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Featured Azerbaijan's Border Service Says Two Troops Killed in Clash With Drug Smugglers on Iran Border

hey're saying its drug dealers who shot at both the AZ and IRI border guards.....makes sense...cuz i know AZ doesnt want smoke with IRan, Iran will finish them and their mossad ties fast if they violated....just sayin..

Your mentality is wrong and outdated.. What is there to gain from clashing with the Azeris? Zero? Btw they are far from Walkover and much stronger then the Yahoodis conventionally it will be a massive struggle for nothing or no values for anyone.. The time of muslims firing upon each other has officially ended.. This is a new dawn.... A dawn of brotherhood has been born insha-allah. We have already plenty of enemies and people wishing death upon us anything on the inside is irrelevant from here on out..

Not even Iranians living near Azerbaijan border like mulla regime... who's only support in entire world is Pakistan's current ruling clergy.

Me being an Iranian Azeri knows my nation more than any Iran-Obsessed-conqered&converted-troll on internet from Indic basin. We Turks of Iran are the most patriotic types. We have massacred Ottomans, Russians, Your kind (N-Indics) in wars in name of Iran. We have been royal Medes, Aq Qovanlu, Saffavid, Afsharid, Qajars ... even today our leader is an Azeri Turk. You know nothing about us ad we dont even care what you think as you are a non stake holder in Middle east and West Asia.

and btw nobody cares or know anything about Pakistan in Iran. We share no genetic or cultural ties as thickest most population density of Iran has always been close to its NW borders while your nation is ethnically and culturally more north Indic by population density, so dont assume stuff about Iran.

(Non trollish pakistanis please take no offence to my post brothers)
Me being an Iranian Azeri knows my nation more than any Iran-Obsessed-conqered&converted-troll on internet from Indic basin. We Turks of Iran are the most patriotic types. We have massacred Ottomans, Russians, Your kind (N-Indics) in wars in name of Iran. We have been royal Medes, Aq Qovanlu, Saffavid, Afsharid, Qajars ... even today our leader is an Azeri Turk. You know nothing about us ad we dont even care what you think as you are a non stake holder in Middle east and West Asia.

and btw nobody cares or know anything about Pakistan in Iran. We share no genetic or cultural ties as thickest most population density of Iran has always been close to its NW borders while your nation is ethnically and culturally more north Indic by population density, so dont assume stuff about Iran.

(Non trollish pakistanis please take no offence to my post brothers)

I'm pretty sure most of the military establishment for the last few hundred years was Turkic (Azeri) , while the political/social/court/law/administration etc.. were Persian.

Therefore, when it comes to military. Turks have been an integral part of the military might of Iran and defense of Iran for centuries.
Pakistan and Turkey should immediately consult with Iran and Azerbaijan to reduce tensions.

There is no benefit in Muslims fighting and killing each other for the benefit of others because that's all it ever really does.

Very disappointed to see no one demanding Pakistan to send troops to help Azerbaijan!

It's a conflict between two Muslim majority nations that has not erupted into a full scale war so that's not appropriate.

In this case dialogue is best though I personally supported working with Turkey to attack Syria's Assad and was disappointed with Iran's support of Assad along with their support of Armenia.

Iran would benefit from closer alliances with Pakistan, Turkey and Azerbaijan.
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Israel arms Azerbaijan to take West Azerbaijan and East Azerbaijan. Unless Iran rebuilds its military with military hardware from China and Russia, Iran be in danger of Azerbaijani invasion. In the meantime, Iran should ally with Armenia, Greece, Egypt, Syria, UAE, KSA, Iraq, Bahrain to counter the Turkish and Azerbaijani threat.
Could be fake Armenian propaganda

We Azeri Turks, Sons of Qizilbash Turk lineages are pride of Iran. We have been massacring enemies of Iranfor centuries and we will do it again for Vatanam if need arises.

and btw Azerbaijan is a proud Qizilbash turko Iranic Shia nation that was taken from us, it did not want to. Blood of warrior never fights with itself.

Stop misleading... i daily read news of IRGC brutality in Tabriz and surroundings.

Let me know if you need more...
Stop misleading... i daily read news of IRGC brutality in Tabriz and surroundings.

Let me know if you need more...
VOA, Dailysabah,Arabnews

lol. This pakistani is trying to tell Iranis how they are supposed to feel.
I think if Azerbaijan invades Iran then that gives Russia the pretext to invade Azerbaijan and retake Azerbaijan.
Stop writing nonsense. Iran will occupy all of Azerbaijan from the bottom to the top in less than a month in case of a full blown conflict. Nakhchivan will be invaded in hours.
Stop writing nonsense. Iran will occupy all of Azerbaijan from the bottom to the top in less than a month in case of a full blown conflict. Nakhchivan will be invaded in hours.

Iran would take the Nakhchivan enclave while Russia would take the Azerbaijan mainland.
Iran would take the Nakhchivan enclave while Russia would take the Azerbaijan mainland.
Russia will not be needed unless Turkey gets involved, but I doubt that Turkey would get involved at all.
Iran alone will be more than enough for Azerbaijan. And Armenia will automatically join the war as well.

Anyway, Iran, Turkey and Azerbaijan enjoy good relations now. We have our own differences, but we know how to coexist peacefully.
Russia will not be needed unless Turkey gets involved, but I doubt that Turkey would get involved at all.
Iran alone will be more than enough for Azerbaijan. And Armenia will automatically join the war as well.

Anyway, Iran, Turkey and Azerbaijan enjoy good relations now. We have our own differences, but we know how to coexist peacefully.

Russia and Iran split Azerbaijan. Iran takes Nakhchivan and Russia takes Azerbaijan mainland. Russia and Iran share border once again.
Anyway, Iran, Turkey and Azerbaijan enjoy good relations now. We have our own differences, but we know how to coexist peacefully.

This bro.. That guy has been spreading for years muslim rivalry which imho has died now completely.. There is no tactical value for both Azeribaijan and Turkey to harm Iran but want the opposite want to see Iran prosper.. Iran should start to view them as an asistance
This bro.. That guy has been spreading for years muslim rivalry which imho has died now completely.. There is no tactical value for both Azeribaijan and Turkey to harm Iran but want the opposite want to see Iran prosper.. Iran should start to view them as an asistance going forward
We maintain good relations with both Turkey and Azerbaijan against all odds, particularly with Turkey. It is in the interest of the entire region that Turkey and Iran remain friends.

It is important that Iran maintains good relations with her neighbors, even having good relations with Arabs is very important for us, if they want to improve their relations with us as well.
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