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Baloch Fundamental Army wadges Jihad against BLA

Endia will pay for her deeds soon then later..history will repeat it self
Whatever it is well done) Kill all those BLA dogs funded by those hindu pundits.On one side they believe in hindutva and on other side they sponsor terrorism .How cute.
As we all are well aware that we cannot destroy BLA terrorists organizations etc at once,so why not to support such organizations to fight with BLA?However we must keep two objectives in our mind while dealing with such organization:

-Observe their objective of formation,Is it pro-Pakistani?If yes then we must support it.
-After your objective/target is achieved it must be dissolved/disarmed and deviated for constructive purposes.

It will be perfect approach if agencies will use it against BLA

What will stop them getting rouge once they get to think it is them who have sort of conquered the area? Also what message will we be conveying to the world by using extra judicial force in Baluchistan and more importantly what message will we be conveying to our own Baloch brother by supporting extra judicial force there? At one time the lashkar is with us but what is the guarantee they wont be the ones will be worried about in years to come.

This is not the way to handle Baluchistan situation, not to me at least!

Rather then investing is supporting and investing anti-BLA forces our focus must be on investing to contain BLA resource and the ones who are supporting/funding this unrest in Pakistan. Even better, if we want to go non judicial way and get our hands dirty, create problems for these BLA supporters so they have enough of them to take care of rather then sitting ideal and planning anti-Pakistan moves!!
Take the fight to them.

Any obvious support of any Lashkar, even against BLA will give the wrong message and that is all that matter to the world these days, THE MESSAGE and POINT OF VIEW!

Sorry Sir it is good because its balochs who are now standing against these cartoon the BLA and other cartoons Sir so they can't blame now so called Punjabi Army for attacking them now its their own baloch brothers who are fed up of BLA traitors and want to get rid of them @DESERT FIGHTER
Baloch killing Baloch is still one of our brother dead!
I don't say PA should jump in and stop these anti-BLA groups by force i am just suggesting that our open support for them will be taken as Pakistan making the Baloch each other like the UK divide and rule policy and taking full benefit of it.
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What will stop them getting rouge once they get to think it is them who have sort of conquered the area? Also what message will we be conveying to the world by using extra judicial force in Baluchistan and more importantly what message will we be conveying to our own Baloch brother by supporting extra judicial force there? At one time the lashkar is with us but what is the guarantee they wont be the ones will be worried about in years to come.

This is not the way to handle Baluchistan situation, not to me at least!

Rather then investing is supporting and investing anti-BLA forces our focus must be on investing to contain BLA resource and the ones who are supporting/funding this unrest in Pakistan. Even better, if we want to go non judicial way and get our hands dirty, create problems for these BLA supporters so they have enough of them to take care of rather then sitting ideal and planning anti-Pakistan moves!!
Take the fight to them.

Any obvious support of any Lashkar, even against BLA will give the wrong message and that is all that matter to the world these days, THE MESSAGE and POINT OF VIEW!

Baloch killing Baloch is still one of our brother dead!
I don't say PA should jump in and stop these anti-BLA groups by force i am just suggesting that our open support for them will be taken as Pakistan making the Baloch each other like the UK divide and rule policy and taking full benefit of it.

Sir I don't these anti BLA guys don't have their support I mean support of Army most probably they have Army support and through their help they are taking out BLA and BRA cartoons
What will stop them getting rouge once they get to think it is them who have sort of conquered the area? Also what message will we be conveying to the world by using extra judicial force in Baluchistan and more importantly what message will we be conveying to our own Baloch brother by supporting extra judicial force there? At one time the lashkar is with us but what is the guarantee they wont be the ones will be worried about in years to come.

This is not the way to handle Baluchistan situation, not to me at least!

Rather then investing is supporting and investing anti-BLA forces our focus must be on investing to contain BLA resource and the ones who are supporting/funding this unrest in Pakistan. Even better, if we want to go non judicial way and get our hands dirty, create problems for these BLA supporters so they have enough of them to take care of rather then sitting ideal and planning anti-Pakistan moves!!
Take the fight to them.

Any obvious support of any Lashkar, even against BLA will give the wrong message and that is all that matter to the world these days, THE MESSAGE and POINT OF VIEW!

I think as an interim measure it can be an option, but in long term Army's initiative of setting up and sponsoring cadet colleges in Balochistan. Balochs must be appreciated and motivated to join army and be part of main stream rather then become tool in the hands of anti Pakistani forces.

At this juncture of internal crisis. Pakistan should look into the aspect of compulsory military training for all. A short training to inculcate discipline, sense of belonging to the country and pride of the nation.
What will stop them getting rouge once they get to think it is them who have sort of conquered the area? Also what message will we be conveying to the world by using extra judicial force in Baluchistan and more importantly what message will we be conveying to our own Baloch brother by supporting extra judicial force there? At one time the lashkar is with us but what is the guarantee they wont be the ones will be worried about in years to come.

