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Babur ready for induction

It really does not matters if it is indigenous or not but I was just interested in knowing what engine it used....
China has nothing like the Tomahawk, they are developping their own system, and for sure US didn't supply the propulsion system to Pakistan...its was reverse engeneerd, probably with foreign assistance.

In 1998, six Tomahawk cruise missiles fired at Taliban bases in Afghanistan by US destroyers mis-fired and landed in Pakistan. It is speculated that Pakistan seized upon the opportunity to reverse-engineer the Tomahawk and develop its own prototype. The propulsion system appears to approximate that of Tomahawk according to video of its launch. Chinese assistance is further speculated to have been taken to develop its guidance system.[1] However, there is no confirmation of this, and both the Pakistani missile development company, NESCOM, and Chinese authorities have rejected the theory. Some members of NDC/NESCOM have come out saying, off the record, that Pakistan has been working on cruise missiles since 1995.

Babur is believed to be extremely accurate. It is steered by an inertial navigation system (INS). INS continuously measures the movement, speed and position of the missile. It is equipped with a precision guidance system that allows the missile to hit small targets. It is powered by a cruise turbo-fan engine which enables the missile to reach an approximate speed of 880 km/h (550 miles/h). The missile's design features can be compared with the American BGM-109 Tomahawk cruise missile. However, no confirmation of range or accuracy of the missile has been made.


and even the TEL which company makes such nice TEL in pakistan just wondering?
Taxilla Heavy Industry, THI is designing and supplying most of military hardware for our missile programme including Babur's Transport Erector Launcher.
Neo it is not possible to reverse engineer a Turbofan engine within that time frame and based on open source engine related papers published from Pakistani universities, thats absolutely absurd, look with C2000 core how much long time Cina took in making the WS 10/13!!

I'm absolutely sure it does not has turbofan but Turbojet engine, yet I want to know who colaborated on that.
China has nothing like the Tomahawk, they are developping their own system, and for sure US didn't supply the propulsion system to Pakistan...its was reverse engeneerd, probably with foreign assistance.Taxilla Heavy Industry, THI is designing and supplying most of military hardware for our missile programme including Babur's Transport Erector Launcher.

Dear Neo,

Just curious to know since the guidance system is probably based on Terrain recognition as well as GPS updates, will the Babur be affected if for some reason the USA jams all GPS signals or makes them inaccurate ?

Also would like your views on how you think Pakistan has very accurate terrain maps of India since it doesnot have any military satellites yet.

The reason I say it is that the tests of Babur may have been successsfull over Pakistan as all the above terrain data is available but the same data may not be available about a hostile country for eg the Americans have the most capable cruise missiles but even they suffered inaccuracies when they were launched against OBL inspite of having total control on all parameters.

Neo it is not possible to reverse engineer a Turbofan engine within that time frame and based on open source engine related papers published from Pakistani universities, thats absolutely absurd, look with C2000 core how much long time Cina took in making the WS 10/13!!

I'm absolutely sure it does not has turbofan but Turbojet engine, yet I want to know who colaborated on that.

The Babur CM programme was launched in 1995 and by luck we were able to recover an unexploded example in Balochistan which only expedited out efforts to complete the project.
I'm not claiming that in 100% indigenous design but its based rather on the Tomahawk than any existing Chinese design.
China and Pakistan are two totally different countries when it comes to contra intelligence. Unlike the Chinese we use foreign network to reverse engeneer sensitive technology, there's even a number of Ukranian engeneers working in Pakistan so its likely that we've succeeded in copying the propulsion.
What other alternative do we have??
Dear Neo,

Just curious to know since the guidance system is probably based on Terrain recognition as well as GPS updates, will the Babur be affected if for some reason the USA jams all GPS signals or makes them inaccurate ?
Yes, it will be affected if US jams the GPS signals. Thats the reason we'll be using Chinese guidence system when it becomes operational. IIRC China will have its own GPS network by 2012 consiting of 12-18 satellites orbitting around the world.

Also would like your views on how you think Pakistan has very accurate terrain maps of India since it doesnot have any military satellites yet.
China is providing accurate terrain maps and will continue to support us till we launch our own military satellite.
Badr 2 had some cartographic capabilities, which is highly unuasual for a country with almost no experience in space technologies. Most countries start with communication or research designs instead of cartographic studies.
This only indicates that we're working on a spy satellite. ;)

The reason I say it is that the tests of Babur may have been successsfull over Pakistan as all the above terrain data is available but the same data may not be available about a hostile country for eg the Americans have the most capable cruise missiles but even they suffered inaccuracies when they were launched against OBL inspite of having total control on all parameters.

But the Babur sofar is India specific and we have the terrain coordinates provided by Chinese satellites. Real time intelligence can be acquired from drones and MR platforms, Babur therefor is a credible deterrance.
By Looking at an Engine you can get see how it works, but you cant make it. You cant analyze materials used in it, such as the blades etc, a country which hasnt got much technological base as Pakistan; its nearly impossible.
So who do you think is supplying the propulsion system and how are we able to increase the range if its 'improted' instead of home built.
So who do you think is supplying the propulsion system and how are we able to increase the range if its 'improted' instead of home built.

You tell me,
I can see that Pakistan technological base, most countries dont. Heck even China doesnt.
Getting materials to act the way you want, such as having the right materail for the fan blades etc. Minaturizing an Engine is the most difficult part, A country which hasnt even made or even attempted to make its own aero engine!!!!!! The type materials which may work well in big engine, might not be effective in smaller engine.

For example

Steel, a very common thing. India has lot of world reputed steel companies, but we cant produce the HE-80 grade steel for building submarine hulls. If you dont have that quality of steel, you cant go much into deep waters, there wouldnt be much strength. Again for the Indian Aircarft Carrier Project over here in cochin, They had to import to steel from Russia.Google it is easily available.

But it is ONLY Steel isnt it and India has the best and biggest companies in Steel Business. Yet!!! Think about it.
On the other hand your Indian intelligence has no clue about any foreign support as well.

It is indeed a big surprise and now its part of history that Pakistan was third country in the world to develop and test a cruise missile.
On the other hand your Indian intelligence has no clue about any foreign support as well.

It is indeed a big surprise and now its part of history that Pakistan was third country in the world to develop and test a cruise missile.

Using RAW as a good organization otherwise as inept organizations according to your whims and whams. You havent even a clue on what this is about. So please read up on it, and post something worthwhile. So i can actually really debate with you.
Yes it is a suprise Pakistan made it, and I assure you Pakistan has no hand in making it; other than the paint
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