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Bahrain recognizes the State of Israel and its right to self-defense

I think you'd have done well 2,000 years ago. We'd probably all be reading about Hazzy the prophet. I think in 2018 your message is outdated and people will be like...dude, pass me a beer.

A lot of what you describe can be done without the need of organised religion. Why do we need funny hats and robes? why cover our face? why go into a man-made building and suddenly it's holy?

Struggling against yourself, bettering yourself, having empathy for other people etc is called ageing & experience. When I was 18 I was much different to today. More empathy for others because you can relate having had experiences. I have Orthodox people in my family and they're so boring. I hope you aren't wasting your best years acting like a nun.

Yeah, no. I'm just outlining to Muslims frequenting this forum what the source of the problems(political, social and spiritual) are. All Muslims together can work on character betterment. Before even thinking of political steps.

So what is the solution in your opinion?

Because what you stated exists everywhere, bar North Korea perhaps.

It is indeed sad state of affairs but it is a product of modernity which is all around us and even we are involved in it although we might despise it for it's certain destructive effects.

@Nilgiri @Psychic

Solution to what exactly? Keep in mind, one of God's tools for us to return to him are these political crisis's which encourage Muslims to contemplate upon God and what is needed for relief. We should be thankful he uses these means to help people be guided on right path. He is not trying to give us unprecedented prosperity just for the sake of prosperity. If you get my drift ....

I think before we even go over political steps, we have to acknowledge there is direct correlation with being distant from God and Islam. Once we acknowledge, we need to work on character betterment. I can list many modern character flaws that are disliked by God and prevent us from relief. Once we improve our character, we can then work to fix peoples modern philosophy which is all about enjoying life to the fullest and disregarding our obligations towards God. That modern philosophy on life cannot coexist with Islamic philosophy on life as much as Muslims are trying to convince themselves .... So you bring the Aqeedah back to what it needs to be. Then from there political steps can be taken to make an environment for God fearing people that want to do good, prosper and not worry about security threats. And of course meet obligations to other oppressed Muslims brothers and sisters and treat minorities exceptionally well, upholding justice for all.

I've repeated myself a lot and will likely continue to do so. What is lacking is the willpower of Muslims to admit we are not on right path and their stubbornness to avoid it at every cost. Instead feeling comfortable with what they have now. So the steps we as a community need to take right now are to acknowledge there is a problem in aqeedah and better our characters. No need to get involved in politics on ground or organize events or any of that. Just as a community spread these ideas and work towards them as we are the community of Mohammed(SAW) and we don't need to depend on forms of authority to guide us this route(even though that is an obligation upon them in Islam which they are failing to meet, so we as a community need to take initiative).
Sad state of affairs in arab world.

They have no choice left before them. Their past mistakes or crimes whatever you call it, are catching up, now they have to do whatever trump aka netanyahu tells them to do or else they will be replaced. For super powers it's very easy to oust these despots because they have a problem with legitimacy. If they had people's mandate it wouldn't be so easy to blackmail them. This is why great powers don't want Muslim states to be ruled by people's chosen leaders. When leaders are chosen by people they are accountable to the people, they are not bound by corrupt deals with foreign powers but if the leaders are installed by foreign powers they are bound to obey them.
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This should give courage to other gulf countries like KSA to come out of the closet too.
Well, Palestine has been held back and forcefully made non-productive.. while Usrael was given everything from the West..

Many countries donate to UN for Palestine refugees including India and Pakistan. They get millions in donations.
It is the Arabs who talk more and do least in terms of contribution.
Many countries donate to UN for Palestine refugees including India and Pakistan. They get millions in donations.
It is the Arabs who talk more and do least in terms of contribution.
Saudi Arabia paid for the reconstruction of Gaza everytime the infrastructure was destroyed by Usraeli strikes.. the first time was $4 billion .. and there were many other times.. KSA also paid $70 billion for the reconstruction of Lebanon after the whole country was destroyed by civil war and wars with Usrael.. The other Arabs also donate and contribute with billions.. so what are you talking about in amounts of donations from non-Arabs..!!!?
Finally, confirmation of what we always knew - Arab fake states and fake Israeli state report to the same Masters, and contrary to the belief, these Masters are not US or UK or EU. These masters are the hidden hands who have controlled this world from the shadows for a very long time.
Saudi Arabia paid for the reconstruction of Gaza everytime the infrastructure was destroyed by Usraeli strikes.. the first time was $4 billion .. and there were many other times.. KSA also paid $70 billion for the reconstruction of Lebanon after the whole country was destroyed by civil war and wars with Usrael.. The other Arabs also donate and contribute with billions.. so what are you talking about in amounts of donations from non-Arabs..!!!?
Many countries contribute on yearly basis for UNRWA for Palestine refugees.
The end of the Ottoman Empire and the exile of the ottoman family by ataturk
For God sake read some history first man.
Ottoman Family Ruled Istanbul Accepted Treaty of Sevres handing over the ottoman empire to the Imperialist powers literally. This was the map the sacred Ottoman government accepted for turkey in that pathetic treaty.