This is not the way to handle Baluchistan situation, not to me at least!

Rather then investing is supporting and investing anti-BLA forces our focus must be on investing to contain BLA resource and the ones who are supporting/funding this unrest in Pakistan. Even better, if we want to go non judicial way and get our hands dirty, create problems for these BLA supporters so they have enough of them to take care of rather then sitting ideal and planning anti-Pakistan moves!!
Take the fight to them.

Any obvious support of any Lashkar, even against BLA will give the wrong message and that is all that matter to the world these days, THE MESSAGE and POINT OF VIEW!

Baloch killing Baloch is still one of our brother dead!
I don't say PA should jump in and stop these anti-BLA groups by force i am just suggesting that our open support for them will be taken as Pakistan making the Baloch each other like the UK divide and rule policy and taking full benefit of it.

I got your point very well sir,if we launch attack even against those militant organization,who claimed to be anti-BLA,then I do not consider this as a right approach,to kill all of them in one line and shoot on their foreheads will not decrease or annhilate them,instead,this will multiply those organizations.
Instead I suggest that we must analyse the root cause,due to which such organization are resulted...

So,let us discuss Option C: Disarm anti-BLA militant organization:
In order to deal with such situation we must understand the reason due to which such organisations are evoluted,that is trust deficiency between subject and military,to eliminate such cancers forever,we must cover the trust deficiency between these two.
I got your point very well sir,if we launch attack even against those militant organization,who claimed to be anti-BLA,then I do not consider this as a right approach,to kill all of them in one line and shoot on their foreheads will not decrease or annhilate them,instead,they will multiply those organizations.
Instead I suggest that we must analyse the route cause,due to which such organization is resulted...

So,let us discuss Option C: Disarm anti-BLA militant organization:
In order to deal with such situation we must understand the reason due to which this organisations are evoluted,that is trust deficiency between subject and military,to eliminate such cancers forever,we must cover the trust deficiency between these two.
Sir I think arming them more is the solution because they know better who supports or is part of BLA and BRA and other traitors they can destroy them easily and no one could blame them of being Punjabi or Pathan
Sir I think arming them more is the solution because they know better who supports or is part of BLA and BRA and other traitors they can destroy them easily and no one could blame them of being Punjabi or Pathan

No Brother, it is not the solution. It is called escalating the issue. BLA or anit-BLA, such actions will be portrayed as unrest in Baluchistan and this is what the enemies want, instability!
Neither do i say that we should go in and start treating all these organizations (BLA and the ones who stood up against BLA) with same policy. What needs to be done is isolate BLA, let the world know what they ACTUALLY are and who is behind them. Highlight this, spread it, highlight it even more until people start listening to you.

This action will be taken as Pakistan supporting fighting between Balochs for its own interest. This will be a really negative PR move. When we require to solve it the hard way, army must get in and then these local Baloch lashkars can help and guide to eliminate BLA terrorists but still, be vocal about what they really are and make the world know. Otherwise it will be takes just like the Syrian government killing its own people and you know well what is coming next there!!
No Brother, it is not the solution. It is called escalating the issue. BLA or anit-BLA, such actions will be portrayed as unrest in Baluchistan and this is what the enemies want, instability!
Neither do i say that we should go in and start treating all these organizations (BLA and the ones who stood up against BLA) with same policy. What needs to be done is isolate BLA, let the world know what they ACTUALLY are and who is behind them. Highlight this, spread it, highlight it even more until people start listening to you.

This action will be taken as Pakistan supporting fighting between Balochs for its own interest. This will be a really negative PR move. When we require to solve it the hard way, army must get in and then these local Baloch lashkars can help and guide to eliminate BLA terrorists but still, be vocal about what they really are and make the world know. Otherwise it will be takes just like the Syrian government killing its own people and you know well what is coming next there!!

Sir this is the best way to isolate them Sir if their own people are not even supporting them instead they are fighting them this would break their moral and also their position that Baluch are oppressed and they want freedom I don't like my Muslim brothers killing each other but if some one is betraying than we have to make them history yes it would be good if they come in mainstream and leave this fighting thing but until they don't do it we have to teach them a lesson
Sir this is the best way to isolate them Sir if their own people are not even supporting them instead they are fighting them this would break their moral and also their position that Baluch are oppressed and they want freedom I don't like my Muslim brothers killing each other but if some one is betraying than we have to make them history yes it would be good if they come in mainstream and leave this fighting thing but until they don't do it we have to teach them a lesson

We have to handle the situation carefully, get the world on our side and isolate the support for BLA and such insurgent groups. Pakistan government supporting an armed Lashkar against Balochs means supporting civil war and more unrest.
This is what the enemies are trying to do. Do you think they get any economical or strategic benefit by killing some people in a bazar bomb blast? no!! they don't! There only gain in such an activity is the unrest and instability. Involving our self in what you are suggesting means more fight. Why do for them what they want?
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