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Bahrain recognizes the State of Israel and its right to self-defense

What was teachings of ALLAH and prophet MOHAMMAD P. B. U. H we are doing against it
LOL, Palestinian land!!! You know it was under Britain's mandate right? There was no Palestinian state before Israel creation

Just cause you won't believe anything


You know you are on the wrong side when you have to go to such elaborate lengths to justify your genocide.

Blah blah blah, save your Zionist history lessons, it's no different than Nazi history lesson.

Palestinians where there, you people committed genocide against them and that's the facts.

@Rusty @DavidSling Also see The Map that Lies. And don't forget that the Zionists yielded 70% of the original Mandate to the British and Arabs to create the Arab State of Transjordan. People demand the Zionists give yet are not so eager to be thankful and acknowledge when they receive - instead they tend to demand even more.

@Falcon29's posts.
Who were they to yeild anything?
They had just arrived on boats in the last 30 years and even then were a minority on that land.

I understand Solomon, you and your people are used to taking land from indigenous peoples and ethnically cleansing it. You people did it to 3 continents after all. Still does not make it wright, no matter how many mental gymnastics you need to pull.
I understand Solomon, you and your people are used to taking land from indigenous peoples and ethnically cleansing it. You people did it to 3 continents after all. Still does not make it wright, no matter how many mental gymnastics you need to pull.
Israel is 20%+ non-Jewish but where are Pakistan's Jews and their places of worship? On a day where your own courts are calling out Pakistanis for ethnic cleansing you don't have a leg to stand on where it comes to such moral authority, whereas the Zionists do.
For God sake read some history first man.
Ottoman Family Ruled Istanbul Accepted Treaty of Sevres handing over the ottoman empire to the Imperialist powers literally. This was the map the sacred Ottoman government accepted for turkey in that pathetic treaty.
View attachment 473405

Mustapha Kamal Fought for Whole Turkey and Rejected this Pathetic Treaty signed by Ottomans handing over Turkey to the enemies. For years he fought Rallying the Turks Behind their own Turkish Identity when Arabs Betrayed them. Go on and read fall of Jerusalem and Fall of Arabian Peninsula who fought for whom
Mustapha Kamal was the reason Treaty of Laussane was signed and this was the Turkey he forced the imperialist to accept aka the modern Turkish National State
View attachment 473415
And you know what? this sacred Ottoman Government in Istanbul even issued Fatwa against the Freedom Fighters in Ankara to be infidels and Killable on behalf of British and French Interests.
God Bless you
I know all of these things but I am speaking from the Islamists point of view
Interesting time will be when Saudia Arab and UAE recognizes Israel in near by future while all the ummah chummah loving Mullahs/politicians/ generals/ media people in Pakistan will be left high and dry kay ab kya karein.
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