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BAF hopes to achieve Air Superiority with new fighter jets from China

200km! nah... that may be the radar range. Mostly BVR engagement is attainable below 100km and close to 75km would be effective. That's due to the limitations on the missile's on board radar and other relative factors.

Any aircraft that can engage target beyond 37.4 kilometers are called BVR capable aircraft. There are few missiles in the world which in fact can reach much greater distance than the basic 37.4km. For example: R-27EM can hit target at a distance of 150km. AIM-54 Phoenix can reach 170km. R-33 can destroy areal targets as far as 200+ km away.

Usse daaru de do, kuch bhi bol dega fir. :rofl:

why are you bringing jf-17 into this thread , honestly what is your intentions ? if you don't like Pakistan ok no problem, but why pick on it in every thread unnecessarily creating friction between Pakistanis & Bangladeshis. What is it that you want ? or are you here just to troll ? i condemn imran khan for his trolling but in the meantime i cannot ignore the fact that some bd members unnecessarily provokes by bringing Pakistan directly or indirectly in a negative pattern,
"this thread is not about j-f17"

Who do u think u r!! You guys have been trolling the whole thread and we can not bring JF-17 into this... What do you mean by that? Is JF-17 a troll code for you?

It was not only Pakistan that participated in that exercise - First time US sent F22's to any international exercise (Iron Eagle 09)
The following air forces participated.
France, Jordan, Pakistan, the U.A.E., the U.K. and the U.S participated in this exercise ~
Anyways, you can see the pictures here WAFF | World's Armed Forces Forum: Gorgeous pics from the Iron Eagle 09 exercise in the UAE
PAF Falcons Forums • View topic - PAF participated in Iron Eagle 09 exercise
US Sent more 4+ F22's.

Iron Eagle Exercise 2009-(PAF,USAF,UAEAF ...)-pictures shared | Facebook

off topic... :mod::mod:

and you think the pilot in a multi billon dollar, 5th Gen, Super Duper plane would feel COMFORTABLE tailed by aircraft from 1950s design !

I think the lack of first class protiens have skewed your frame of reference.

Trolling... and offtopic...:mod::mod:

I cant say what the PAF or Raptor pilots were feeling.
But i can say it for certain that you are feeling jealous :lol:

from 1985..............

Bangladesh used to operate 14 Mig-21MF till 1988.. in 1988 they replaced those with 16 F-7MB. F-7BG was introduced in service in 2006 and F-7BGI (as stop-gap) to be introduced in early 2013.
No war! Apparently India don't have better relation with Pakistan, and India even though took the bearing of the Tamils of Sri Lanka-the reality is India is unwanted in Sri Lanka. So what Bangladesh have to do is just join with this two and already our trade is high with China. We don't think our relation with India will be good enough and that's your Govt.'s fault, not our. You are superpower so what you are afraid of! You will do good.

This is the second time i"ve come across this misconception among Bangladeshis here, perhaps that is the reason why some are risking lives to cross-border.
You will have a 1.1 million army, a 30 squadron air force and a two carrier fleet, with eight to ten submarines, including nuclear submarines of both attack and missile types? In brief.

We need, 300000 army, 6 squadron air force and a fleet of 3 sub, 8 frigate and 8 corvettes to defend ourselves against any attack from India or whosoever...:agree:
Are you on drugs? CAS and Mig-21? It's stall speed is too high, and neither got Laser designator (except Lancer upgrade) nor enough payload, nor it can sustain ground fire.

And at high angle of attacks, the air flow cuts off coz' of the nose mounted intake, thus reduced thrust.

Well, it'd replace the A-5s and has GPS bombing capability.

Lolz...perhaps using CAS too loosely here...
Well, it'd replace the A-5s and has GPS bombing capability.

Lolz...perhaps using CAS too loosely here...

I don't know what idiots makes weapons procurement plans for BAF, but one thing for sure, they pretty much suck at the defense outlooks and strategy.

Only Yak-130 acquisitions lately seems to be logical.
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