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Baluch protesters walk across Pakistan to spotlight army abuse

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What? lol you are the one who is alleging and want me to prove? Prove what? Use your brain, seriously!

LOL. Wow! u get offended so easily. Why dont you show me some proof first. Then I will show mine.

lOl you are the one releasing hot air here and telling me instead.

World knows who is good at releasing h0t a1rs from their r3ars.;)

lOl when one who blabbers and couldn't prove his BSing, this is what he does :omghaha:

I simply reply your troll post in same manner. Why cry now?:D

Also i' am not your parent or some one to spoon feed you everything. Go & google it about RAW terrorists camps in Afghanistan where these BLA terrorists get their training from.:sniper:
World knows who is good at releasing h0t a1rs from their r3ars.;)

I simply reply your troll post in same manner. Why cry now?:D

Also i' am not your parent or some one to spoon feed you everything. Go & google it about RAW terrorists camps in Afghanistan where these BLA terrorists get their training from.:sniper:

If you've got any proof to back up your claims, post it else don't bother to quote me next time and stop this nuisance of spoon feeding and crap. You are holding the title of Senior member, so please act like one.
Well if those missing persons have anything to do with BLA then good job PA and ISI.And the same should be done with these traitors talking about their missed beloved terrorists .
If you've got any proof to back up your claims, post it else don't bother to quote me next time and stop this nuisance of spoon feeding and crap. You are holding the title of Senior member, so please act like one.

I' am not here to spend/waste my time explaining/collecting things that i already posted here before to every new member. In simple words no spoon feeding.
Mama qadeer baloch and his people should do long march from peshawer to DI khan, we will give them our traditional hospitality instead of hurling abuses at them like what happened in punjab.
We have equal seats for each province regardless of population in the upper house (Senate)

Yara KPK produces around 1 million tons of wheat annually , whereas its requirement is around 4 million metric tons . For that KPK has to rely on Punjab . It is always give and take . And the Natural Resources belong to the province anyways . So what is your point ??
KPK is self-sufficient in wheat production, the shortage is due to its smuggling to afghanistan. You are forgetting that KPK has to "buy" wheat from punjab at the prices higher than in international market. On the other hand tobbaco, a highly profitible crop, is produced mainly in KPK but it is under federal.
You can not compare mineral resources, gas , electricity etc of kpk, which are under federal, with Wheat of punjab. Maize is mostly produced in kpk, its not that people of kpk would die without agricultural productions of punjab. Rivers of punjab are drying due to dams in kashmir. But rivers of kpk wont.
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