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Baluch Seperatist Sardars in Photographs

.. defame baluch people

Namastay dear member

I dont see any defaming of my fellow Baloch people

but if you are bleeding heart over the picture of some terrorists then let me assure you this is nothing. on their on Samachar websites they got even more incriminating pictures and they actually celebrate that

Nawab Akbar Bughti used to say nothing better than seeing your enemies corpses being driven before you (tried to a vehicle/ horse) and bedding their women afterwords.

the Kulpar Bughtis, the biggest Bughti tribe has suffered the most at the hands of BLA thugs.
I know you have switched off by now and might not even read this far so as far as I am concerned you can go and bleed yourself to death.
Namastay dear member

I dont see any defaming of my fellow Baloch people

but if you are bleeding heart over the picture of some terrorists then let me assure you this is nothing. on their on Samachar websites they got even more incriminating pictures and they actually celebrate that

Nawab Akbar Bughti used to say nothing better than seeing your enemies corpses being driven before you (tried to a vehicle/ horse) and bedding their women afterwords.

the Kulpar Bughtis, the biggest Bughti tribe has suffered the most at the hands of BLA thugs.
I know you have switched off by now and might not even read this far so as far as I am concerned you can go and bleed yourself to death.

THE AUTHORITY HAS SPOKEN! Respect for the part in red.
IB, can you recognize the Baloch dialect that is being spoken in the first video?
THE AUTHORITY HAS SPOKEN! Respect for the part in red.

ICARUS. Why Intelligence agencies are consistently failing in Baluchistan? It seems, most of the Army causalities are being hidden from public. And why FC is behaving like amateurs? Killing and dumping bodies in open? Why our agencies are failing to pinpoint the camps and funding and human resources of these Groups?

you are doing what our dimwit media is doing, they play entire TTP videos on their prime time although they can show a few second clip as a reference or a blurred screenshot. but they dont, they play the full speeches and your warnings of the terrorists. but I am sure you are not like the sensationalist media. I asume you are a smart, peaceful and responsible Pakistani. correct me if I am wrong.

but you are post after post attaching entire propaganda videos of the terrorists. even our Indian members are mindful enough not to do such a thing.

anyone who will post pro-terrorist videos of TTP, Al Qaeda or BLA etc will receive infractions and possibly permanent ban

dont complain you didnt know
ICARUS. Why Intelligence agencies are consistently failing in Baluchistan? It seems, most of the Army causalities are being hidden from public. And why FC is behaving like amateurs? Killing and dumping bodies in open? Why our agencies are failing to pinpoint the camps and funding and human resources of these Groups?


I am very sorry
please accept my condolences for the demise of your common sense.

why did you decide that the bodies of the civilians are dumped by our agencies? is it because the anti-state media says so?
oh wait because too many people are saying that? so it becomes a truth?

which targetted killing you want me to start with?
should I exclude all Hazaras
also all Pashtons
all Beroohvis?
also all Kalpurs?
all Punjabis?
all Urdu speaking?
all Sindhis?
should I also exclude all policemen, and soldiers?
should I exlcude lawyers and ivil servents teachers and doctors too?

should I explain that all above are the victims of BLA?

FC and Army doesnt even persue these cowards in the mountains except the Akbar Bughti who just went past his sell by date.
most of them are killed during attacks on the posts and installations

and finally, police and FC are responsible for keeping peace, if they start killing civilians and dumping their bodies on the roadside then they will get special thanks from Bramdag Bughti who is enjoying the CIA hospitality in Geneva all paid for by the American taxpayer.

why? because they will be giving him a helping hand.

so wake up and smell the coffe for a change.. stop sniffing bullcrap too much its not good for health
ICARUS. Why Intelligence agencies are consistently failing in Baluchistan? It seems, most of the Army causalities are being hidden from public. And why FC is behaving like amateurs? Killing and dumping bodies in open? Why our agencies are failing to pinpoint the camps and funding and human resources of these Groups?

1) Intel agencies are not being allowed a lot of freedom to operate in Balochistan.
2) FC is behaving as per the requirements of their roles, a number of disappearances are actually people who have gone to the mountains to fight and many of the dead are the educated segment of Baloch society that represents a danger to the absolute authority of tribal lords and are thus fair game for the miscreants.
3) They are based in Afghanistan, out of our mandated area of operations, the GoA seems reluctant to co-operate.
@Irfan Baloch

Yes i had a though about this aspect of my posts,but then again we are told only one side of the story...The missing persons of Balochistan who are portrayed as innocents and PA as the agressor...

I never knew of the exiatance of these vidoes until recently,and i was infuriated at the atrocities these people commit in the name of nationalism....
If they kill innocent Oil rig workers and fire at Patrolling security forces they are heroes for many and when PA retaliates PA becomes Villians..

