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Bahrain recognizes the State of Israel and its right to self-defense

Honest Question to Arab loves like @The SC

Why is Iran, a Muslim country who has never invaded anyone, the next Anti Christ. While Isreal (a country built on a genocide of Muslims) has the "right to defend itself"

You think I hate Arabs, what I actually hate is the puppet leaders who have literally sold their mothers to Isreal so that they can keep control on some sand dunes.

Iran is no threat to any Muslim country, it has never invaded any Muslim country, while Israel has invaded at least 3 and is routinely murdering Muslims in Palestine as well as around the world via Mossad.

So please, answer my question.
... According to the rulers.

One must differentiate between the rulers and the people. Rulers will do anything to stay in power, while the people have to suffer the consequences. Also because Iran helps the Syrian regime and the Houthis (not that the Emiratis are any good either), but that's my beef with them.

Ask anybody on the streets what they think of Israel. Their answer will be the same...
Israel built on genocide of Muslims while Iran and it's proxies in Syria killed 5 TIMES ATLEAST the amount of muslims Israel killed in all it's years of existance and it's a PEACEFUL country

Glad you recognized that fact.
Glad you can't tell sarcasm

Oh don't worry, I took your entire post as a joke.

... According to the rulers.

One must differentiate between the rulers and the people. Rulers will do anything to stay in power, while the people have to suffer the consequences. Also because Iran helps the Syrian regime and the Houthis (not that the Emiratis are any good either), but that's my beef with them.

Ask anybody on the streets what they think of Israel. Their answer will be the same...
So Iran supporting a few groups you don't like means that Isreal is Halal now?

man, I hope no one supports a foot ball team you don't like or you will think Hitler is okay.
Oh don't worry, I took your entire post as a joke.

So Iran supporting a few groups you don't like means that Isreal is Halal now?

man, I hope no one supports a foot ball team you don't like or you will think Hitler is okay.
I never said that Israel was any good. I hate those guys to my guts. But I have my beef with Iran too.
Well, The numbers I used are facts, your declining to accept them only shows what or whom is the joke
You didn't use any numbers. You just made broad generalizations to justify genocide. hence "I took it as a joke"

I never said that Israel was any good. I hate those guys to my guts. But I have my beef with Iran too.
I understand you.
but to me Iran is a fly, while Isreal is a tiger breathing down on you.
Sure Iran is annoying, but Isreal has literally committed genocide against your people.

Time to stop focusing on the fly and defend yourself against the real enemy.
Middle East need true democracy . Extremist ruling parties,kings, monarch,dictators etc.... but no voice of people.
You didn't use any numbers. You just made broad generalizations to justify genocide. hence "I took it as a joke"

I understand you.
but to me Iran is a fly, while Isreal is a tiger breathing down on you.
Sure Iran is annoying, but Isreal has literally committed genocide against your people.

Time to stop focusing on the fly and defend yourself against the real enemy.
Genocide is intentional action to destroy a people (usually defined as an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group) in whole or in part. The hybrid word "genocide" is a combination of the Greek word génos ("race, people") and the Latin suffix -cide ("act of killing").[1] The United Nations Genocide Convention, which was established in 1948, defines genocide as "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group".[2][3]

Which can be measured in declining of a population



Which Side Are You On: Iran or Israel?
Friday, 11 May, 2018 - 11:45


Abdulrahman Al-Rashed
Abdulrahman Al-Rashed is the former general manager of Al-Arabiya television. He is also the former editor-in-chief of Asharq Al-Awsat, and the leading Arabic weekly magazine Al-Majalla. He is also a senior columnist in the daily newspapers Al-Madina and Al-Bilad.

It is a very embarrassing question because it violates all the concepts on which our political culture was built.

Yesterday, Israel attacked 50 bases run by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Syria in retaliation to 10 missiles fired toward Israel. It was claimed that the Revolutionary Guards had retaliated against an Israeli attack a night earlier.

Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Sheikh Khalid al-Khalifa volunteered to explain the stance. He wrote on Twitter: “As long as Iran has breached the status quo in the region and invaded countries with its forces and missiles, any state in the region, including Israel, is entitled to defend itself by eliminating sources of danger."

Sheikh Khalid’s stance is consistent with any state that stands against Iran’s crimes in the region.

