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Baloch Fundamental Army wadges Jihad against BLA

More bloodshed more negative reporting and thus more damage to Pakistan!
Whatever the reason may be, but such things are never portrayed in a positive way so these are always PR disaster!

What needs to be done is proper identification of BLA with proofs and then be vocal about this and tell the world what the real story is. This will kill much of the negative effect that BLA is creating for Pakistan. What will remain can then be negated by force.
When will all this stop?
may be it is silly question ,i was searching about Baloch Fundamental Army,but didn't get much information,
video not able to see , can you give little information about ,Baloch Fundamental Army
may be it is silly question ,i was searching about Baloch Fundamental Army,but didn't get much information,
video not able to see , can you give little information about ,Baloch Fundamental Army

Never heard of them... only such militias are the BMD n likes... militias composed of young men from troubled areas to fight against bla n other pricks.
More bloodshed more negative reporting and thus more damage to Pakistan!
Whatever the reason may be, but such things are never portrayed in a positive way so these are always PR disaster!

What needs to be done is proper identification of BLA with proofs and then be vocal about this and tell the world what the real story is. This will kill much of the negative effect that BLA is creating for Pakistan. What will remain can then be negated by force.
Sorry Sir it is good because its balochs who are now standing against these cartoon the BLA and other cartoons Sir so they can't blame now so called Punjabi Army for attacking them now its their own baloch brothers who are fed up of BLA traitors and want to get rid of them @DESERT FIGHTER
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Sorry Sir it is good because its balochs who are now standing against these cartoon the BLA and other cartoons Sir so they can't blame now so called Punjabi Army for attacking them now its their own baloch brothers who are fed up of BLA traitors and want to get rid of them @DESERT FIGHTER

Interesting 1000s upon 1000 Bloch sons have given their life for pakistan and i am sure 1000s more will without a blink of an eye. My question to you is its a well known fact that BLA gets its support from Arab nations which you worship what is it going to take for you and likes you to get that@Zarvan
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Interesting 1000s upon 1000 Bloch sons have given their life for pakistan and i am sure 1000s more will without a blink of an eye. My question to you is its a well known fact that BLA gets its support from Arab nations which you worship what is it going to take for you and likes you to get that@Zarvan

BLA is not getting support from Arabs Mr stop posting lies its your European friends who are protecting and funding these morons
Never heard of them... only such militias are the BMD n likes... militias composed of young men from troubled areas to fight against bla n other pricks.

more like an youtube/internet army...
we have seen something similar here .. azad deccan army? :lol:
BLA is not getting support from Arabs Mr stop posting lies its your European friends who are protecting and funding these morons

I'll Quote @Aeronaut

Arab nations have gone as far as supporting the Marxist mercenary groups in Pakistan's Balochistan province for their own good. United Arab Emirates, and Qatar have been identified as the bank rollers of the banned terrorist outfits, like the BLA,BRA and BLF. For many Pakistanis, it is hard to believe that countries that they consider to be 'friends' are actually busy in fostering terrorism in Pakistan.

The reason behind this problem is that Pakistan has built a huge deep sea port in the Balochistan province with the help of the Chinese at a place called Gwadar. This port is strategically significant, as it is only 150 NMi away from the Strait of Hormuz. This port is being linked to China with a road and rail link, to allow China to trade and import oil from here. Both UAE and Qatar see this port, which potentially will be the largest in Asia in the next 20 years as an economic threat.
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We should stop glorifying the stupidity known as Jihad and take concrete measures to beat the Taliban and other enemies of Pakistan such as the LEJ and BLA. The best way to win our wars would be to give all our people equal rights and develop their regions. This will allow our people to take their minds off the idiocracy known as war and Jihad and concentrate on something more productive.
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