The posts were aimed at clearing this misconception.
While our Goverment throws Flowers at the likes of Brahamdagh Bugti and Harbayar Marri...Poor soldiers and ordinary workers have died due to them...Their Drak deeds ahve to be exposed,or this one way propoganda will eventually paint thenm as innocents and Security forces as Guilty.
@Irfan Baloch

Yes i had a though about this aspect of my posts,but then again we are told only one side of the story...The missing persons of Balochistan who are portrayed as innocents and PA as the agressor...

I never knew of the exiatance of these vidoes until recently,and i was infuriated at the atrocities these people commit in the name of nationalism....
If they kill innocent Oil rig workers and fire at Patrolling security forces they are heroes for many and when PA retaliates PA becomes Villians..

The posts were aimed at clearing this misconception.
While our Goverment throws Flowers at the likes of Brahamdagh Bugti and Harbayar Marri...Poor soldiers and ordinary workers have died due to them...Their Drak deeds ahve to be exposed,or this one way propoganda will eventually paint thenm as innocents and Security forces as Guilty.

Your intentions are noble but by plastering their videos over the forum, we are actually helping them in spreading their message.

I am very sorry
please accept my condolences for the demise of your common sense.

why did you decide that the bodies of the civilians are dumped by our agencies? is it because the anti-state media says so?
oh wait because too many people are saying that? so it becomes a truth?....................why? because they will be giving him a helping hand.

so wake up and smell the coffe for a change.. stop sniffing bullcrap too much its not good for health

In essence - Yes ! Because we'd be dissecting what was factual and what wasn't 50-60 years after the event happened (case in point - Bangladesh !) but there and then if enough people choose to call it 'the truth' then it would be very hard to ignore the possible out pour of sympathy for the Baloch Separatists. I've said this before Irfan bhai and I do hope that I'm wrong but the few Baloch that I've met here in Lahore (around 10-11) and the many Baloch intellectuals and students that I've listened to they were vehemently against the army, the FC and were convinced that unless either of those two institutions stop their 'wanton killings of the Baloch People', Balochistan will be lost ! And that they Baloch Separatism isn't just restricted to 3-4 tribes but that the whole of the province is burning up ! Now, Irfan Bhai, whether they were delusional, ill-informed or out-right lying the point is that they believed it and according to them so do most People back in Balochistan ! I fear...I honestly fear that we could loose Balochistan because we're approaching this conflict the wrong way ! We're concentrating on the Military aspect of it but without significant civilian input to show the sincerity of the rest of Pakistan to the People of Balochistan !
Even the supreme court took notice of BLA casualties aka missing pesons,but no mention of losses suffered by PA and security forces......and thats where i have no option but to praise Indian law makers,they dont interfere with the work of their army and stand behind them at times like these..
We being a lost confused nation,on one hand condemn security forces for not being able to do their job,and,when they do it and colateral damage happens or tertoridts of BLA are killed while trying to kill soldiers and police....we againg blame security forces.
Even PM Gilani has recently raised the issue of 'missing persons' but he and his legislative assembly should change lehislation and give PA more legal authority and immumity...
General kayani or ISI boss wont want to be hanged after their retirement because in their time on the throne some terrorists were eradicated,and they should be given legal immunity.
Until then they wont take decidive action and loss of innocent lives will continue by the hands of separatists.
In essence - Yes ! Because we'd be dissecting what was factual and what wasn't 50-60 years after the event happened (case in point - Bangladesh !) but there and then if enough people choose to call it 'the truth' then it would be very hard to ignore the possible out pour of sympathy for the Baloch Separatists. I've said this before Irfan bhai and I do hope that I'm wrong but the few Baloch that I've met here in Lahore (around 10-11) and the many Baloch intellectuals and students that I've listened to they were vehemently against the army, the FC and were convinced that unless either of those two institutions stop their 'wanton killings of the Baloch People', Balochistan will be lost ! And that they Baloch Separatism isn't just restricted to 3-4 tribes but that the whole of the province is burning up ! Now, Irfan Bhai, whether they were delusional, ill-informed or out-right lying the point is that they believed it and according to them so do most People back in Balochistan ! I fear...I honestly fear that we could loose Balochistan because we're approaching this conflict the wrong way ! We're concentrating on the Military aspect of it but without significant civilian input to show the sincerity of the rest of Pakistan to the People of Balochistan !