In politics, stances change in line with interests and necessities. If we ask the majority of the Syrian people about their opinion, they would chant and support Israel in targeting Iranian forces and their militias in Syria.

There is no excuse stronger than defending the right of 600,000 people killed and 10 million displaced as a result of the crimes committed by Iran’s forces and allies. Stances have their justifications and they are not always sacred.

The stance is with Iran if it supports the Palestinians, with Israel when it strikes Iran’s forces in Syria, with the Palestinians when Israel attacks them, with the Lebanese-Iranian “Hezbollah” when it had claimed to be liberating Lebanon from Israeli occupation, and with Israel when it targeted “Hezbollah” after attacking the Lebanese and participating in the murder of Syrians. Support is always to a party that has come under attack against the aggressor.

Is it difficult to understand this logic? This is the required rational in a region suffering from turmoil. The ideologues are the only ones who are probably incapable of accepting it.

If you ask any Syrian or Lebanese woman whose son was killed by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, she will not hesitate to pray for victory to Israel and for the loss and defeat of its rivals. This does not give the Israelis the right to occupy Palestinian territories or to persecute the Palestinian people.

We are facing a different phase and an unprecedented war. For the first time, Israel and Iran are in direct confrontation on Syrian territories rather than fighting proxy wars like they used to.

For the first time ever, we see the Revolutionary Guards that dominated the region, in Iraq, Yemen and Syria, paying a heavy price and realizing that they have crossed the red line.

As they usually do in Lebanon, the Revolutionary Guards claimed in an official statement that they are not responsible for firing the 10 missiles towards Israel, blaming Assad’s forces.

The Israelis will not go to court and will not wait for international inspection commissions to address this issue. They don’t need evidence to know that Qassem Soleimani’s forces are behind it and that they will not be safe by hiding behind the powerless Syrian regime troops.

Tehran must have heard about the stance of the Syrian regime – Soleimani says he’s willing to sacrifice the last standing Iranian soldier for Assad’s sake – that it is willing to give up on Soleimani and the Iranians in any political deal.

Assad will cooperate with any power that achieves victory on Syrian territory. Now that Israel is involved in the war, Iran is probably the biggest loser. Meanwhile, the Russians do not heed the new developments.

The picture is today clearer: The aim is to force Tehran’s regime to back off. The plan includes US President Donald Trump’s decision to scrap the nuclear agreement and reinstate economic sanctions.

This is in addition to getting Israel’s military involved via the painful strikes that destroyed Iranian sites, and convincing the Russians of neutrality by becoming mere bystanders rather than threatening to use their missiles against Israel’s strikes.

All this aims to serve the same purpose after the Tehran government refused international calls to militarily retreat to its borders, and to stop interfering in the affairs of the region’s countries and toppling their governments.
I understand you.
but to me Iran is a fly, while Isreal is a tiger breathing down on you.
Sure Iran is annoying, but Isreal has literally committed genocide against your people.

Time to stop focusing on the fly and defend yourself against the real enemy.
I agree with you on that too.
Genocide is intentional action to destroy a people (usually defined as an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group) in whole or in part. The hybrid word "genocide" is a combination of the Greek word génos ("race, people") and the Latin suffix -cide ("act of killing").[1] The United Nations Genocide Convention, which was established in 1948, defines genocide as "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group".[2][3]

Which can be measured in declining of a population



Nice red herring.
What about the number of Palestinians in the green area in 1947

All that green area that turned white... yeah that's where the genocide happened.
Can't deny that (although you will claim that Palestinians are not humans so how can you commit genocide against them)
Nice red herring.
What about the number of Palestinians in the green area in 1947

All that green area that turned white... yeah that's where the genocide happened.
Can't deny that (although you will claim that Palestinians are not humans so how can you commit genocide against them)
LOL, Palestinian land!!! You know it was under Britain's mandate right? There was no Palestinian state before Israel creation

Just cause you won't believe anything

It is obvious to anyone with a brain that Israel is an Apartheid, Supremacist state. The Jews stole the land, and continue to do so daily. They desecrate Churches, and Mosques regularly. Sterilize Black women, they openly demonize Black people. They claim that God chose them, the same God they created, hmm. Believing that God chose you as a race to be above all of the '' lower races '' is a recipe for disaster, creating within themselves a superiority complex unrivaled in the History of man.
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