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Azm-e-Nau-3, 10 April to 13 May.

I have got a question,The camouflage on the top of AA guns in desert environment is green,i think it doesn't suite.It just fits well for hilly areas ,forests etc but not for sandy dunes.Will some body elaborate why this is so?
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I have got a question,The camouflage on the top of AA guns in desert environment is green,i think it doesn't suites.It just fits well for hilly areas ,forests etc but not for sandy dunes.Will some body elaborate why this is so?

cholistan desert region is full of bushes. you can see it in few videos posted above. hence dark green provides you with a decent cover. someone else can possibly explain as to y dust colour will not be a better option?
I have got a question,The camouflage on the top of AA guns in desert environment is green,i think it doesn't suite.It just fits well for hilly areas ,forests etc but not for sandy dunes.Will some body elaborate why this is so?

These nets come with the guns when they are bought.

But i believe during any time of war situation, the nets would be changes as desert camo is not hard to get onto them.

But as aj said, there are green patches also in Cholistan, so may be PA doesn't needs them to change as their deployment is in areas where they can get camouflaged.

Here is an Iranian one with desert camo, not difficult to be done.

"Pakistan is down and almost out and no longer capable of threatening India militarily. It is only capable of continuing to wage a proxy war through mercenary jihadis."

Gurmeet Kanwal, a retired Indian brigadier general who now runs the Centre for Land War Studies in Delhi.


you agree w/that statement?

politically yes. india cant show to the world that they care about pak military capabilities any more. saying so will undermine india's aim of becoming a world power.

militarily no. india does not have enough military capability to outsmart pakistan on pak land.
Awsome show practice makes perfect and thats who are .... iam very proud to say we are always ready to defend our nation with pride GOD bless Pakistan.
politically yes. india cant show to the world that they care about pak military capabilities any more. saying so will undermine india's aim of becoming a world power.

militarily no. india does not have enough military capability to outsmart pakistan on pak land.

My thoughts exactly, i dont think India is in a position to clobber Pakistan militarily. If that was the case, Post Mumbai was too sweet of a chance for the Indians to miss. Their military's frustration is appearent with this Cold Doctrine, their lack of strength in dealing with Pakistan was appearent during 2001-2002 standoff and Post Mumbai.

In my opinion, the Cold Doctrine would actually benefit Pakistan because mobilization is something Pakistan Armed Forces can be proud off. In a prolongue war, the advantage is definitely with India with their bigger economy and manpower. The introduction of AWACS would ensure that we are aware of whatever the Indians can throw at us, besides our Ground Radar System is also exceptionally strong. I am glad that Pakistan's Armed Forces are taking the necessary steps to ensure that any misadventure from the Indian side will be met with Iron Fist :pakistan:
its nice to see new military equiptments in Pak Army....

1- A-100 multi-rocket launch systems (Equivalent of Russian Smerch MBRL)
2- Oerlikon 35 mm twin cannon with Skyguard Radar
3- Pakistan's mobile MBRL systems
4- WS 1B Multiple Launch Rocket System from China
5- Anza variants
6- RBS 70
7- Al Khalid/ Al-Zarrar/T80-UD MBTs in action
8- Cobra Gunship Helicopters/MI 17 in action
9- Various Howitzers and Artillerys
10- Definately Pak Forces were not excercising Missiles.

Definately now we are at par & may be far professionl than Indian Army..we should focus on SAMs, one more cruise missile equivalent to Brahomas speed (all Platforms) & Pak Navy seriously like new Subs & Destroyers and navy Squardon either JF-17 or J11 must...

Mashallah..long live Pakistan military
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