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Azm-e-Nau-3, 10 April to 13 May.

COAS, Air Chief witness military exercise Azm-e-Nau -3

RAWALPINDI: Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani along with Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman spent a busy day in the field area. They visited various formations and units in the field in connection with Exercise Azm-e-Nau -3.

COAS and CAS witnessed all operations and maneuvers during day as well as night. COAS and CAS appreciated the training standards, battle preparedness, professionalism and high morale of all participating troops in the exercise.

COAS while addressing the troops in exercise area said; “Our aim is to defend the people and country against all types of aggression and threats”, May it be conventional or non conventional”. He said that “We are inferior to none in our professionalism and resolve.

We started the year of training from the concept of “Back to Basics” and now we are testing all concepts evaluated during the war games.

COAS and CAS acknowledged the enthusiasm and zeal of local students and civilians, who have joined the units to participate in the ongoing exercises.

At the end of address the troops present at the venue chanted slogans” Pak Fauj, Pak Fauj - Azme Nau, Azme Nau”.



Azm-e-Nau 3 continuing with professional zeal: ISPR

ISLAMABAD: Exercise Azm-e-Nau 3 is continuing with “professional zeal and commitment”, the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) said on Wednesday. Blue Land forces have launched a counter offensive to exploit imbalance in the Fox Land forces’ structure. According to the statement, the Blue Land’s offensive unfolded exactly as planned. Fox Land forces have started abandoning position against the determined Blue Land forces. Blue Land forces are using “all available forces to off-set the enemy’s designs and offensive”. It is important to mention here that the army is rapidly transforming into a network-enabled army and sufficient benchmarks have already been achieved, and the manifestation of this capability has been projected in the on-going exercise Azm-e-Nau 3. In the given realm the field commander’s up to the lowest tiers will have transparency of the battlefield through a meaningful employment of intelligence and surveillance assets like unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), aerial imageries and early warnings. The real time availability of information about the enemy will not only offset the chance of surprise against any proactive manoeuvres by the enemy, but it will also greatly impact the decision loop of commanders at all levels. Cumulatively it can be regarded as the first milestone towards the net centric war fighting of the army. staff report

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Foxland which is the enemy team attacked the blue land in a fully armoured and highly mechanised formation exactly how indian army is expected to attack (cold start). blue land dispersed as planned and then re launched its attack to confuse attacking formations.

---this is wat was said in an urdu article posted in one of the posts.
dear Sir Fatman or Taimikhan please tell me..
During these exercises......
how did they attack each other.... they use rubber bullets or any other tactics.???
I mean as in Azame-Nau Fox land is attacking and Blue land is defending then how they fight each other in these exercises like a war situation...?


dear Sir Fatman or Taimikhan please tell me..
During these exercises......
how did they attack each other.... they use rubber bullets or any other tactics.???
I mean as in Azame-Nau Fox land is attacking and Blue land is defending then how they fight each other in these exercises like a war situation...?



No actual firing takes places, but practice firing of different weapons in specified firing ranges do take place.

And as for battle, its kind of mock battles, strategies are developed and deployed and then put into action and then based on what happens on ground and what could have been the outcome of the battle, how well the tactic, strategy was employed, the reaction time period of troops, points are awarded or kind of win lose decision is given by the umpires on the ground.

Its little bit complex decision. I remember my dad talking about armored guys during Zerb e Momin, that they would roll on a certain objective and proudly pass on the message that objective captured without giving any casualty figure as if it was nothing and the infantry guys then mocking them of how many of their tanks got knocked out by their RR & Anti-tank emplacements, so the exercise may not give 100% realistic war scenario, but main issue is to test the readiness of the troops, the practical implementation of tactics and strategies and let the troops know of how the war scenario would feel, find the weak points to further improve upon and so on.

I hope in future they get some laser based system which may give a very true picture of how a real fight would take place, if you guys have seen a Japanese fun program called Takeshi's Castle, video below, here the guns fire a laser beam and a receiver if gets a direct hit, the vehicle gets immobilized, it may be expensive procedure, but can be very helpful.

