hospitality in Afghanistan & Europe are.

near Quetta we got Bolan Medical college, if you cant go yourself then ask someone from the area to go there and check out the campus atmosphere. ask him to find out who roams the campus in double cabin vans with weapons harrasing the girls and professors? many professors of Baluchistan have lost their lives to these thugs belonging to tribal chieftans when they raised voice against them.

its a win win situation for the thugs, he can silence a voice of a person and then can use it to blame the FC.

now watch these videos for a change.
IGFC Balochistan - Interview to PTV Part 1 - YouTube

IGFC Balochistan - Interview to PTV Part 2 - YouTube

now watch this video, from IGFC Saleem Nawaz, check out the strength of his will. WE share it

A brave soldier slap to media IG FC Salim Nawaz .mp4 - YouTube

May Allah grant him the power and resolve to bring peace in Baluchistan & defeat the enemies of Pakistan
I have never understood why people support the likes of Harbyar Marri and Brahamdagh Nugti and instead ask that the FC pull out.

The FC is there because there is a huge void in Balochistan, and that void is created by the political setup. There is no governance at all in Balochistan. A example is the recent confiscation of illegal cars, and then there was a huge uproar, and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that who was making that uproar.
The issue is not that they are drinking, its that they are drinking and partying with alleged CIA handlers.

It is an old tradition to get these people to sell their nation once in an inebriated state by western countries.

Such close links with western men and women while making show of cultural ties is indeed alarming.
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