Mustapha Kamal Fought for Whole Turkey and Rejected this Pathetic Treaty signed by Ottomans handing over Turkey to the enemies. For years he fought Rallying the Turks Behind their own Turkish Identity when Arabs Betrayed them. Go on and read fall of Jerusalem and Fall of Arabian Peninsula who fought for whom
Mustapha Kamal was the reason Treaty of Laussane was signed and this was the Turkey he forced the imperialist to accept aka the modern Turkish National State

And you know what? this sacred Ottoman Government in Istanbul even issued Fatwa against the Freedom Fighters in Ankara to be infidels and Killable on behalf of British and French Interests.
God Bless you
For God sake read some history first man.
Ottoman Family Ruled Istanbul Accepted Treaty of Sevres handing over the ottoman empire to the Imperialist powers literally. This was the map the sacred Ottoman government accepted for turkey in that pathetic treaty.
View attachment 473405

Mustapha Kamal Fought for Whole Turkey and Rejected this Pathetic Treaty signed by Ottomans handing over Turkey to the enemies. For years he fought Rallying the Turks Behind their own Turkish Identity when Arabs Betrayed them. Go on and read fall of Jerusalem and Fall of Arabian Peninsula who fought for whom
Mustapha Kamal was the reason Treaty of Laussane was signed and this was the Turkey he forced the imperialist to accept aka the modern Turkish National State
View attachment 473415
And you know what? this sacred Ottoman Government in Istanbul even issued Fatwa against the Freedom Fighters in Ankara to be infidels and Killable on behalf of British and French Interests.
God Bless you

The sad thing is. We still have these Ottoman traitors in Turkiye. All serving for the interest of the Americans, English and other westerners.
...The right path can't described in words, you need to reach that point. People who reach that point are not common, and some of the best ones are the Prophet's(PBUT) and in Islam's case the rightly guided Caliphs. We should be following their examples.

...The point is God sees something people don't when he advises to struggle against some of our desires...those who struggled against their desires the most and suffered the most...God held them very highly due to them essentially killing themselves(figuratively) for his sake..
@TMA the eschatological-political is your thing, do you want to comment?
Honest Question to Arab loves like @The SC

Why is Iran, a Muslim country who has never invaded anyone, the next Anti Christ. While Isreal (a country built on a genocide of Muslims) has the "right to defend itself"

You think I hate Arabs, what I actually hate is the puppet leaders who have literally sold their mothers to Isreal so that they can keep control on some sand dunes.

Iran is no threat to any Muslim country, it has never invaded any Muslim country, while Israel has invaded at least 3 and is routinely murdering Muslims in Palestine as well as around the world via Mossad.

So please, answer my question.
Honest Question to Arab loves like @The SC

Why is Iran, a Muslim country who has never invaded anyone, the next Anti Christ. While Isreal (a country built on a genocide of Muslims) has the "right to defend itself"

You think I hate Arabs, what I actually hate is the puppet leaders who have literally sold their mothers to Isreal so that they can keep control on some sand dunes.

Iran is no threat to any Muslim country, it has never invaded any Muslim country, while Israel has invaded at least 3 and is routinely murdering Muslims in Palestine as well as around the world via Mossad.

So please, answer my question.
Israel built on genocide of Muslims while Iran and it's proxies in Syria killed 5 TIMES ATLEAST the amount of arabs/jews killed in all of Israel's years of existance and it's a PEACEFUL country
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