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Bajwa using Hussain Haqqani for diplomacy in USA: A perosn know for being anti China stance

So now Pak Military is using a certified traitor for diplomacy(which isn't their job btw)
This guy have been advocating for anti china stance and several times ranted about Debt trap of china.

If bajwa is of the same opinion and trying to please his masters by through being anti china then our future is doomed.

Or even if he think he can play double game to balance out things.
That will have more disastrous effects.

We will be fooled again joining the US camp that's it's just balancing.

Great Diplomacy by Bajwa. There can not be anything better than using people opposed to us for own or the interest of a country. Well done Mr. Bajwa.
These corrupt dollar khoor haramies will do anything what there master order them , they all been forced by biden govt to follow the orders by haqqani , soon you will see bilawal will be next PM of Pakistan

You have to see the chain of command,
Haqqani was and IS an american tool,

American uses her tool, to manage PPP,
if you remember, almost all of PPP's leadership slipped in USA, a year and half ago.

Zardari was clever enough to choose the FM position for billy boy,
this way, he has ensured that PPP will remain america's best bet.

So, it is not Bajwa using haqqani, it is the other way around.

So now Pak Military is using a certified traitor for diplomacy(which isn't their job btw)
This guy have been advocating for anti china stance and several times ranted about Debt trap of china.

If bajwa is of the same opinion and trying to please his masters by through being anti china then our future is doomed.

Or even if he think he can play double game to balance out things.
That will have more disastrous effects.

We will be fooled again joining the US camp that's it's just balancing.

He was not in those meetings:
the choice is simple. All out alliance between USA and India is detrimental to the interests of Pakistan. That means Pakistan has to limit its dealings with China to prevent the all out alliiance. Your military is just doing that. The J-10s, JF-17s, subs deals are still going. But the CPEC economic deals were being held up by Pakistan. IMF loans and handing over Zawahiri are part of the game. It is my explanation of an outsider. I do not know if Pakistanis on the PDF see it that way.
This is mostly right but US-Indian alliance is not beholden to Pakistan, whether Pakistani generals like it or not. Their utility to US establishment / gov doesn’t go beyond serving some interests in AF-Iran region.

Another reason why Bajwa didn’t find any takers in the US for his extension related plans.

Haqqani is fronting Bajwa and the org Haqqani works for, Zardari is their biggest Pak client. Hence his constant parroting for Bajwa and Bilawal.
I would rather be slave of Pakistan than like IK who is the slave of the Zionists.
A ret/\rded Boomer speaks again. Slave of the Zionists, or Hitler himself, make up your mind already.

The current govt. is sending batches of Pakistani journalists and deep state representatives to Israel to move towards formal recognition, yet this ret/\rd is calling Imran Khan the slave of Zionists.

Hint: IK married a jew.
So did the prophet Muhammad SAW. What is your point?

So now Pak Military is using a certified traitor for diplomacy(which isn't their job btw)
This guy have been advocating for anti china stance and several times ranted about Debt trap of china.

If bajwa is of the same opinion and trying to please his masters by through being anti china then our future is doomed.

Or even if he think he can play double game to balance out things.
That will have more disastrous effects.

We will be fooled again joining the US camp that's it's just balancing.
I have been banned for calling bajwa a traitor .... now the mods? Eat this up. Army is the enemy...jawans zindabad general lanati hatami
From the looks of it, after Bajwa’s agreeing to conditions in the cipher, this is a natural progress.

Americans will keep pushing Pakistani leaders (ie Bajwa) into doing their bidding.

Recognizing Israel, limiting its relations with China, bring PDM to power, provide airspace/bases, arresting the uninformed youth, letting go of CIA or other hostile agency assets (Haqqani, PTM), Kulbushan released, Kashmir totally forgotten, denuclearization.

More to come.

They will keep patting on the back to give shabaashi every now and then. Think of it as a milestone achievement trip.

Bajwa’s successor would have been chosen and proper conditioner applied. And the loop continues.

The Americans couldn’t have believed their luck, on how cheaply they’ve caught Pakistan by the balls.
This is mostly right but US-Indian alliance is not beholden to Pakistan, whether Pakistani generals like it or not. Their utility to US establishment / gov doesn’t go beyond serving some interests in AF-Iran region.
u are correct. But there is not a full fledged US-India alliance currently. You are correct -- It is not like USA or India care about Pakistan. They do it for their own interests in mind.
What type of food are these generals getting fed with, not a single one of them has balls to say no to this circus going one
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