It is because those poor guys are also victims of propaganda just like you and me. They don't have any other choice either except repeating the same rant that BLA and it's sympathizers keep on feeding. Or else they would end up as another Muzaffar Jamali or Maula Baksh Dashti. There is no writ of the govt in there native areas. Let's assume the whole Baluchistan problem is because of missing persons. The whole issue of missing persons started in early 2010. Right? Was the situation very peaceful before that? Weren't teachers killed on daily basis in different parts of Baluchistan? Weren't Safdar Kiyani or Nazima Talib killed before that? Weren't "settlers" being killed before that? You say that whole Baluchistan is burning? OK. Again this is another general misconception being fed into our mind by media. I can guarantee you that most of the militant and terrorist activities of BLA is restricted around 5-6 districts of Baluchistan out of 30 districts of Baluchistan. Those districts are Quetta, Dera Bugti, Khuzdar, Turbat, Sibbi and Naseerabad. These 6 districts are hotbed of Baluch insurgency. The rest 24 districts are relatively peaceful. If every Baloch wasn't independence then these districts would have also been burning like the other 6 districts that I mentioned. Kalpar Bugti's along with Bajrani Marri's would have also joined BLA to fight against PA and FC. These two are the biggest sub tribes of Bugti and Marri tribes respectively. Baluchistan issue is not what you see and hear on Geo TV or Express tribune. It is much more different than that.

.I honestly fear that we could loose Balochistan because we're approaching this conflict the wrong way !

It is because of our "east Pakistan" experience. It is a psychological issue now for Pakistani nation. That is why some insurgency based on nationalism starts in any part of Pakistan be it Baluchistan or Sindh we start thinking about East Pakistan. We don't have trust and confidence in ourselves. And because of this psychological issue we ignore all the differences that exist between East Pakistan and Baluchistan or any other province. You can in all honest fear this but again you need to keep in mind the differences in mind that exist between BD and Baluchistan.
In essence - Yes ! Because we'd be dissecting what was factual and what wasn't 50-60 years after the event happened (case in point - Bangladesh !) but there and then if enough people choose to call it 'the truth' then it would be very hard to ignore the possible out pour of sympathy for the Baloch Separatists. I've said this before Irfan bhai and I do hope that I'm wrong but the few Baloch that I've met here in Lahore (around 10-11) and the many Baloch intellectuals and students that I've listened to they were vehemently against the army, the FC and were convinced that unless either of those two institutions stop their 'wanton killings of the Baloch People', Balochistan will be lost ! And that they Baloch Separatism isn't just restricted to 3-4 tribes but that the whole of the province is burning up ! Now, Irfan Bhai, whether they were delusional, ill-informed or out-right lying the point is that they believed it and according to them so do most People back in Balochistan ! I fear...I honestly fear that we could loose Balochistan because we're approaching this conflict the wrong way ! We're concentrating on the Military aspect of it but without significant civilian input to show the sincerity of the rest of Pakistan to the People of Balochistan !

Those who were Born in 1960s remember how All india radio installed powerful transmitters and took a good few years to feed propoganda to Bengali people against Pakistan..To an illiterate Bengali who heard Indian Radio broadcast everyday the streets of West Pakistan were made of Glass and people of west Pakistan lived in Mansions,and all this was because of His jute money...and he was angry about it..

Likewise the illiterate Baluch thinks that the Gas money from Sui os the reason why Pakistan exists and that they are completely deprived of Gas revenues...Al because of propoganda fed to them by various sources..There is no Counter Propoganda done by Pakistan Government..
Bangladesh was lost not due to Military weakness but by failing to countercat the indian propoganda used to provoke Bengalis...Today same thing is happening..BLA and the International Anti Pakistan forces are succesfully feeding propoganda which maked BLA terrorists innocents...
One simple rule is that if you are not out there with guns and rockets,you wont get picked up by security forces,if they picked you up,you must have done something as PA doesnt have time or resources to pick up random people who done nothing...

ISPR should launch counter BLA propoganda...Air interviews of Families of Soldiers/ Sui gas workers / Mine workers who were killed by BLA...

Propoganda war is as important as real war and in some cases more important.
@ Sarfriz and Areesh : I hear you guys and I do understand where you're coming from but the thing is that 'perception' counts and that when a disgruntled man, who is disgruntled because of perceived or true exploitation, is fed propaganda he isn't going to conduct an academic exercise to determine the veracity of the claims, he is, more so than not, going to go with the flow so to speak and the fact that its been oft-repeated and he can see exploitation in front of him is more than enough to unhinge the guy into picking up the gun against the People hes been told are 'the enemy of his People', are the 'exploiters of his land' ! I think this is as valid for the Baloch separatists as it is for the Taliban; for there appears to be instances of gross exploitation against Balochistan. I'm sure that most of it is because of corruption and out-right bad governance instead of malice but again its the perception that counts and if you're able to sell it to the People it doesn't really matter what the truth was because its not going to be dissected till much later...much after all thats done is done. I got the feeling talking to those Baloch and listening to many others on the Media, including an interview that Naseem Zehra conducted of Baloch Students from Bolan Medical College (I think), that there is such a perception against Pakistan in the Province of Balochistan ! I pray to God that I'm wrong...that the People I spoke to or the people I've listened to, are not representative of the common Balochistani on the ground but if they are then you have no idea how much fearful I am right now of a repeat of Bangladesh at worst or 'Kurdistan for the Turks or Kashmir for the Indians' otherwise !
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