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Baloch Fundamental Army wadges Jihad against BLA

more like an youtube/internet army...
we have seen something similar here .. azad deccan army? :lol:

More like a fake titled video.. although never heard of "baloch fundmentalist army" .. but these could be the local militia guys.
@Aeronaut @Jungibaaz

Very well raised points...
The above conversation of yours clarifies the tragedy of 'Love and trust' and 'Muslim Ummah' faith which our dear brother keeps.
Picture is still not clear in their mind,that this is the Game of Hegemony in which unfortunately we are opposed by not even Americans but our Muslim brother countries as well.
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More bloodshed more negative reporting and thus more damage to Pakistan!
Whatever the reason may be, but such things are never portrayed in a positive way so these are always PR disaster!

What needs to be done is proper identification of BLA with proofs and then be vocal about this and tell the world what the real story is. This will kill much of the negative effect that BLA is creating for Pakistan. What will remain can then be negated by force.

As we all are well aware that we cannot destroy BLA terrorists organizations etc at once,so why not to support such organizations to fight with BLA?However we must keep two objectives in our mind while dealing with such organization:

-Observe their objective of formation,Is it pro-Pakistani?If yes then we must support it.
-After your objective/target is achieved it must be dissolved/disarmed and deviated for constructive purposes.

It will be perfect approach if agencies will use it against BLA.
may be it is silly question ,i was searching about Baloch Fundamental Army,but didn't get much information,
video not able to see , can you give little information about ,Baloch Fundamental Army

There are a lot of Balochi factions that are still undocumented, some are pro-gov, while others are anti-gov. Most of them fly under single banners that they share, sort of like the Taliban.
We should stop glorifying the stupidity known as Jihad and take concrete measures to beat the Taliban and other enemies of Pakistan such as the LEJ and BLA. The best way to win our wars would be to give all our people equal rights and develop their regions. This will allow our people to take their minds off the idiocracy known as war and Jihad and concentrate on something more productive.

Jihad is order of Islam who think its stupidity are the biggest fools Sir Jihad would continue till day of judgement weather slaves of USA and India likes it or not
TO cheetah786 Its iranians which created bla iran has also given india a consulate in zahidan in iranian balochistan which borders pakistan from there these iranians nd indians r destablising PAKISTAN nd PAKISTANS BALOCHISTAN all the sabotage tht is being done in PAKISTANS BALOCHISTAN R done by iranians nd indians hiding in iran bla has bases in iran but wait who am i debating this with ur an iranian false flagger sorry neva mind.
Only the state has power to call for Jihad not some uneducated cable lift operator.

But if our leaders would become tout of kufr than don't expect that Muslims would just sit at home and would watch Muslims dying and leaders betraying Islam Sir they would take up arms Sir
But if our leaders would become tout of kufr than don't expect that Muslims would just sit at home and would watch Muslims dying and leaders betraying Islam Sir they would take up arms Sir

Take arms against n for what? beheading,lashing women in public,bombing schools,mosques,markets,killing shias,killing tourists... Does Islam tell you to do that?
More funding should be given to police in Balochistan.
Take arms against n for what? beheading,lashing women in public,bombing schools,mosques,markets,killing shias,killing tourists... Does Islam tell you to do that?

Sir if government will not implement Islamic laws and become part of kufr than people will rise on their own and they will try to do what they think is best and close to Islam in short put pressure on state to do before people start doing it which now in many parts are they doing
Sir if government will not implement Islamic laws and become part of kufr than people will rise on their own and they will try to do what they think is best and close to Islam in short put pressure on state to do before people start doing it which now in many parts are they doing

So mullah zarvan jee till us which point in the constitution is against Islamic laws and how has it become a part of "kufr" ? hope u know killing innocent is a "kabira gunnah" ... killing a man is as u have killed humanity?do uneducated arseholes armed with machine guns have the authority to talk abt Islam n sharia when they dont even understand what tht even means? how do you justify the killing of innocent people in the name of ur "jihad" authorised by a bunch of arsehole who have no shame in targetting "real educated islamic scholars" ? heck even imam of KSA doesnt approve of this sick ... u call jihad!
So mullah zarvan jee till us which point in the constitution is against Islamic laws and how has it become a part of "kufr" ? hope u know killing innocent is a "kabira gunnah" ... killing a man is as u have killed humanity?do uneducated arseholes armed with machine guns have the authority to talk abt Islam n sharia when they dont even understand what tht even means? how do you justify the killing of innocent people in the name of ur "jihad" authorised by a bunch of arsehole who have no shame in targetting "real educated islamic scholars" ? heck even imam of KSA doesnt approve of this sick ... u call jihad!
Which is according to Islam Sir please tell me your whole economy is running on interest you capital punishment is being ended and if KSA would keep becoming part of USA alliances their end is also near don't worry you would see Mr and laws which have been implemented related to women rights many of them are against Islam
Again dogs created by the JEW USA to kill muslims. Just like they create Al Qaeda to kill all arabs and never shoot 1 5.56 bullet to help the palestinians oppressed by the JEWS since 1948
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