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Azm-e-Nau-3, 10 April to 13 May.

Dear Taimikhan now after watching this above pic what do you think its 10 Barrel A-100 or 12 Barrel A-100 MRLS
and In the first pic what kind of MRLS is on the very right side or it is a kinda radar.....


Did you guys notice the APC had 50 Cal. And Bakhtar shikan both mounted on it.... I never saw these before on our APCs....:pakistan:

I think its AA gun... if im not wrong that you are reffering to 50. cal..


Dear Taimikhan now after watching this above pic what do you think its 10 Barrel A-100 or 12 Barrel A-100 MRLS
and In the first pic what kind of MRLS is on the very right side or it is a kinda radar.....



Its for sure a 10 barrel system, and the other thing that you are referring to is most probably the Chinese SLC-2 weapon locating radar, as the shape of the radar antenna does not matches the TPQ-37/36 radar of US origin.



http://www.defence talk.com/pictures/data/3291/medium/BOARD-4.jpg remove the space between defence & talk and then copy paste to see the picture.
Taimi Bhai & Sir Fatman .... one more question if you dont mind..
why PA obtain 10 Barrel MRLS instead of 12 even the range of 12 barrel is better than 10 barrel A-100.... kinldy throw some light..

One more firepower demo last night in Cholistan by Pak Army using IR guided missile, Alkhalid Tanks and Anza SAM. This was attended by COAS, the demo demonstrated the night time attack capability of various systems. "Jang NP"
Taimi Bhai & Sir Fatman .... one more question if you dont mind..
why PA obtain 10 Barrel MRLS instead of 12 even the range of 12 barrel is better than 10 barrel A-100.... kinldy throw some light..


10 barrel system came earlier, while the 12 barrel system was shown around 2005-06 and started to enter Chinese Army.

And the 10 barrel system can easily be changed into the 12 barrel system, the barrels are just to be removed to bring this change.

And as for range, it depends on the rocket, not barrels. As the rockets for both 10 & 12 barrel systems are same, 300mm rockets. The 120KM range rockets came before, and the 150KM improved rockets came later, so for us no worries in getting the 150KM range rocket, as it still would be compatible with the current 10 barrel system.

why do tanks move so close to each other? wont this make them more vulnerable to air attack. all u need is two three bombs to destroy one formation.
why do tanks move so close to each other? wont this make them more vulnerable to air attack. all u need is two three bombs to destroy one formation.

Sir Ji, exercise hai, in real war situation, they aren't that close, but in some situations they do become close enough but not all the time.
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