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Bajwa using Hussain Haqqani for diplomacy in USA: A perosn know for being anti China stance

all the traitors are getting back now
The boys are all back together.

A Traitor seeking help of another Traitor.
I was wondering if there is a punjabi equivalent of "birds of a feather flock together", cuz that sounds like something that'd be even better sounding in punjabi.

Then I remembered it: majjaan majjaan diyan pehnaan hondiyan ne

The gang's getting back together.
Don't worry. The Pak Deep State loves to play with deceptions....
Apples and oranges

Prior to Islam many were Pagans or Jews or Christians.

Also, there was no Zionism then.

Bro it must be so difficult to accept your existence with low IQ and even lower self esteem. Don't marry your cousins and stop worshipping Nawz abbu...

she isn't Jewish! it was league propaganda from the 90's! I was alive back then I remember it well.

next chawal, yahvian and bongie.

I have just checked with authentic sources and they have dismissed this news as a complete nonsense.....
@Acetic Acid

Anti China nahi bhai. China to haqqani jaison ko chaprasi bhi nahi rakhta

Anti Pakistan bolo
This alone should confirm to all doubters, especially Army brats, that the whole Army top brass is perennially on CIA's payroll...
Also that he is hand in glove with Zardari and his ladyboy son…

So now Pak Military is using a certified traitor for diplomacy(which isn't their job btw)
This guy have been advocating for anti china stance and several times ranted about Debt trap of china.

If bajwa is of the same opinion and trying to please his masters by through being anti china then our future is doomed.

Or even if he think he can play double game to balance out things.
That will have more disastrous effects.

We will be fooled again joining the US camp that's it's just balancing.

the choice is simple. All out alliance between USA and India is detrimental to the interests of Pakistan. That means Pakistan has to limit its dealings with China to prevent the all out alliiance. Your military is just doing that. The J-10s, JF-17s, subs deals are still going. But the CPEC economic deals were being held up by Pakistan. IMF loans and handing over Zawahiri are part of the game. It is my explanation of an outsider. I do not know if Pakistanis on the PDF see it that way.
Bro it must be so difficult to accept your existence with low IQ and even lower self esteem. Don't marry your cousins and stop worshipping Nawz abbu...

I have just checked with authentic sources and they have dismissed this news as a complete nonsense.....
Iss ki fikr na kar iss nay tu Sunnah hi cancel kardi hai doosray thread mein...

Nawaz ka buss nabwat ka dawa karnay ka intizar hai, aur yeh shiddad say bayt karnay kay intizaar mein...
Hint: IK married a jew.
Ok hulk’s apprentice, your obsession with IK and his ‘Jewishness’ is as bad as Maryam witches obsession with him…

And guys like you hounded her out of the country, she was an awesome ambassador for the country, more than any of your pmln , pdm chor lot…
Surely this can't be true?

Tariq Fatemi, Pervez Rashid, NAwaz Sharif, chalo samajh ati hai.

But Hussain Haqqani? Really?

What's next? Going to beg Ehsanullah Ehsan to help us with Afghanistan? Or Altaf Hussain?

Why were you then blocking the nomination of Nasreen Jalil for governor? Usay bhi bannay dete.

Jami is usually a reliable guy and does not throw out unsubstantiated rumors...so let's see.
The situation should be crystal clear for all now. Haqqani was a CIA asset that worked for them and cultivated agents. It seems they worked on high ranking officials that are at the helm now. Its a shame the army is hostage to few traitors. I wonder how deep have they penetrated Pak establishment.
Wonderful man. Have interacted with him on several occasions during his frequent visits to India. The man has an even keeled take on most things — makes sense why he would be hated in Pakistan.

If the news is true, he’s the right guy to help you work stuff out with the US.
Not sure what you are on about...

Are you cancelling sunnah?

The only way you can be in the good books of Pakistani Establishment and military is is you are a sworn enemy of Pakistan.... All the foolish Patriotic Pakistani should just join TTP and BLA.... We will all get the honor guard treatment from Bajwa...

Lol. Who are you to say that. Jews always had the Holy land even at the time of the Prophet. Over 80% of the Qur'an is dedicated to the Jewish people and the Prophet even married a Jew.

It was never about how Muslims view Judaism and Christianity. We have always been inclusive. But how do Jews and Christians view Islam and Muslims?
He is Indian...
that begs the question what the f is its business in our politics.
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