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Bajwa using Hussain Haqqani for diplomacy in USA: A perosn know for being anti China stance

These corrupt dollar khoor haramies will do anything what there master order them , they all been forced by biden govt to follow the orders by haqqani , soon you will see bilawal will be next PM of Pakistan

The title of this thread should be changed to "Bajwa using Hussain Haqqani for diplomacy in USA: A perosn known for his anti Pakistan stance"
Looks like every retard can create any headline and start a fake new thread and get attention.....Can moderators not shut down these fake threads???

This is mostly right but US-Indian alliance is not beholden to Pakistan, whether Pakistani generals like it or not. Their utility to US establishment / gov doesn’t go beyond serving some interests in AF-Iran region.

Another reason why Bajwa didn’t find any takers in the US for his extension related plans.

Haqqani is fronting Bajwa and the org Haqqani works for, Zardari is their biggest Pak client. Hence his constant parroting for Bajwa and Bilawal.
Meh. Self loathing has become endemic last 6 months, understandably why. I make no comment on extension one way or the other, but the reason for current American actions is rather different then what’s being argued here .

During the WoT , when they were busy hiding inside their fortress embassies they relied heavily on their local “friends“ for information.

Not anymore. Nowadays, the orders have been to be more attuned directly. Example that guy in Lahore consulate. They now have a pretty good idea of the situation on the ground, in some ways better than our leadership which is stuck in backward thinking. Realisation seems to have crept in that the sell outs in PPP and N League aren’t going to be feasible and they will have to deal with IK, hence the current attempted outreach.
Why has the ISI not assassinated the likes of Hussain Haqqani and Altaf Hussain? Numba 1 ISI sleeping?
Why has the ISI not assassinated the likes of Hussain Haqqani and Altaf Hussain? Numba 1 ISI sleeping?
Cos ISI reputation is fake, just to give a sense of false security to the people/nation.. they only good at political machinations…
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Anti China position sells in US. Mr. Haqqani is the kind of player who can extract the maximum benefit for Pakistan from the US :cheers:
تازہ بیانیا مارکیٹ میں آگیا ہے؛
حسین حقانی، طارق فاطمی محب وطن ہو گئے۔
اسحاق ڈار اور مریم صفدر ایماندار ہو گئے۔
زرداری کا بیٹا تابعدار ہے اور انگریزی بولتا ہے اس لئے وہ بھی لاڈلا ہے۔
باقی سب ملک دشمن ٹھہرے چاہے عمران خان ہو یا حامد زمان۔
اعلان ختم ہوا۔

The latest narrative has hit the market;
Hussain Haqqani, Tariq Fatemi became patriotic.
Ishaq Dar and Maryam Safdar became honest.
Zardari's son is submissive and speaks English, so he is also pampered.
All others remain enemies of the country whether it is Imran Khan or Hamid Zaman.
The announcement ended.

So now Pak Military is using a certified traitor for diplomacy(which isn't their job btw)
This guy have been advocating for anti china stance and several times ranted about Debt trap of china.

If bajwa is of the same opinion and trying to please his masters by through being anti china then our future is doomed.

Or even if he think he can play double game to balance out things.
That will have more disastrous effects.

We will be fooled again joining the US camp that's it's just balancing.
The guy also has a well known anti Pak stand also
تازہ بیانیا مارکیٹ میں آگیا ہے؛
حسین حقانی، طارق فاطمی محب وطن ہو گئے۔
اسحاق ڈار اور مریم صفدر ایماندار ہو گئے۔
زرداری کا بیٹا تابعدار ہے اور انگریزی بولتا ہے اس لئے وہ بھی لاڈلا ہے۔
باقی سب ملک دشمن ٹھہرے چاہے عمران خان ہو یا حامد زمان۔
اعلان ختم ہوا۔

The latest narrative has hit the market;
Hussain Haqqani, Tariq Fatemi became patriotic.
Ishaq Dar and Maryam Safdar became honest.
Zardari's son is submissive and speaks English, so he is also pampered.
All others remain enemies of the country whether it is Imran Khan or Hamid Zaman.
The announcement ended.

A natural consequence, when a traitor, like Mir Bajwa, becomes the defacto ruler.

Guess which one is the fool and Hafiz….
Cos ISI reputation is fake, just to give a sense of false security to the people/nation.. they only good at political machinations…
Right they are not willing to kill people like Hussain Haqqani or Altaf Hussain, but journalist? Hell yeah....
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