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Balkanization of India to begin-India has fallen for Navi Pillai-US trap

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Dec 28, 2011
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India has fallen for Navi Pillai-US trap – Balkanization of India to begin
Posted on March 26th, 2014
Peace without lies
In 1818 to quell the rebellion against colonial British, Indian sepoys were ordered from India. They arrived in Sri Lanka to serve their white masters.

These Indian troops remained in Ceylon from 1818 to 1920 – how many years…. 102 years in Sri Lanka.
India is again serving the white masters…. India proudly voted alongside the US at the 2012 Resolution against Sri Lanka.
India proudly voted alongside the US at the 2013 Resolution against Sri Lanka.
India little realizes that the US is interested in the breaking up of India more than Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is only the tip of a bigger iceberg that US and the West plans to slice….India as has historically shown is ever willing to comply.
India is no superpower for it shows no leadership.
India is no superpower for it goes begging for white approval.
India is no superpower because it is so dumb not to understand what the West is upto.
Sri Lanka’s leaders will be forever faulted if they continue to fall prey to India’s ‘bogus friend tag’ when India was instrumental in starting the LTTE, India raped 4000 Tamil women, India allowed Tamil Nadu to function as a hub for the LTTE and India continues to allow separatist eelam calls from Tamil Nadu.
India is no friend of Sri Lanka
India is no friend of Asia
India is no friend of Russia or China despite the pacts they have.
India simply wants to please the white man … and continues to suffer an inferiority complex…
We can but feel pity for India.

LankaWeb – India has fallen for Navi Pillai-US trap – Balkanization of India to begin
India is no superpower for it goes begging for white approval.

Last thing we would want in the US is Balkanization. Heck, we aren't that fond of it in the Balkans. (of course we will support the little movements....we have learned at least some lessons about supporting the powers that be). An intact, relatively prosperous India is in our best interest...a bunch of poor, squabbling micro-nations is not. Get a grip.
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