Chinese Army has started to induct such technology, I have seen some of their troops and armored vehicles with such systems.

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dear Sir Fatman or Taimikhan please tell me..
During these exercises......
how did they attack each other.... they use rubber bullets or any other tactics.???
I mean as in Azame-Nau Fox land is attacking and Blue land is defending then how they fight each other in these exercises like a war situation...?



Fighters just engage air targets and bomb ground targets with practice bombs...!:what::pakistan: Regards, Karakoram8 Eagle
‘Army conducting Azm-e-Nau 3 with commitment’

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Army is conducting Exercise Azm-e-Nau 3 with commitment, determination and enthusiasm, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said on Friday.

Fox Land is making all-out efforts to hold ground by inducting more troops. However, Blue Land forces are fighting valiantly on all the fronts and have been able to halt advance by Fox Land. In some sectors, Blue Land is absorbing the attacks purposely to trap Fox Land forces, the ISPR said. As a result all participants are getting ample chance to validate newly adopted techniques and procedures in this exercise. The Blue Land Army is rapidly transforming itself towards a network-enabled army. In the given realm, the field commander up to the lowest tiers have visibility of the battlefield through a meaningful employment of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance assets, like unmanned aerial vehicle UAVs, aerial imageries and early warnings. staff report

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
i am shock to see that no al-khalid taking part in exercise

AKs are mostly in the Sindh area, and the exercise has not yet reached that area i believe, for the time its in those areas, where the Indians have the Cold Start doctrine usage chances more. The exercise has started with 20,000 troops and with passage of time will go towards 50,000 troops strength and AKs and other assets would also be then used.
I jst heard that the first of AZME NAU iz ending on 19 April.DO you thunk there will be a fire power demo and will there be paf taking part in it.
Defence without money, a mere pipedream?

The Pakistan Army’s “Azm-i-nau” or “new resolve” war games that kicked off last week must be acknowledged as a vital measure, necessary to secure key interests versus a grim reminder of its dissociation from a rapidly faltering country.

The ongoing exercise the largest of its kind since the much publicised “zarb-i-momin” or “strike of the faithful” under the former army chief General Aslam Beg, seeks a renewed focus on defensive action in the Pakistani plains along the eastern Indian border.

Pakistan has fought 3 major wars with India here including the 1971 campaign to save the then West Pakistan province after the fall of the eastern wing. It is true that much water has passed under the bridge since the last all out Indo-Pak encounter of 1971. Besides, a combination of people-to-people contacts backed by greater popular awareness of each other has stepped in motion.

But Pakistan’s defence and security planners have good reason to remain on alert, given the large scale build up of Indian armed forces, now emerging as one of the world’s more expense driven outfits. The series of Indian incursions along the line of control in Kashmir right up to Siachen coupled with Pakistan’s reaction in the shape of the Kargil episode continue to point towards an underlying tendency for conflict.

There is little by way of a convincing response to a valid question such as: in the absence of a demonstrable capacity to react, does Pakistan revert to its nuclear option the next time a slice of its territory is run over by Indian forces?

While the threat is real, Pakistan’s ability for adequate preparation to deter the threat continues to be heavily undermined by its failure to secure key domestic components.

The successive government’s failure to revamp the state’s machinery has now overshadowed the military’s ability to keep up with securing Pakistan’s border. Pakistan’s historic democratic deficit also does not help. The military’s past interventions in civilian life continue to fuel periodic expectations from aspiring public leaders.

A country incapable of paying its bills in the face of a dilapidated tax collection system and surrounded by repeated failures to care for its citizens simply will not have the capacity to keep up with its defence related needs.

The matter of this yawning gap between needs and aspirations standing in sharp contrast to resources, is set to become all the more acute as India marches towards the global platform, backed by one of the world’s fastest growing economies and a domestic situation that attracts a growing number of investors.

For cash-strapped Pakistan, maintaining a modern conventional force and internal stability will remain a pipedream.
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