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Bahrain stung by Obama comment on sectarian tensions


May 21, 2006
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DUBAI | Thu Sep 26, 2013 7:09am EDT
(Reuters) - Bahrain voiced disappointment with President Barack Obama's description of the kingdom as beset by sectarian tension, arguing its problem was with "terrorists" who fomented division.

Bahrain has been rocked by almost daily clashes by members of the Shi'ite Muslim majority since February 2011, when it quelled a Shi'ite-led uprising demanding the Sunni al-Khalifa dynasty give up power.

In a speech to the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday, Obama mentioned "efforts to resolve sectarian tensions that continue to surface in places like Iraq, Bahrain and Syria".

The reference prompted Bahrain's ambassador to the United States, Houda Nonoo, to say on a website described as her official blog that she was "disappointed to hear him compare the situation in Bahrain to that of the current situation in Iraq and the unfolding tragedies in Syria".

Bahrain was committed to making the country a "better place for all its citizens", Nonoo wrote, while acknowledging that a reform program was not yet complete.

"Making such a false equivalence only serves to obfuscate this important work," she wrote.

On Thursday, Bahrain's foreign minister, Sheikh Khaled bin Ahmed al-Khalifa, said the kingdom fostered a culture of tolerance between its various communities.

His statement "clarified that what is occurring in Bahrain today is a concerted effort by terrorist extremist groups to target security personnel and expatriates with the intent of spreading fear and division within Bahrain's society, as well as targeting Bahrain's national economy and development".
Bahrain stung by Obama comment on sectarian tensions | Reuters
More US engagement means end of Bahrain rulers day to hide behind saudi tank. its better to deal with the real issue at hand than trying to mask it by force.
More US engagement means end of Bahrain rulers day to hide behind saudi tank. its better to deal with the real issue at hand than trying to mask it by force.

Why do they have to hide? Obama's words can't change reality, can't you see him backing off his red line?
The khalifa dictators will be the first to fall....that family of dirty pirates has its days numbered..........the rest will fall like dominos........
Why do they have to hide? Obama's words can't change reality, can't you see him backing off his red line?

There is difference, Obama backing off in face of fierce opposition from Russia and China. There is no such opposition house of saud can master. Besides, this wind of change is directly related to US reapproachment with Iran. House of saud destroyed prospect of Saudi Arab to become a geo political anchor in ME by fueling setarian destruction, that never will win. And US will always play politics of stand with wining side.
There is difference, Obama backing off in face of fierce opposition from Russia and China. There is no such opposition house of saud can master. Besides, this wind of change is directly related to US reapproachment with Iran. House of saud destroyed prospect of Saudi Arab to become a geo political anchor in ME by fueling setarian destruction, that never will win. And US will always play politics of stand with wining side.

There is difference, Obama backing off in face of fierce opposition from Russia and China.

The US has no interests in Syria, not because they fear " Russia " and don't drag the Chinese into it, they don't have a dog in this fight.

There is no such opposition house of saud can master.

It depend on how you define the word opposition, the records speak for themselves wether it was in Afghanistan, Chechnya or elsewhere.

Besides, this wind of change is directly related to US reapproachment with Iran.

Only gullible people will think of it that way :lol: The US will never forget the storming of their embassy in Tehran, and if you think the US is willing to trust Iran then you must have lost your mind. Back in 2002, these winds of change were dramatically powerful during Khatamis' presidency. The latter was stupid enough thinking that the US is going to befriend Iran after paving the way to the US to use their territories to launch attacks against Iraq and Afghanistan. Later what did Bush say to the Iranians? Thank you? He surely did not :lol:

Another key players involved in this are Turkey and Israel, both have strong influence over the US. For now, the Israelis said their word that they won't compromise with Iran, let us see the outcome of your winds of change. :lol:

House of saud destroyed prospect of Saudi Arab to become a geo political anchor in ME by fueling setarian destruction, that never will win

These are serious accusations, any reference you could provide to back your claim?

And US will always play politics of stand with wining side

That's in contrast to the outcome of Vietnam and Iraq.
Best defense strategies? :lol:

I don't want you to present me with an article. I thought you were speaking on the subject with the authority. But as usual, you're just another LoLtard out of many. :lol:

Article I posted disclosed authoritative findings of widespread Saudi involvement in terrorism. If truth is too much for you to digest and source of your inspiriation for ad hominem attack then who can say anything but mod.
Article I posted disclosed authoritative findings of widespread Saudi involvement in terrorism. If truth is too much for you to digest and source of your inspiriation for ad hominem attack then who can say anything but mod.

It's you who can't digest factual evidence. It is a common knowledge worldwide, perhaps one of the most principles of law enforcement is the documentation of facts.
It's you who can't digest factual evidence. It is a common knowledge worldwide, perhaps one of the most principles of law enforcement is the documentation of facts.

If you are defending house of saud driven terror that is one thing but no one can deny house of saud fnd orchestrating terrorism in Iraq and in Syria. That as clear as crystal. If you don't like it you can pound sand but that is the fact.
It's you who can't digest factual evidence. It is a common knowledge worldwide, perhaps one of the most principles of law enforcement is the documentation of facts.

Bro, some people spout nonsense without understanding the geopolitical realities on the ground. According to them, they know everything about another faraway country and region more than the people of the region themselves.

I have been a little occupied in the last few days. About the troll that has been bothering you lately, here is my analysis:

Putin, Iran's Mullahcracy and Child killer Assad regime has hired a jew hating, Muslim hating, white supremacist professional online troll from Stormfront, with sympathies for Russia (probably has Russian relatives and speak Russian), to run their propaganda line in this website, who is promoting his absurd realpolitik dream team alliance of China-Russia-Iran-India. Only problem with this fake alliance is that Indians consider Zionists and Israeli's as their greatest ally and China and Muslim nations, regardless of Shia and Sunni, are friendly with each other.
His statement "clarified that what is occurring in Bahrain today is a concerted effort by terrorist extremist groups to target security personnel and expatriates with the intent of spreading fear and division within Bahrain's society, as well as targeting Bahrain's national economy and development".

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/middle...comment-sectarian-tensions.html#ixzz2gWkwEKF2

Funny, this is the exact situation in Syria.

Only them Bahrainis label it as freedom movement. :lol:

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